
第10章 Shearing the Wolf(2)

“Me and Andy tries to get this financial misquotationmisquotation n.错误的引用 out of Murkisons head,but we might as well have tried to keep the man who rolls peanuts with a toothpick from betting on Bryans election. No,sir,he was going to perform a public duty by catching these green goods swindlersswindler n.骗子 at their own game. Maybe it would teach em a lesson.


“After Murkison left us me and Andy sat a while prepondering over our silent meditations and heresies of reason. In our idle hours we always improved our higher selves by ratiocinationratiocination n.推理,推论 and mental thought.


“‘Jeff,’ says Andy after a long time,‘quite unseldom I have seen fit to impugn your molars when you have been chewing the rag with me about your conscientiousconscientious adj.尽责的 way of doing business. I may have been often wrong. But here is a case where I think we can agree. I feel that it would be wrong for us to allow Mr. Murkison to go alone to meet those Chicago green goods men. There is but one way it can end. Dont you think we would both feel better if we was to intervene in some way and prevent the doing of this deed?’


“I got up and shook Andy Tuckers hand hard and long.


“‘Andy,’ says I,‘I may have had one or two hard thoughts about the heartlessness of your corporation,but I retract em now. You have a kind nucleus at the interior of your exteriorexterior adj.外部的,外在的,表面的,外交的,[建](适合)外用的 n.外部,表面,外型 after all. It does you credit. I was just thinking the same thing that you have expressed. It would not be honorable or praiseworthypraiseworthy adj.值得称颂的,’ says I,‘for us to let Murkison go on with this project he has taken up. If he is determined to go let us go with him and prevent this swindle from coming off.’


“Andy agreed with me; and I was glad to see that he was in earnest about breaking up this green goods scheme.


“‘I dont call myself a religious man,’ says I,‘or a fanatic in moral bigotry,but I cant stand still and see a man who has built up his business by his own efforts and brains and risk be robbed by an unscrupulousunscrupulous adj.肆无忌惮的,无道德的,不谨慎的 trickster who is a menace to the public good.’


“‘Right,Jeff.’ says Andy. ‘Well stick right along with Murkison if he insists on going and block this funny business. Id hate to see any money dropped in it as bad as you would.’


“Well,we went to see Murkison.


“‘No,boys.’ says he. ‘I cant consent to let the song of this Chicago siren waft by me on the summer breeze. Ill fry some fat out of this ignis fatuus or burn a hole in the skillet. But Id be plumb diverted to death to have you all go along with me. Maybe you could help some when it comes to cashing in the ticket to that 5 to 1 shot. Yes,Id really take it as a pastime and regalementregalement n.盛宴,丰餐 if you boys would go along too.’


“Murkison gives it out in Grassdale that he is going for a few days with Mr. Peters and Mr. Tucker to look over some iron ore property in West Virginia. He wires J. Smith that he will set foot in the spider web on a given date; and the three of us lights out for Chicago.


“On the way Murkison amuses himself with premonitionspremonition n.前兆 and advance pleasant recollections.


“‘In a gray suit,’ says he,‘on the southwest corner of Wabash avenueavenue n.林阴道,大街,方法,途径,路 and Lake street. He drops the paper,and I ask how the water is. Oh,my,my,my!’ And then he laughs all over for five minutes.


“Sometimes Murkison was serious and tried to talk himself out of his cogitations,whatever they was.


“‘Boys,’ says he,‘I wouldnt have this to get out in Grassdale for ten times a thousand dollars. It would ruin me there. But I know you all are all right. I think its the duty of every citizen,’ says he,‘to try to do up these robbers that prey upon the public. Ill showem whether the waters fine. Five dollars for one—thats what J. Smith offers,and hell have to keep his contractcontract n.合同,契约,婚约 v.使缩短,感染,订约 if he does business with Bill Murkison.’
