
第32章 注释(3)

8.One of the more memorable answers that I received to this puzzle was from the Dalai Lama,during a public“dialogue”I was invited to have with him in September 2006.After I presented my findings on youth purpose(the findings reported in this chapter),I was invited to ask one question.I chose the question of what to do about the kids who seemed to be wholly uninterested in finding purpose.He replied that the solution was to vividly impress upon these youngsters both the“downsides and upsides”—the benefits of finding moral purpose and the harms of purposelessness.The entire exchange can be found at http://ed.stanford.edu/suse/news-bureau/display Record.php?tablename=susenews&;id=186.

9.“Report on the Official Account ofthe Bombings in London on 11May 2006.”House of Commons,Westminster,U.K.

10.The first quote is from the House of Commons Report,the second from the Wikipedia article on the bombings(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_7_bombings).

11.Reported in the Denver Post,July 7,2006.

12.Time magazine,December 20,1999,p.42.

13.This,of course,is reminiscent of the maxim that many of us heard in childhood:“Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.”The educational value of maxims for social and moral learning is discussed in the last chapter.



2.妮娜特别感谢ACS的团队成员贝丝·史蒂芬森(Beth Stevenson)和琳娜莉·布莱斯(Linelle Blais)的帮助。

3.Ibid.,esp.vol.3,chap.6,by Avshalom Caspi.

4.In particular,Nina acknowledges the help of ACS staff members Beth Stevenson and Linelle Blais.

5.William Damon and Daniel Hart,Self-Understanding in Childhood and Adolescence(New York:Cambridge University Press,1988).


7.Csikszentmihalyi,Finding Flow,p.5.

8.K.Bronk,“Exemplars of Youth Purpose:A set of twelve case studies in adolescent commitment.”Unpublished manu,Stanford University.




3.The stream of unsavory material is incessant and unstoppable.After MySpace and Facebook cleaned up their acts with regard to sex and violence,a host of other widely viewed sites quickly arose in their place—see B.Stone,“Young Turn to Web Sites Without Rules,”New York Times,January 2,2007,p.1.

4.See the JTF Web site(templetonfoundation.org)for more studies of purpose in the life sciences and cosmology.

5.R.Kiyosaki,Rich Dad,Poor Dad:What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money—and the Poor and Middle Class Do Not(New York:Warner Books,1997).

6.T.H.Eker,Secrets of the Millionaire Mind(New York:HarperCollins,2005).

7.R.Lieber,“Boiling Down Top Finance Books,”Wall Street Journal,December 30,2006,p.BI.

8.For an extended discussion of first causes and subsequent snowballing effects in youth development,see William Damon,Social and Personality Development:Infancy Through Adolescence(New York:W.W.Norton,1983).

9.See William Damon,The Moral Child(New York:Free Press,1992).

10.M.McPherson,L.Smith-Lovin,and M.Brashers,“Social Isolation in America:Changes in core discussion networks over two decades,”American Sociological Review,71(2006),p.371.


1.Penelope Leach,Children First:What Society Must Do—and Is Not Doing—for Children Today(New York:Vintage Books,1995).

2.The“Say Yes to No”Coalition,founded in Minnesota by psychologist David Walsh see J.Zaslow,“The Entitlement Epidemic,”Wall Street Journal,July 19,2007,p.D1.

3.Peter Benson,Sparks:How Parents Can Ignite the Hidden Strengths of Teenagers(San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,2008).