
第42章 对外英语广播的主持艺术——“综艺类”(10)

G:Yes,of course.Brazilian Carnival exhibits some differences from its European counterparts,having mixed African,Native,German and Euro elements.Further more,rhythm,participation,and costume vary from one region of Brazil to another.For exzample,in the southeastern cities of Rio de Janerio and Sao Paulo,organized parades led by Smaba schools vie for prizes on the“Sambodromo”open stage.Only Samba-school affiliates participate in the shows.Smaller cities often have no public events but promote balls in recreational clubs.

C:How I wish I can take part in the fabulous festival!

G:Welcom you to enjoy our Carnival next time!

C:Thank you.

[Lead out]

C:Dear friends,Brazil is such a coutry with unbelievable fascination.You really need to go there to enjoy it in this weonderful atmosphere.I hope today's program can help you.Any questions,please,log in our website:www.global searching engine.com.We're happy to give you tips at any time.See you next week!Where will we go?That's a secret!Just wait and see!


本档节目的设计者Chen Xin本人就是一位知性多于感性气质的女生,能将《英语节目主持艺术》课实训要求自行设计一档节目的思路固定在现在呈现的内容,并不出乎笔者的意料。这也说明了Chen Xin具有的自我认知度和“中规中矩”的行事态度。虽然按照自己的气质来设计节目是一个基本的思维方式,但能够寻找到既可看又娱乐的内容,就需要动些脑筋了。从现在呈现的节目走势来看,还是有可取与需要改进之处的。

首先,栏目的名称Global Searching Engine就颇有吸引力,能够引发受众的好奇心。但是,也会容易形成期望值高引发失望值大的结果。这就需要设计者在“searching”方面下工夫了,也就是能否寻找到既新颖又颇具娱乐化、知识化的点。从这档节目来看,主持人以引导者的身份带领受众“searching”,还是有些亮点的。

其次,由于设计了节目嘉宾a beautiful and sexy Brazilian girl的访谈环节,使得节目的现场感、异域风情感找到了最为具体的承载者,而躲开了只是主持人个人以“外国人的主观观感”为内容的效应。加之采访的是当地人,可以使得处于不同文化情境里的受众,通过受访嘉宾的语言、体态、谈笑风生,最为直接地感受所聚焦文化的精神气质的一部分。这是对外广播所期待达到的基本传播效果。

最后,不足之处。虽然这档节目有了现场的采访而具有“亮点”,但是,并没有将内容同我们中国文化联系起来。尽管主持人Chen Xin是来自中国的主持人,但是,节目内容还是缺少了中国人对所聚焦文化和社会的视角。


如果在设计节目的时候,考虑到根据当时外景制作的条件而要么采访一位在当地的华人或留学生,要么将访谈问题加进几个询问这位a beautiful and sexy Brazilian girl关于是否了解中国的类似节目聚焦的Carnival。如果嘉宾不知道的话不要紧张,主持人可以立刻介绍几个,并引导嘉宾进行比较。这样处理的话,就有了既介绍了我们的本土文化,又形成了文化沟通的传播效果,进而体现出节目设计者对所从事的对外广播特性的深化理解和灵活运用的能力了。

5)节目名称:《Traveling Time》


节目策划及主持:Deng Jing

Hello,everyone!It's so nice to meet you at Traveling Time.I'm Deng Jing.Today I'm going to introduce the Palace Museum.

This scenic spot is located at the center of Beijing and is characterized by thousands of palatial architectures and purple walls as well as yellow glazed tile roofs-it is simply a sea of palaces.This is the world-famous wonder—the Palace Museum.

The Palace Museum has served as the royal residence during the Ming and Qing dynasties.It was here that a total of 24 monarchs ascended the throne and wielded power for some 500 years.The Palace Museum,as the most beautiful spot of interest throughout Beijing,is unique for its location:to the northwest is Beihai(North Sea)Park,famous for its white pagoda and rippling lake;to the west is the Zhongnahai(central and south sea);to the east lies the Wangfujing Shopping Street;and to the north is Jingshan Park.Standing in the Wanchun(Everlasting Spring)Pavilion at the top of Jingshan(Charcoal Hill)Park,you can overlook the skyline of the palace Museum.

At the southern end of the palace is Tiananmen(Gate of Heavenly Peace)and the famous square named after it.This is the symbol of the People's Republic of China.

A world-famous historical site,the Palace Museum is on the World Heritage List of UNESCO and is an embodiment of oriental civilization.

The Palace Museum is rectangular in shape,960 meters long from north to south and 750 meters wide from east to west,covering a space of 720,000 square meters of which 150,000 is building area.It has 9000-strong rooms in it.According to legend there are 9999.5 room-units in all.The whole compound is enclosed by a 10-meter-high wall and is accessed through four entrances,namely,the meridian Gate in the south,the Gate of Military Prowess in the north,Donghua(Eastern Flowery)Gate in the north,Donghua(Eastern Flowery)Gate in the east and Xihua(Western Flowery)Gate in the west.On each corner there is a turret consisted of 9 roof beams,18 pillars and 72 ridge.Encircling the compound there is a 3,800-meter-long and 52 meter-wide moat,making the Palace Museum a self-defensive city-within-a city.

The Palace Museum was made a center of rule during the Ming Dynasty by Zhun Di,The fourth son of the founding emperor Zhuyuanzhang.The whole complex straddles on an 8-kilometers-long central axis that stretches from Yongding(Forever Stable)Gate in the south to Gulou(Drum Tower)in the north.Prominence was given to the royal power by putting the“three main front halls”and“three back halls”on the axis while arrange other subsidiary structure around them.The construction of the Palace Museum involved manpower and resources across China.For example,the bricks laid in the halls,known as“gold brick,”underwent complex,two-dozen processes.As the final touch,the fired bricks were dipped in Chinese wood oil.Involving complicated processes and high cost,these brick is called“golden bricks.”The Palace Museum serves as a living embodiment of good tradition and styles unique to China`s ancient architecture.It reflects to the full the ingenuity and creativity of the Chinese working people.A carefully preserved and complete group of royal residences,the Palace Museum is a prominent historical and tourist site.