
第11章 Shearing the Wolf(3)

“We got into Chicago about 7 P.M. Murkison was to meet the gray man at half past 9. We had dinner at a hotel and then went up to Murkisons room to wait for the time to come.


“‘Now,boys,’ says Murkison,‘lets get our gumption together and inoculate a plan for defeating the enemy. Suppose while Im exchanging airy bandage with the gray cappercapper n.装盖的人(或设备),制帽人,封口机,压盖机,托儿(奸商的同伙) you gents come along,by accident,you know,and holler: “Hello,Murk!” and shake hands with symptoms of surprise and familiarity. Then I take the capper aside and tell him you all are Jenkins and Brown of Grassdale,groceries and feed,good men and maybe willing to take a chance while away from home.’


“‘Bring em along,” hell say,of course,“if they care to invest.” Now,how does that scheme strike you?


“‘What do you say,Jeff?’ says Andy,looking at me.


“‘Why,I’ll tell you what I say.’ says I. ‘I say lets settle this thing right here now. I dont see any use of wasting any more time.’ I took a nickelplated 38 out of my pocket and clicked the cylindercylinder n.圆筒,圆柱体,汽缸,柱面 around a few times.


“‘You undevout,sinful,insidious hog,’ says I to Murkison,‘get out that two thousand and lay it on the table. Obey with velocity,’ says I,‘for otherwise alternatives are impending. I am preferably a man of mildness,but now and then I find myself in the middle of extremitiesextremity n.末端,极端,极度,穷困,绝境,临死,非常手段,手足。 Such men as you,’ I went on after he had laid the money out,‘is what keeps the jails and court houses going. You come up here to rob these men of their money. Does it excuse you?’ I asks,‘That they were trying to skin you? No,sir; you was going to rob Peter to stand off Paul. You are ten times worse,’ says I,‘than that green goods man. You go to church at home and pretend to be a decent citizen,but youll come to Chicago and commit larceny from men that have built up a sound and profitable business by dealing with such contemptiblecontemptible adj.可鄙的 scoundrelsscoundrel n.无赖,恶棍 adj.卑鄙的 as you have tried to be today. How do you know,’ says I,‘that that green goods man hasnt a large family dependent upon his extortions? Its you supposedly respectable citizens who are always on the lookout to get something for nothing,’ says I,‘that support the lotteries and wildcat mines and stock exchanges and wire tappers of this country. If it wasnt for you theyd go out of business. The green goods man you was going to rob,’ says I,‘studied maybe for years to learn his trade. Every turn he makes he risks his money and liberty and maybe his life. You come up here all sanctified and vanoplied with respectability and a pleasing post office address to swindle him. If he gets the money you can squeal to the police. If you get it he hocks the gray suit to buy supper and says nothing. Mr. Tucker and me sized you up,’ says I,‘and came along to see that you got what you deserved. Hand over the money,’ says I,‘you grass fed hypocritehypocrite n.伪君子,伪善者。’


“I put the two thousand,which was all in 20 bills,in my inside pocket.


“‘Now get out your watch.’ says I to Murkison. ‘No,I dont want it.’ says I. ‘Lay it on the table and you sit in that chair till it ticks off an hour. Then you can go. If you make any noise or leave any sooner well handbill you all over Grassdale. I guess your high position there is worth more than 2,000 to you.’


“Then me and Andy left.


“On the train Andy was a long time silent. Then he says: ‘Jeff,do you mind my asking you a question?’


“‘Two,’ says I,‘or forty.’


“‘Was that the idea you had,’ says he,‘when we started out with Murkison?’


“‘Why,certainly.’ says I. ‘What else could it have been? Wasnt it yours,too?’


“In about half an hour Andy spoke again. I think there are times when Andy dont exactly understand my system of ethics and moral hygienehygiene n.卫生,卫生学。


“‘Jeff,’ says he,‘some time when you have the leisure I wish youd draw off a diagramdiagram n.图表 and footnotes of that conscience of yours. Id like to have it to refer to occasionally.’”
