
第4章 Mrs.Doubtfire肥妈先生(1)


丹尼尔(Robin Williams罗宾·威廉斯饰演)本是卡通配音员,因擅加对白而遭开除。一天,他在家中给儿子过生日时,和一群小孩把农场饲养的各种动物领到家中,把家里搞得天翻地覆,在单位忙得焦头烂额的妻子米兰达回到家看到乱成一团,怒气冲天,将丹尼尔扫地出门。丹尼尔丢了差事,且无处可栖,他和米兰达在法庭上争取孩子的监护权当然落败,法庭判他只能在周六和孩子相聚。丹尼尔思子心切,遂男扮女装,化身为英国籍65岁老奶奶前去应聘奶妈。米兰达和孩子们并未发觉,高高兴兴接纳了这位慈蔼的奶妈。

丹尼尔白天在电视台当搬运工,晚上则到妻儿的家里洒扫煮饭,照顾孩子。刚开始,做不惯家事的他笑话百出,由此也体会妻子内外两忙的辛劳。在“道菲尔太太”的帮助下,米兰达负担减轻,不再歇斯底里,孩子们功课进步,丹尼尔本人也改变了邋遢、不修边幅的恶习。一天正巧是米兰达生日,追求她的昔日大学同学斯图尔特(Pierce Brosnan皮尔斯?布罗斯南饰演)邀请她和孩子们还有奶妈“道菲尔太太”共进晚餐。巧的是,在同一天同一家饭店,电视台的主管也要跟丹尼尔谈合作的可能。只见丹尼尔忽男忽女地满场飞,最后终在众人骇异的眼光下穿帮。

1994年,这部影片获得了第51届金球奖最佳影片奖和最佳男主角奖,同年又荣获了第66届奥斯卡最佳化妆奖。这部 影片的成功不仅在于情节巧妙的设计和主角精湛的演技,还在于令人在捧腹大笑之余,以温馨幽默的方式传达了亲情的珍贵。









Walking painfully back to his apartment,Daniel cursed the man who invented the heels.When he was going to open the door,Mrs.Sellner was standing unexpectedly behind him.

Mrs.Sellner:Excuse me.


Mrs.Sellner:Have we met?

Daniel:(As Mrs.Doubtfire)No.But Danny’s told me all about you.I’m his sister.His...much older sister.

Mrs.Sellner:You have his eyes.

Daniel:Only if1 he fills out a donor card2.

Mrs.Sellner:(Chuckles)Is Mr Hillard in?I have an appointment.

Daniel:Do you?Oh,that’s wonderful.Let me go up and get him and he’ll be right down.

Mrs.Sellner:I’ll come with you.




Mrs.Sellner:Because I have an appointment on Monday and Friday evenings to check the apartment.

Daniel:I remember him saying something about that.Are you sure,dear?It’s three floors,hoofin’3 it all the way.

Mrs.Sellner:If you can do it,I can.

Daniel:I’ll bet so4!Is your ticker5 all right?


Daniel:Oh,good!Cos7 I don’t want to jump-start8 ya9.(chuckles)Damn door.Come in,please,dear.Sorry about that.Here we are.Daniel’s abode10.(He saw Mrs.Sellner finding the woman’s lingerie on the chair.)Oh,that’s mine,dear.I’m a messy11 house guest.Well,just make yourself at home.I’ll be right back.He’ll be back.I’ll go get him.Don’t be afraid.I’ll be right there.Danny!Danny boy,where are you?Oh,here he is,dear.I found him.Danny,there’s a Mrs.Sellner here to see you!

Daniel:(As Daniel)Oh,is she here?

Daniel:(As Mrs.Doubtfire)Yes,she is.

Daniel:(As Daniel)Mrs.Sellner,I just got out of the shower!I think you’ll be very pleased with me!I’ve been through some really interesting changes!And I’m becoming a new man and a model father!

Daniel:(As Mrs.Doubtfire)He’ll be right there.He’s just changing,dear.

Daniel:(As Daniel)I want to keep you abreast of12 the changes in my career!There have been two big developments!I’m finally starting to come into my own!Things are really starting to take shape,and I’m blossoming13!Really,I am!Things were hairy14 for a while...but oh!I’m in great shape15 now!I’m my own man now!Oh,yes!A job I could really sink my teeth into16!I’ll be right there,Mrs.Sellner!So nice I don’t have to save face17 any more,Mrs.Sellner!Mrs.Sellner!How are you?Always a joy!If you wanted some cheese,why didn’t you just say so?Well,you’ll be happy to know that I now am holding down18 two jobs.One for an educational film and TV company—heavy responsibility.

Mrs.Sellner:And the other?

Daniel:Cleaning houses.Not mine.(holding a bra up from the tea table)Big girl!

Mrs.Sellner:Your sister is English?

Daniel:She’s half-English,half-American.Half-sister19,really.That makes her an eighth English?I’ve never done the math.Let me see,my father was American.He...flew for the English during the war.He was in London and...he met his lovely English woman.Well,my sister was the fruit of their passions.

He took a stocking from behind the dress of Mrs.Sellner who shrieked unexpectedly.

Daniel:Sorry.My sister’s,not yours.You see,she’s not a very good housekeeper20.But she makes a fabulous cup of English tea.

Mrs.Sellner:Really?Well,I would adore21 a good cup of English tea.

Daniel:Oh!Wouldn’t we all?I’ll go get her.Sis22!Oh,sis!Sis,are you in here?(mutters)Tea?Cup of TNT.

The two boys living next door giggled when they saw Daniel trying hard to take off the woman’s lingerie.One of them turned back and said:“Sick.Mom!”Noticing the boys watching him,Daniel became panic and in a moment of fluster,his mask was thrown out of the window and flew down to the road.

Daniel:Whoa!My face!I’ve gotta go down and get it.Argh!Norman Bates23!

Mrs.Sellner:Miss Hillard?

Daniel:(As Mrs.Doubtfire)Yes,dear?

Mrs.Sellner:I take sugar in my tea.

Daniel:Oh,your tea!I’ll be right there with your tea!Coming right up,dear!Sugar—one lump24 or two,dear?


Daniel:Tea,sugar,hot water.You got it—argh!Coming right your way,dear!I’ll be right there with your tea!

On the road,a truck was horning and running fast over the mask.

Daniel:(As Daniel)No!Stop!Stop!No!Oh...shit!Ow!Oh!

Mrs.Sellner:Can I give you a hand?

Daniel:(As Mrs.Doubtfire)Oh,no,dear!I don’t need a hand.(mutters)I need a face.A face.

Mrs.Sellner:Are you sure?

Daniel:Oh,definitely!(mutters)I’m not a Muslim25.I need a face.A face.Oh,God.

Mrs.Sellner:Miss Hillard?The water’s boiling.


He smiled at Mrs.Sellner with his face covered with the cream from the cake.
