
第14章 The Night Revels of Han Xizai-Gu Hongzhong

The Night Revels of Han Xizai, a Five Dynasties(907.960) hand scroll by Gu Hongzhong, ink and color on silk, 28.7cm×335.5cm, in the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing.

Gu Hongzhong(ca. 910.980), born in areas south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, was a famous figure painter in the Southern Tang Dynasty(937. 975)。

Han Xizai(902.970), a palace graduate in the late Tang period, was once vice minister of imperial secretariat of the Southern Tang Dynasty. According to historical documents, Han Xizai is full of political talent, proficient at music, dance, poem, calligraphy and painting. It is said that Li Yu, king of the Southern Tang Dynasty, wanted to appoint him prime minister, but was afraid of rumors that Han Xizai liked to keep prostitutes, indulge in evening banquets and sing and dance all over night. Thus, the king sent Gu Hongzhong to Han’s mansion at night to explore actual conditions. Upon his return, Gu completed The Night Revels of Han Xizai, an immortal masterpiece.

In the form of strip pictures and hand scroll, it depicts scenes that Han Xizai hosts banquets.

Lively characters, smooth lines and gorgeous colors reflect luxurious life and mentality of aristocrats of the last generation.

The Night Revels of Han Xizai is a masterpiece of ancient figure painting. It reserves a seat for Gu Hongzhong in the history of traditional Chinese painting.