
第5章 The Twelve Brothers(3)

Once upon a time the two at home had prepared a wonderful feast,and when they were all together,they sat down and ate and drank and were full of gladnessgladness n.欢乐,喜悦,欢喜。 There was,however,a little garden belonging to the bewitched house wherein stood twelve lily flowers,which are likewise called studentlilies. She wished to give her brothers pleasure,and plucked the twelve flowers,and thought she would present each brother with one while at dinner. But at the selfsame moment that she plucked the flowers the twelve brothers were changed into twelve ravens,and flew away over the forest,and the house and garden vanished likewise. And now the poor maiden was alone in the wild forest,and when she looked around,an old woman was standing near her who said,“My child,what have you done?” “Why did you not leave the twelve white flowers growing? They were your brothers,who are now forevermoreforevermore adv.永远地,恒久地 changed into ravens.” The maiden said,“Weeping,is there no way of saving them.” “No,” said the woman,“there is but one in the whole world,and that is so hard that you will not save them by it,for you must be dumbdumb adj.哑的,无说话能力的,不说话的,无声音的 for seven years,and may not speak or laugh,and if you speak one single word,and only an hour of the seven years is wanting,all is in vain,and your brothers will be killed by the one word.”

有一天,留在家里的兄妹俩做成功了一顿很可口的饭菜。大伙儿全到齐以后,便坐到桌边又吃又喝,高兴极了。在这中了魔的小屋旁边,有座小花园,园里长着十二朵百合花。小妹妹想叫哥哥们更快活,就去摘下这些花,打算在吃完饭以后送给他们。哪晓得她刚一摘下百合花,十二弟兄顿时变成十二只乌鸦,从森林上空飞去,还有那所小魔屋连同小花园,也不知去向了。这一来可怜的小姑娘孤零零一个人,留在大森林里。她转头四处张望,却见旁边站着一个老太婆。老婆子对她说:“我的孩子,瞧你干的好事!为什么你不让那十二朵花长着啊?它们是你的哥哥,现在永远变成乌鸦啦。” 小姑娘哭着问:“难道没有任何办法救他们了么?” “没有,” 老婆子回答,“有,除非你做到一件事,可它呀太难太难喽。因为,你必须做七年哑巴,不准说话也不准笑,这样你才能救他们。你只要说了一个字,只要差一小时不到七年,那就一切都白费——你的哥哥们就会被你说的那个字杀死。”

Then said the maiden in her heart,“I know with certainty that I shall set my brothers free.” And went and sought a high tree and seated herself in it and spun,and neither spoke nor laughed. Now it so happened that a king was hunting in the forest,who had a great greyhoundgreyhound n.灰狗,快速船 which ran to the tree on which the maiden was sitting,and sprang about it,whining,and barking at her. Then the king came by and saw the beautiful kings daughter with the golden star on her brow,and was so charmed with her beauty that he called to ask her if she would be his wife. She made no answer,but noddednod v.点头,点…… a little with her head. So he climbed up the tree himself,carried her down,placed her on his horse,and bore her home. Then the wedding was solemnizedsolemnize v.隆重庆祝 with great magnificence and rejoicing,but the bride neither spoke nor smiled. When they had lived happily together for a few years,the kings mother,who was a wicked woman,began to slanderslander v.诽谤 the young queen,and said to the king,“This is a common beggar girl whom you have brought back with you. Who knows what wicked tricks she practises secretly. Even if she be dumb,and not able to speak,she still might laugh for once. But those who do not laugh have bad consciencesconscience n.良心,道德心。” At first the king would not believe it,but the old woman urged this so long,and accusedaccuse vt.控告,谴责,非难 her of so many evil things,that at last the king let himself be persuaded and sentenced her to death. And now a great fire was lighted in the courtyard in which she was to be burnt,and the king stood above at the window and looked on with tearful eyes,because he still loved her so much. And when she was bound fast to the stake,and the fire was licking at her clothes with its red tongue,the last instant of the seven years expiredexpire v.期满,终止,呼气,断气,届满。 Then a whirring sound was heard in the air,and twelve ravens came flying towards the place,and sank downwards,and when they touched the earth they were her twelve brothers,whom she had saved. They tore the fire asunderasunder adv.分离,成碎片,extinguishedextinguish vt.熄灭,消灭,压制,使黯然失色,偿清 the flames,set their dear sister free,and kissed and embracedembrace vt.拥抱,互相拥抱,包含,收买,信奉 her. And now as she dared to open her mouth and speak,she told the king why she had been dumb,and had never laughed. The king rejoiced when he heard that she was innocentinnocent adj.(~ of) 清白的,无罪的,天真的,无知的,and they all lived in great unity until their death. The wicked stepmother was taken before the judge,and put into a barrel filled with boiling oil and venomousvenomous adj.有毒的,分泌毒液的,有毒腺的,恶意的,狠毒的 snakes,and died an evil death.

姑娘心里却说:“ 我清楚,我一定能救回哥哥们!“于是就去找一棵很高的树,爬上去坐在一上面纺起线来,既不说话,也不笑。过了一些时候,一位年轻国王来森林打猎,带着一条大狼犬。狼犬跑到了姑娘坐的树下,围着树跳来蹦去,不断朝树上吠叫。国王赶过来,发现了额头上有一颗金星的美丽公主,一下子让她的漂亮容貌给迷住了,大声地问她愿不愿做他的王后。姑娘不回答,却微微点了一下头。国王于是亲自爬上树去抱她下来,放上马鞍,带她回到宫里。婚礼举行得既豪华,又热闹,只是新娘子却不说一句话,也不笑一笑。夫妇俩幸福地一道生活了一些年。国王的母亲本是个刁婆子,开始说起年轻王后的坏话来。她对国王讲:” 你娶回来了个下贱的女乞丐,谁知道她偷偷在干些什么亵渎上帝的勾当呢?就算她是哑巴,不会讲话,她至少也可以笑一笑啊。而一个压根儿不笑的人,肯定有着坏心肠。国王开始不相信。可老太婆一直喋喋不休,说了许许多多坏话,国王终于给蒙住了,判了王后死刑。眼下在院子里已燃起一大堆火,准备把王后用火烧死。国王呢,站在楼上的窗口前,眼泪汪汪地看着,因为他还非常非常爱自己的妻子啊。当她已绑在木桩上,红红的火舌已舐着她的衣裙,七年的最后一刹那正好过去了。突然,空中传来一阵卜卜卜的声音,从远方飞来十二只乌鸦,徐徐降落在院子里。它们刚一触到地面,就变成她的十二个哥哥——是她救了他们。哥们几个拆散火堆,扑灭火焰,解下自己的妹妹,又是亲吻又是拥抱。现在她可以开口讲话了,就告诉国王她为什么做了哑巴,为什么从来不笑。国王听见她是清白无辜的,非常高兴。他俩一直和和睦睦生活到了百年。那刁恶的老王后受到审判,被罚关进一只装着沸油和毒蛇的大桶,死得很惨。