
第20章 出发前



1. How about going to...? 去……怎么样?(对于目的的建议的表达)

2. Shall we...? 去……好不好?(另一种建议,提议方式)

3. I’m planning to go to...我打算去……(此句表达自己对于目的地的计划)

4. Let’s....我们去……。(此句为祈使句行,较强烈的建议)

5. I’m going to...我准备去……(通用的表达形式,适用于很多状况)

6. I heard... is a quite beautiful country/place.


7. I have been dreaming to go there for a long time.


8. I’ll spend...days...in...我将在……待……天(对于既定计划的陈述)

9. I have been planning to go there for years.我好几年前就计划去那里了。(较强的目的性,计划性,愿望强烈)

10. Going abroad or traveling within the boundary, which would you like to choose? 出国游和境内游,你会选哪个?(此句表达对于旅游地点的定位,纯粹的提问,无个人倾向)

11. I would like to pay a visit to...


12. I’m going on a tour of...



1. When would you like to set out?你想什么时候出发呢?(商量出发的时间,是规划行程中的必要一环)

2. What dates would you like to return?你什么时候想返程?(商量返回的时间,也是必不可少的)

3. The airline or train ticket ordered with the departure city of A and arrival city of B.飞机票或者火车票预订的出发地点是城市A,到达城市B。(对于旅途的较明确的安排)

4. On the first leg of your trip, from A to B.你旅行的第一站是从A城到B城。(较明确的安排)

5. We will stay at A for 3 days and then we’ll set out to B. 我们将在那里待3天,然后出发去B地。(对于第一站后的后续安排)

6. We’ll eat at the most famous restaurant while we stay there.我们将在当地最有名的餐馆吃饭。(此句表达对于旅行餐饮的安排)

7. We will stay in the local hotel to rest ourselves. 我们将在当地宾馆休息。(对于住宿的安排,是行程安排的一部分)

8. We’ll go to see the historic sites and beautiful scenic spots of the city. 我们去参观这座城市的历史遗址和风景名胜。(对于游览景点的计划安排)

9. We need a local guide to get to know this city better.我们需要一名当地导游好让我们更深入了解这座城市。(此句表达了,对于旅游地的特殊安排,私人的导游服务)

10. We’ll have one day for shopping我们将用一天用来购物。(购物是旅游文化中的重要一环)

11. We need to book a taxi to take us to the airport.我们需要预定一辆出租车带我们去机场。(这是对于陌生地的交通便捷安排)12. We’ll need to buy some souvenirs. 我们需要买一点纪念品。(旅游必不可少的部分,必要环节)

A: We’ll need to buy some souvenirs for our family.

B: Yah. It’s my favorite part.

A: 我们需要买一点纪念品给我们的家人。

B: 耶,这是我最喜欢做的事儿了。


1. I’d like to book a flight to...我想订一张去……的机票。(票务预订的一般表达)

2. I’ll need a first/economy ticket. 我要一张(头等舱或经济舱)的票。

3. Can you tell me if there is a flight to...? 能告诉我有去……的航班吗?(较为委婉的表达,对于航班的问询)

4. Do you have any direct/non-stop flights. 有没有直达的航班?(直达航班能省去转机的麻烦,一般订机票需要问清楚)

5. Can you put me on the waiting list for Flight 121.我想搭乘航班121,你能把我放入候机名单吗?(很明确的订票表达)

6. What about other flights? 其他的航班如何?(深入问询的表达,对于前者问询结果的不满意)

7. Can you change it to an earlier flight? 你能换一个早一点的航班吗?(航班预定的变动表达)

8. Do you have any cheaper tickets?还有比较便宜的机票吗?(对于票价的不满意,犹豫的表达)

9. How much is the ticket?票多少钱?

10. I’d like to have my departure time changed to...我想将我的离开时间变为……(对于航班的变动的表达,改变出发时间意味着换航班)

11. I’d like to make a reservation.我想预订一下机票或者房间。(预订最为普遍的表达)

12. Do you have a room available for tomorrow afternoon? 明天下午有一间空房吗?(这是明确了到达时间的房间预订表达)

13. I want a double/single room.我想要一间双人或单人房。(对于房间类型的要求)

14. Does the price include breakfast? 房价包括早餐吗?(外国的很多旅馆包括早点服务)

15. What other services does your hotel offer? 你们旅馆还提供其他服务吗?(通常酒店里面还包括其他服务,比如健身,足疗等等)16. I’d like a room with a sea-view. 我想来一间海景房。(如果所住旅馆沿海可以要求住在能够看海的房间,一般价位较高)

17. What’s the price of the room including tax? 税后房价是多少?(在中国一般是税后价,如果出国最好问清楚一点)

18. Can I pay with traveler’s checks? 我可以用旅行支票支付吗?(不是所有酒店都收旅行支票,这一点要了解)取消订位/订房

1. I would like to cancel my reservation for Monday.


2. I need to cancel my flight. 我想取消航班。(较为直白的表达)

3. I’d like to stay for...days longer. 我想在这多留……天。(对于取消预订,有时候是航班变动的较为委婉的表达)

4. I need to cancel that because I have had a last minute change of plans.由于临时计划有变我要取消预订航班。(此种表达说明了取消预订的原因)

5. There are some changes , my Flight 121 needs to be canceled.有些变动,我的121次航班要取消。

6. Could you please cancel my flight 121 for me? 请问可以帮我取消121航班吗?(通用的表达形式,比较客气的表达)

7. Is there anything else I can do for you? 请问还需要其他服务吗?(一般服务人员的问话)

8. Sorry, it’s too late to cancel it. You will lose your credits.对不起,现在取消太迟了,您会丢掉您的积分信用值。(超过规定时间的预订,会承担部分后果)