
第75章 Searching Ancient Relics in Fengjing-Dong Qichang

Searching Ancient Relics in Fengjing, a Ming Dynasty(1368.1644) hanging scroll by Dong Qichang, ink on paper, 80cm×29.8cm, in the collection of the Palace Museum, Taipei.

Dong Qichang(1555.1636) was a famous litterateur, calligrapher and painter in the Ming Dynasty. Proficient at drawing landscapes, he founded “Songjiang school of painting” and was a master of different literati paintings in the Yuan Dynasty and a model of literati painters in the late Ming period. Old trees, the thatched hut, the bridge and the village in the fore place and never-ending mountain ranges in the distance constitute a very tranquil and elegant scene. It is a masterpiece of Dong Qichang.