
第4章 The Twelve Brothers(2)

So she took the twelve shirts and went forth,and straight into the great forest. She walked the whole day,and in the evening she came to the bewitched hut. Then she entered it and found a young boy,who asked. “From whence do you come,and whither are you bound?” And was astonished that she was so beautiful,and wore royal garments,and had a star on her forehead. And she answered,“I am a kings daughter,and am seeking my twelve brothers,and I will walk as far as the sky is blue until I find them.” And she showed him the twelve shirts which belonged to them. Then Benjamin saw that she was his sister,and said,“I am Benjamin,your youngest brother.” And she began to weep for joy,and Benjamin wept also,and they kissed and embraced embrace vt.拥抱,互相拥抱,包含,收买,信奉 each other with the greatest love. But after this he said,“Dear sister,there is still one difficulty. We have agreed that every maiden whom we meet shall die,because we have been obliged `to leave our kingdom on account of a girl.” Then said she,“I will willingly die,if by so doing I can save my twelve brothers.” “No,” answered he,“you shall not die. Seat yourself beneath this tub until our eleven brothers come,and then I will soon come to an agreement with them.” She did so,and when it was night the others came from hunting,and their dinner was ready. And as they were sitting at table,and eating,they asked,“What news is there.” Said Benjamin,“Dont you know anything.” “No.” they answered. He continued,“You have been in the forest and I have stayed at home,and yet I know more than you do.” “Tell us then.” they cried. He answered,“But promise me that the first maiden who meets us shall not be killed.” “Yes,” they all cried,“she shall have mercymercy n.仁慈,宽恕,怜悯,only do tell us.” Then said he,“Our sister is here.” and he lifted up the tub,and the kings daughter came forth in her royal garments with the golden star on her forehead,and she was beautiful,delicate and fair. Then they were all rejoiced,and fell on her neck,and kissed and loved her with all their hearts.

说罢,女孩拿起那十二件衬衫,离开王宫,径直朝大森林中走去。她走了一天一夜,晚上来到那所中了魔的小屋前。她走进去,发现一个男孩子。男孩问她:“你从哪儿来?要去什么地方?” 男孩见她模样儿那么俊,穿着华丽的衣服,额头上还有一颗金星,非常惊讶。她回答:“我是这个国家的公主,来找我的十二个哥哥,哪怕走遍天涯海角,都非找到他们不可。” 说着,她让他看她哥哥们的十二件衬衫。本雅明立刻明白,她是他的妹妹,就说:“我叫本雅明,是你最小的哥哥呢!” 小姑娘高兴得哭起来,本雅明也一样。兄妹二人亲热得又是接吻,又是拥抱。接着,男孩说:“亲爱的妹妹,现在还有个问题:我们哥儿几个说好了,碰见任何一个女孩都要杀掉她,因为是为一个女孩,我们被迫离开了自己的王国。” 妹妹听了回答:“我乐意被杀死,只要这样能救我的哥哥!” “不,” 本雅明说,“不能让你死!藏到这只桶下面,等十一个哥哥回来,我会说服他们的。” 女孩照着做了。晚上,打猎的哥哥回家来,晚餐已经摆好。他们坐到桌边吃起来,边吃边问: “有什么新鲜事吗?” ——“你们一点不知道?” 本雅明反问。——“不知道。” 他们回答。本雅明便讲:“你们去了森林里,我一个人留在家中,知道得比你们多。” “那快讲吧!” 他们齐声叫起来。他于是回答:“那你们也得答应我,不杀死我们遇见的第一个女孩子,好吗?” “好,” 他们一齐喊,“咱们饶恕她,快讲呀!” ——“咱们的妹妹来啦!” 本雅明这时才说,说着掀开桶,公主便走出来,衣着高贵,额头上有着一颗金星,真是又美丽,又温柔,又文雅啊。大伙儿一见都很高兴,都吻她和拥抱她,都打心眼儿里爱她。

Now she stayed at home with Benjamin and helped him with the work. The eleven went into the forest and caught game,and deer,and birds,and woodpigeons that they might have food,and the little sister and Benjamin took care to make it ready for them. She sought for the wood for cooking and herbs for vegetables,and put the pans on the fire so that the dinner was always ready when the eleven came. She likewise kept order in the little house,and put beautifully white clean coverings on the little beds and the brothers were always contented and lived in great harmonyharmony n.协调,融洽 with her.
