
第45章 附录C有关佛教和正念/觉知的着作




Buddhaghosa,B.1976.The Path of Purification(Visuddhimagga).


Goldstein,J.和J.Kornfield.1987. Seeking the Heart of Wisdom:The Path of Insight Meditation.Boston:Shambhala.这部着作是内观,但不是严格的小乘佛教。

Kornfield,J. 1977. Living Buddhist Masters. Santa Cruz: UnityPress.

Narada,M.T.,trans.1975.AManual of Abhidhamma(AbhidammatthaSangaha).Kandy,Sri Lanka:Buddhist Publication Society.

Silandanda,U.1990. The Four Foundations of Mind fulness.Boston:Wisdom Publications.

Thera,N.1962. The Heart of Buddhist Meditation. New York:Samuel Weiser.



Transitional to Mahayana:Vasubhandhu.1923.L"Abdhidharmakosade Vasubandhu,6Vols. Trans. Louis de La Vallée. Paris and Louvain:Institut Belges des Hautes Etudes Chinoises.Reprinted Paris:Guether 1971.

Vietnamese:Nhat Hanh,T.1975. The Miracle of Mind fulness: AManual on Meditation.Boston:Beacon Press.

Chinese:Sheng-Yan,M.1982.Getting the Buddha Mind.Elmhurst,N.Y.:Dharma Drum Publications.

Korean:Sahn,S.Bone of Space.1982.San Francisco:Four Seasons Foundation.

Japanese:Suzuki,S.1970. Zen Mind,Beginner"s Mind.New York:Weatherhill.



Dorje,W. 1979. Mahmudra: Eliminating the Darkness of I gnorance. Dharamsala,India: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives.

Kalu,K.D.C.1986. The Dharma.Buffalo:State University Pressof New York.

Khapa,T.1978.Calming the Mind and Discerning the Real:BuddhistMeditation and the Middle View.New York:Columbia UniversityPress.

Khyentse,D.1988.The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel.Boston:Shambhala.

Trizin,K.S.1986. Parting from the four clingings.In Essence ofBuddhism: Teachings at Tibet House.New Delhi:Tibet House.

Trungpa,C.1973.Cutting Through S piritual Materialism.Boston:Shambhala.

Trungpa,C.1976. The Myth of Freedom.Boston:Shambhala.

Trungpa,C.1981.Glimpses of Abhidharma.Boulder:Prajna Press.