
第13章 The Pimienta Pancakes(2)

“I never was shy about women. I never could understand why some men who can break a mustangmustang n.(墨西哥和北美平原的)野马,<美俚>海军行伍出身的军官 before breakfast and shave in the dark,get all lefthanded and full of perspiration and excuses when they see a bold of calico draped around what belongs to it. Inside of eight minutes me and Miss Willella was aggravating the croquet balls around as amiableamiable adj.亲切的,和蔼可亲的 as second cousins. She gave me a dig about the quantity of canned fruit I had eaten,and I got back at her,flatfooted,about how a certain lady named Eve started the fruit trouble in the first freegrass pasture—‘Over in Palestine,wasnt it?’ says I,as easy and pat as roping a oneyearold.

“我在女人面前从不腼腆。我一直弄不明白,有的男人没吃早饭都能制服一匹野马,在漆黑的地方都能刮胡子,为什么一见到穿花衣袋的大姑娘却变得缩手缩脚,汗流浃背,连话都说不上来了。不出八分钟,我同利赖特小姐已经在作弄球,混得像表兄妹那般亲热了。她取笑我,说我吃了那么多罐头水果。我马上回敬她,说水果乱子是一位叫做夏娃的太太在第一个天然牧场里面出来的 ‘在巴勒斯坦那面,对吗?’我随机应变地说,正像用套索捕捉一头一岁的小马那样轻松。

“That was how I acquired cordialitycordiality n.诚实,郑重,诚恳 for the proximities of Miss Willella Learight and the disposition grew larger as time passed. She was stopping at Pimienta Crossing for her health,which was very good,and for the climate,which was forty per cent. hotter than Palestine. I rode over to see her once every week for a while. and then I figured it out that if I doubled the number of trips I would see her twice as often.


“One week I slipped in a third trip; and thats where the pancakes and the pinkeyed snoozer busted into the game.


“That evening,while I set on the counter with a peach and two damsons in my mouth,I asked Uncle Emsley how Miss Willella was.


“‘Why,’ says Uncle Emsley,‘shes gone riding with Jackson Bird,the sheep man from over at Mired Mule Canada.’


“I swallowed the peach seed and the two damson seeds. I guess somebody held the counter by the bridle while I got off; and then I walked out straight ahead till I butted against the mesquite where my roan was tied.


“‘Shes gone riding,’ I whisper in my broncs ear,‘with Birdstone Jack,the hired mule from Sheep Mans Canada. Did you get that,old LeatherandGallops?’


“That bronc of mine wept,in his way. Hed been raised a cow pony and he didnt care for snoozers.


“I went back and said to Uncle Emsley: ‘Did you say a sheep man?’


“‘I said a sheep man.’ says Uncle Emsley again. ‘You must have heard tell of Jackson Bird. Hes got eight sections of grazing and four thousand head of the finest Merinos south of the Arctic Circle.’


“I went out and sat on the ground in the shade of the store and leaned against a prickly pear. I sifted sand into my boots with unthinking hands while I soliloquised a quantity about this bird with the Jackson plumage to his name.


“I never had believed in harming sheep men. I see one,one day,reading a Latin grammar on hossback,and I never touched him! They never irritated me like they do most cowmen. You wouldnt go to work now,and impair and disfiguredisfigure v.损伤外貌,使变丑 snoozers,would you,that eat on tables and wear little shoes and speak to you on subjects? I had always let em pass,just as you would a jackrabbit,with a polite word and a guess about the weather,but no stopping to swap canteens. I never thought it was worth while to be hostile with a snoozer. And because Id been lenient,and let em live,here was one going around riding with Miss Willella Learight!


“An hour by sun they come loping back,and stopped at Uncle Emsleys gate. The sheep person helped her off,and they stood throwing each other sentences all sprightful and sagacious for a while. And then this feathered Jackson flies up in his saddle and raises his little stewpot of a hat,and trots off in the direction of his mutton ranch. By this time I had turned the sand out of my boots and unpinnedunpin vt.拔去别针,拔掉闩 myself from the prickly pear,and by the time he gets half a mile out of Pimienta,I singlefoots up beside him on my bronc.


“I said that snoozer was pinkeyed,but he wasnt. His seeing arrangement was grey enough,but his eyelashes was pink and his hair was sandy,and that gave you the idea. Sheep man?—He wasnt more than a lamb man,anyhow—a little thing with his neck involved in a yellow silk handkerchief,and shoes tied up in bowknots.

“我先前说过,牧羊人的眼睛是粉红色的,其实不然。他那看东西的家什倒是灰色的,只不过睫毛泛红,头发又是沙黄色,因此给人以一种错觉。那个牧羊人 其实只能算是牧羊人身材瘦小,脖子上围着一条黄绸巾,鞋带打成蝴蝶结。

“‘Afternoon!’ says I to him,‘You now ride with an equestrianequestrian adj.骑马的,马的,在马背上的,(古罗马)市民特权阶层成员的,骑士阶层的 n.骑手 who is commonly called DeadMoralCertainty Judson,on account of the way I shoot. When I want a stranger to know me I always introduce myself before the draw,for I never did like to shake hands with ghosts.’
