
第14章 The Pimienta Pancakes(3)

“‘Ah,’ says he,just like that—‘Ah,Im glad to know you,Mr. Judson. Im Jackson Bird,from over at Mired Mule Ranch.’


“Just then one of my eyes saw a roadrunnerroadrunner n.[鸟](中美、北美产)走鹃 skipping down the hill with a young tarantulatarantula n.[动]鸟蛛,狼蛛 in his bill,and the other eye noticed a rabbithawk sitting on a dead limb in a waterelm. I popped over one after the other with my fortyfive,just to show him.‘Two out of three.’ says I. ‘Birds just naturally seem to draw my fire wherever I go.’


“‘Nice shooting,’ says the sheep man,without a flutter. ‘But dont you sometimes ever miss the third shot? Elegant fine rain that was last week for the young grass,Mr. Judson?’ says he.


“‘Willie,’ says I,riding over close to his palfrey,‘your infatuated parents may have denounced you by the name of Jackson,but you sure moultedmoult n.换毛,脱毛 v.脱毛,换毛 into a twittering Willie—let us slough off this here analysis of rain and the elements,and get down to talk that is outside the vocabulary of parrots. That is a bad habit you have got of riding with young ladies over at Pimienta. Ive known birds,’ says I,‘to be served on toast for less than that. Miss Willella,’ says I,‘dont ever want any nest made out of sheeps wool by a tomtit of the Jacksonian branch of ornithologyornithology n.鸟类学,鸟学论文。 Now,are you going to quit,or do you wish for to gallop up against this DeadMoralCertainty attachment to my name,which is good for two hyphens and at least one set of funeral obsequies?’


“Jackson Bird flushed up some,and then he laughed.


“‘Why,Mr. Judson,’ says he,‘youve got the wrong idea. Ive called on Miss Learight a few times,but not for the purpose you imagine. My object is purely a gastronomicalgastronomical adj.(=gastronomic)美食法的,美食学的 one.’


“I reached for my gun.


“‘Any coyote,’ says I,‘that would boast of dishonourable—’


“‘Wait a minute,’ says this Bird,‘till I explain. What would I do with a wife? If you ever saw that ranch of mine! I do my own cooking and mending. Eating—thats all the pleasure I get out of sheep raising. Mr. Judson,did you ever taste the pancakes that Miss Learight makes?’


“‘Me? No.’ I told him. ‘I never was advised that she was up to any culinary manoeuvresmanoeuvre n.[亦作maneuvre]策略,调动 v.用策略,调动,演习,(敏捷地)操纵。’


“‘Theyre golden sunshine,’ says he,‘honeybrowned by the ambrosial fires of Epicurus. Id give two years of my life to get the recipe for making them pancakes. Thats what I went to see Miss Learight for,’ says Jackson Bird,‘but I havent been able to get it from her. Its an old recipe thats been in the family for seventyfive years. They hand it down from one generation to another,but they dont give it away to outsiders. If I could get that recipe,so I could make them pancakes for myself on my ranch,Id be a happy man.’ says Bird.


“‘Are you sure.’ I says to him,‘that it aint the hand that mixes the pancakes that youre after?’


“‘Sure,’ says Jackson. ‘Miss Learight is a mighty nice girl,but I can assure you my intentions go no further than the gastro—’ but he seen my hand going down to my holster and he changed his similitude—‘than the desire to procureprocure v.获得,取得 a copy of the pancake recipe,’ he finishes.

“‘当然。’杰克逊说。‘利赖特小姐是个极好的姑娘,但是我可以向你保证,我的目的只限于胃口 ’他见到我的手又去摸枪套,立即改口 ‘只限于设法弄一张调制配方。’他结束说。

“‘You aint such a bad little man.’ says I,trying to be fair. ‘I was thinking some of making orphans of your sheep,but Ill let you fly away this time. But you stick to pancakes,’ says I,‘as close as the middle one of a stack; and dont go and mistake sentiments for syrup,or therell be singing at your ranch,and you wont hear it.’


“‘To convince you that I am sincere,’ says the sheep man,‘Ill ask you to help me. Miss Learight and you being closer friends,maybe she would do for you what she wouldnt for me. If you will get me a copy of that pancake reciperecipe n.处方,I give you my word that Ill never call upon her again.’


“‘Thats fair.’ I says,and I shook hands with Jackson Bird. ‘Ill get it for you if I can,and glad to oblige.’ And he turned off down the big pear flat on the Piedra,in the direction of Mired Mule; and I steered northwest for old Bill Toomeys ranch.
