
第6章 The Raven(1)


There was once upon a time a queen who had a little daughter who was still so young that she had to be carried. One day the child was naughtynaughty adj.顽皮的,淘气的,不听话的,没规矩的,不适当的,下流的,and the mother might say what she liked,but the child would not be quiet. Then she became impatient,and as the ravens were flying about the palace,she opened the window and said,“I wish you were a raven and would fly away,and then I should have some rest.” Scarcelyscarcely adv.几乎不,简直没有 had she spoken the words,before the child was changed into a raven,and flew from her arms out of the window. It flew into a dark forest,and stayed in it a long time,and the parents heard nothing of their child. Then one day a man was on his way through this forest and heard the raven crying,and followed the voice,and when he came nearer,the bird said,“I am a kings daughter by birth,and am bewitched,but you can set me free.” “What am I to do.” asked he. She said,“Go further into the forest,and you will find a house,wherein sits an aged woman,who will offer you meat and drink,but you must accept nothing,for if you eat and drink anything,you will fall into a sleep,and then you will not be able to set me free. In the garden behind the house there is a great heapheap n.堆,大量,许多 of tan,and on this you shall stand and wait for me. For three days I will come every afternoon at two oclock in a carriage. On the first day four white horses will be harnessedharness vt.上马具,披上甲胄,利用(河流、瀑布等)产生动力(尤指电力) to it,then four chestnutchestnut n.栗子 horses,and lastly four black ones,but if you are not awake,but sleeping,I shall not be set free.” The man promised to do everything that she desired,but the raven said,“Alas,I know already that you will not set me free,you will accept something from the woman.” Then the man once more promised that he would certainly not touch anything either to eat or to drink. But when he entered the house the old woman came to him and said,“Poor man,how faint you are,come and refreshrefresh v.(使)精神振作,(使)精力恢复,更新 yourself,eat and drink.” “No,” said the man,“I will not eat or drink.” She,however,let him have no peace,and said,“If you will not eat,take one drink out of the glass,one is nothing.” Then he let himself be persuaded,and drank. Shortly before two oclock in the afternoon he went into the garden to the tan heap to wait for the raven. As he was standing there,his wearinessweariness n.疲倦,厌烦,疲劳 all at once became so great that he could not struggle against it,and lay down for a short time,but he was determined not to go to sleep. Hardly,however,had he lain down,than his eyes closed of their own accord,and he fell asleep and slept so soundly that nothing in the world could have arousedarouse vt.唤醒,唤起,鼓励,引起 him. At two oclock the raven came driving up with four white horses,but she was already in deep grief and said,“I know he is asleep.” And when she came into the garden,he was indeed lying there asleep on the heap of tan. She alighted from the carriage,went to him,shook him,and called him,but he did not awake. Next day about noon,the old woman came again and brought him food and drink,but he would not take any of it. But she let him have no rest and persuaded him until at length he again took one drink out of the glass. Towards two oclock he went into the garden to the tan heap to wait for the raven,but all at once felt such a great weariness that his limbs would no longer support him. He could not help himself,and was forced to lie downlie down v.躺下,and fell into a heavy sleep. When the raven drove up with four brown horses,she was already full of griefgrief n.悲痛,伤心事,不幸,忧伤,and said,“I know he is asleep.” She went to him,but there he lay sleeping,and there was no wakeningwaken vt.唤醒 him. Next day the old woman asked what was the meaning of this. He was neither eating nor drinking anything,did he want to die. He replied,“I am not allowed to eat or drink,and will not do so.” But she set a dish with food,and a glass with wine before him,and when he smelt it he could not resist,and swallowedswallow vt.咽,淹没,吞没,取消,忍受,轻信,压制,耗尽 a deep draughtdraught n.拖,拉,一网(鱼),气流。 When the time came,he went out into the garden to the heap of tan,and waited for the kings daughter,but he became still more wearyweary adj.疲倦的,厌倦的,令人厌烦的,疲劳 than on the day before,and lay down and slept as soundly as if he had been a stone. At two oclock the raven came with four black horses,and the coachmancoachman n.马车夫 and everything else was black. She was already in the deepest grief,and said,“I know that he is asleep and cannot set me free.” When she came to him,there he was lying fast asleep. She shook him and called him,but she could not waken him. Then she laid a loaf beside him,and after that a piece of meat,and thirdly a bottle of wine,and he might consumeconsume vt.消耗,消费,消灭,大吃大喝,吸引 as much of all of them as he liked,but they would never grow less. After this she took a gold ring from her finger,and put it on his,and her name was graven on it. Lastly,she laid a letter beside him wherein was written what she had given him,and that none of the things would ever grow less,and in it was also written,“I see right well that here you will never be able to set me free,but if you are still willing to do so,come to the golden castle of Stromberg,it lies in your power,of that I am certain.” And when she had given him all these things,she seated herself in her carriage,and drove to the golden castle of Stromberg.