
第32章 Garfield加菲猫(2)

3.肚子大不可怕。可怕的是肚子里没有好东西,或者说,没有好吃的东西。(Having a big belly is not awful.What awful is not having good stuff in it,or,no good food.)

尽管加菲是一只馋嘴猫、大懒猫,但他绝非一只笨猫。当好友毛毛为看到牛奶运送车驶来而兴奋时,他却冷静地说:“我决不离开死巷。那边是麻烦集散地。”(“I don’t leave the cul-de-sac for anything.Out there,it’s a hornet’s nest of trouble.”),体现了他经验的丰富和生活的智慧。然后,他用“甜言蜜语”鼓动自己的好友毛毛帮他完成“偷奶计划”。而面对凶神恶煞的大黑狗卢卡时,他毫不胆怯,一边用言语刺激卢卡,一边和卢卡在草坪上绕圈子,结果卢卡被自己的链子绑住了,加菲则在一旁开心地大跳自己独创的“屁股扭扭舞”。

我们曾在《大话王》这部影片的精彩对白中分析了英语重音(stress)的发音规则。在本部电影中,重音技巧的运用增加了这类卡通片角色的戏剧性。现试以加菲和毛毛的部分对话为例,其中黑体单词需重读:Nermal:Yeah,but maybe not today.Maybe it’s changing routes.Maybe this’ll be the last we’ll ever see of it.Come on.It’s just across the street.We’re cats.We like milk.Let’s go for it.



Garfiled:But nothin’.I don’t leave the cul-de-sac for anything.Out there,it’s a hornet’s nest of trouble.Bad things happen out there.So I don’t go out there.Besides,I’ve found if you wait long enough,everything comes to you.

除了以上提及的重读的一般情况,有时还会出现特殊情况:首先,当情态动词、系动词、助动词出现在句首或者与否定词缩短为一词时,一般需重读,例如:此节中Garfield说“I don’t leave the cul-de-sac for anything.”,其中否定式的助动词don’t就应该重读。其次,如果代词表示强调,也应重读,例如:Nermal对Garfield说“We’re cats.We like milk”,强调他们都是猫,而猫的天性都爱喝奶,因此两句中的代词we需要重读。

还有一点,Nermal说“Maybe this’ll be the last we’ll ever see of it.”时,为了强调偷牛奶车送来的牛奶机不可失,时不再来,说到last一词时用了比较夸张的拖长音,不再是普通的美国音/l?st/,而变成了念长元音的/l?:st/,模仿时须留意。


Garfield set out to find the lost puppie Odie.

Garfield:Can anyone direct me to the pink building...that’s shown on the back of the Kibbly Kat box?Uh,it’s the one right by the blue-and-orange tree.Well,this doesn’t feel pink building-ish1.Hello?Now where you going?Oh,what is that?Uh-oh,rats2.

Rat father:Come on!Come on!

Garfield:Rats,the size of rats.

Rat father:Come on,kids.

Rats:Is that big orange blob3 a cat?

Garfield:Hey,now,why am I being surrounded4 here?Some of my best friends are vermin5.

Rats:Finally,some meat.

Garfield:Meat?No,it’s not meat.I’m…They measured.It’s 100%body fat6.No nutritional7 value whatsoever8.

Rat father:Hey,body fat’s good with us.



Louis:Garfield!Coming through.Hey,what’s going on here?Oh,it’s my friend.

Rat father:Come on,Louis.I got 3,000 teeny10 mouths to feed.

Louis:Hey,back off11.Garfield?What are you doing here?

Garfield:Besides defending12 my life?Jon got a dog...dog got kidnapped13 by a TV star.I’m trying to rescue14 him.

Louis:Seems like you got yourself in a jam15,huh?I wish there was something I could do to help you out.

Garfield:Louis,I think you and I have an account16 still,remember?The macadamia17 nut cookies?

Louis:I do love the macadamia.Sorry,rat pack18,this cat’s with me19.

Rats:Awe,come on.

Louis:You all get to roll.Go ahead.Roll out20.

Rat father:Who wants to go to the Red Lobster21 alley22?

Garfield:Hey,maybe next time,little critters23.Good luck with the plague24 and rabies25 and everything.

Rat father:Don’t push your luck26,fat cat.

Louis:Garfield,you can’t just be wandering around the city.There are dangers everywhere.Potholes27,subways,animal control.

Garfield:You think you can get me to Telegraph28 Tower?

Louis:Two more cookies and you got a deal.But we gotta keep it on the down-low29.

Garfield:How down low do we have to go?

Louis:You,Garfield,you with me?

Garfield:Louis,this is a little bit lower than I expected.If I didn’t have a box over my head,I’d be humiliated30.

Louis:Okay,hold up31.All right.We’re almost there.Now,when I give you the signal,we gotta cross the street.

Garfield:Way over there by the horizon32?

Louis:Come on,Garfield.Let’s go!

Garfield:Wait up!Wait up!Am I dead?

Louis:Garfield,don’t move!

Garfield:Don’t move?Not a problem.

Louis:Just wait for the walk signal.

Garfield:Oh,no,it’s a stampede33!Stampede!If I can just get away from this herd34.

Louis:Garfield!Garfield!Garfield,where are you?Garfield,get down from there,man.

Garfield:No.I’m not coming down.I’m happy to live the rest of my life up here.Thank you.After finding Garfield was gone,Jon was so worried that he went immediately to tell Liz about it.


Liz:What’s wrong?

Jon:Garfield’s gone.I think he’s run away too.First Odie,and now Garfield.Liz,I am the worst pet owner on the planet.

Liz:Wait.What happened?

Jon:I can’t find him.You gotta help me.I can’t live without Garfield.

Liz:Let’s start at the park.Out of breath,Garfield moved forward difficultly with his pal Louis.

Garfield:Are we there yet?Are we there yet?Are we there yet?

Louis:Garfield,relax.Look.We’re here.

Garfield:We’re here now?