
第31章 注释(2)


1.作为我们对道德典范所做的研究的一部分,我们从广泛且多样化的意识形态的角度,访谈了20位神学家及其他一些学者关于如何定义“高尚的”与“卑劣的”目标的差异。这些访谈的结果是我得出结论的依据。关于完整的一组结果,请参阅科尔比和戴蒙所著的《真心关怀》(Some Do Care:Contemporary Lives of Moral Commitment)一书中的第2章。

2.Vittorio Gallese,Morris Eagle,and Paolo Migone,Intentional Attunement:Mirror Neurons and the Neural Underpinnings of Interpersonal Relations,University of Padua,2005;M.Jacobini et al.,“Grasping the Intentions of Others with One’s Own Mirror Neuron System,”PLOS Biology(2005),529-35.

3.P.B.Baltes,U.Lindenberger,and U.M.Staudinger,“Life Span Theory in Developmental Psychology,”in W.Damon and R.M.Lerner,eds.,Handbook of Child Psychology,Vol.1.Theoretical Models of Human Development,6th ed.(New York:Wiley,2006),569-664.

4.See E.Werner and R.Smith,Journeys from Childhood to Midlife:Risk,Resilience,and Recovery(Ithaca,NY:Cornell University Press,2001).

5.Erikson,Youth:Identity and Crisis(New York:W.W.Norton,1994).

6.C.D.Ryffand B.Singer,“Middle Age and Well-Being,”Encyclopedia of Mental Health(New York:Academic Press,1998),707-19.

7.See,e.g.,C.Peterson and M.Seligman,Character Strengths and Virtues:A Handbook and Classtfication(New York:Oxford,2003).

8.Daniel Kahneman,“Experienced Utility and Objective Happiness:A Moment-Based Approach,”in Daniel Kahneman and Abraham Tversky,eds.,Choices,Values and Frames(New York:Cambridge University Press and the Russell Sage Foundation,2000),673-92.


10.D.McAdams,“Generativity in Midlife,”in M.Lachman,ed.,Handbook of Midlife Development(New York:John Wiley,2001),395-443.

11.W.Damon,J.Menon,and K.Bronk,“The Development of Purpose in Adolescence,”Journal of Applied Developmental Science,7(2003),119-28.

12.Bonnie Benard,Fostering Resiliency in Kids:Protective Factors in the Family,School and Community(San Francisco:Far West Laboratory,1991).

13.See,e.g.,Timothy Burns,From Risk to Resilience:A Journey with Heart for Our Children,Our Future(Marco Pao Publishers,1994).

14.Ronald Dahl,“Adolescent Brain Development:A period of vulnerabilities and opportunities,”Annals of the N.Y.Academy of Sciences,1021(2004),1-22.


16.Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi,Finding Flow:The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life(New York:Basic Books,1997).

17.Damon,Menon,and Bronk,“The Development of Purpose in Adolescence.”

18.See,e.g.,Robert Emmons,The Psychology of Ultimate Concerns:Motivation and Spirituality in Personality(New York:Guilford Press,1999).

19.See S.Strauss,“Developmental Change,”in William Damon,ed.,Handbook of Child Psychology,5th ed.(New York:Wiley,1998).

20.As part of our study of moral exemplars,we interviewed twenty theologians and other scholars,from a wide variety of ideological perspectives,about how to define the difference between noble and ignoble ends.The results of these interviews are the basis of my conclusions here.For the entire set of results,see chapter 2of Colby and Damon,Some Do Care:Contemporary Lives of Moral Commitment.

21.J.Haidt,The Happiness Hypothesis:Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom(New York:Basic Books,2006).

22.J.Haidt,“The Emotional Dog and Its Rational Tail:A social intuitionist approach to moral judgment,”Psychological Review,108(2001),814-34.

23.P.Ebersole and K.DeVogler-Ebersole,“Meaning in Life of the Eminent and the Average,”Journal of Social Behavior and Personality,vol.1,no.I(January 1985),83-94.This study is especially interesting because it was testing a hypothesis put forth by the philosopher Will Durant,who had extensively studied eminent people through the ages.

24.A.Colby,L.Sippola,and E.Phelps,“Social Responsibility and Paid Work,”in A.Rossi,ed.,Caring and Doing for Others:Social Responsibility in the Domains of Family,Work,and Community(Chicago:University of Chicago Press,2001).



27.See Colby and Damon,Some Do Care:Contemporary Lives of Moral Commitment.

28.“A Church’s Challenge:Holding On to Its Young,”New York Times,Jan uary 16,2007,p.5.

29.“Religion’s Generation Gap,”Wall Street Journal,March 2,2007,p.W 1.





4.当然,这会让人想起一个小时候听到过的格言——“游手好闲是万恶之源”(Idle hands are the devil’s workshop)。关于格言对于社会和道德学习方面的教育价值,在最后一章中会讨论到。

5.The Civic and Political Health of the Nation:National Youth Survey of Civic Engagement 2002(Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement,University of Maryland,2002).

6.Susan Verducci and William Damon,“The Outlooks of Today’s Teens,”in Richard Lerner and Jacqueline Lerner,eds.,Adolescents A to Z(New York:Oxford University Press,2000).

7.See Doug McAdam,Freedom Summer(Oxford:Oxford University Press,1990).