
第33章 注释(4)

4.See Robert Emmons,Thanks:The Psychology of Gratitude(New York:HarperCollins,2007).

5.See Damon,Greater Expectations.

6.Colby,Sippola,and Phelps,“Social Responsibility and Paid Work,”in Rossi,ed.,Caring and Doing for Others:Social Responsibility in the Domains of Family,Work,and Community.

7.Jared Sandberg,“To Our Kids,Our Jobs Are Talking,Typing.Are They Onto Us?”Wall Street Journal,June 17,2007,p.B1.

8.See R.Whalen,The Founding Father:The Story of Joseph P.Kennedy and His Political Dynasty(Washington,DC:Regnery Gateway,1964).

9.Ben Stein,“Getting a Boost Up the Ladder of Success,”New York Times,Sunday,July 15,2007,p.6.

10.See R.Pianta,Beyond the Parent(San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,1992).

11.See Mary Rothbart and J.Bates,“Temperament,”in Damon,ed.,Handbook of Child Psychology,5th ed.,pp.105-77.

12.See,e.g.,Martin Seligman,et al.,The Optimistic Child(Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1995)and Carolyn Saarni,The Development of Emotional Competence(New York:Guilford,1999).




3.For a fuller treatment of how exemplary people can influence others to turn a life of hardship into moral purpos’e,see Colby and Damon,Some Do Care:Contemporary Lives of Moral Commitment.

4.William Damon,The Youth Charter:How Communities Can Work Together to Raise Standards for All Our Children(New York:Free Press,1997).

5.Richard Lerner,The Good Teen(New York:Random House,2007).

6.NPR,All Things Considered,August 30,2007.The monkey bar and dodgeball bans were intended to prevent physical injury.Apparently the prohibition on tag was put in place to avoid the possibility of harassment(among schoolchildren!),a phenomenon that deserves its own critical analysis in some other venue.

7.See S.Harter,“The Self,”in Damon and Lerner,eds.,Handbook of Child Psychology,6th ed.

8.See Damon,Greater Expectations.

9.See Maria Shriver,And One More Thing Before You Go(New York:Free Press,2005),for several other valuable words of wisdom about guidance for young people.

10.Chester E.Finn,Jr.,and Diane Ravitch,“Not by Geeks Alone,”Wall Street Journal,Wednesday,August 8,2007,p.13.



13.James Youniss and Miranda Yates,Community Service and Social Responsibility in Youth(Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1997).

14.See Damon,“To Not Fade Away:Restoring Civil Identity Among the Young,”in D.Ravitch and J.Viteritti,eds.,Making Good Citizens:Education and Civil Society(New Haven:Yale University Press,2001),122-41.

15.“How Patriotic Are We?”AARP Bulletin,vol.47,no.7.(JulyAugust 2006),p.3.

16.Anne Colby,et al.,Educating for Democracy:Preparing Undergraduates for Responsible Political Engagement(San Francisco:Jossey~Bass,2007).

17.Journalism professor and political blogger JeffJarvis,quoted in A.Goodnough,“Oh Everyone Knows That Except You,”New York Times,Sunday,September 2,2007,p.D 1.

18.Gail Collins,“Men’s Room Chronicles,”New York Times,August 30,2007,p.24.

19.Developmental psychology long has recognized status as one of the main determinants of who a young person imitates—see Damon,Social and Personality Development.

20.Michael Medved,Hollywood vs.America:Popular Culture and the War on Traditional Values(New York:Free Press,1994).

21.This is not pie-in-the-sky.I have had several gratifying experiences conducting discussions with groups of public figures(including business leaders and sports stars)about their responsibilities to set admirable examples for young people.Sometimes,especially in the case of sports stars,they have not realized the extent of their own influence.But when it starts to dawn on them,I have seen them willingly,even eagerly,rise to the occasion.Most adults really do want to do the right thing by the younger generation.