
第53章 英语节目主持艺术的理论实质——“情境诠释演播”(5)


If the interviewee has misunderstood one of your questions,you politely listen to the mistaken reply,and then,without reference to the mistake,rephrase the question so it is clearer and ask it again.That is far less awkward than saying,“No,what I meant was…”which suggests that the answer you just got was worthless to you.


In normal conversations,you don't just walk off at the end of the discussion.You might say,“Well,it has been good to chat with you.I will see you again soon.”You indicate that the conversation is over and yet leave the door open for further contact.Similarly with an interview,you wrap it up but try to leave a door open for further contact.





第一,创建自然的环境(Creating Natural Environment)。

You typically begin an interview with an informal chat that points in the direction of the topic.The tone should match the situation.When Herb reinterviewed an activist whose organisation was in serious financial trouble,they first chatted for a while about how the activist was personally responding to the pressure.

If it seems appropriate,you might want to try to put the interviewee as ease by beginning with a mild joke or tease.When Irene interviewed in Phoenix,city staff were holding a fair outside city hall and had rented a snow-making machine.Her comment that she had come from the north to the sunny south in the deep of winter and they welcomed her with snow set a tone that said,“This should be fun,relax.”

To suggest the main topic during the informal talk,you can comment on something you have seen or experienced that is on the topic,but that does not require an immediate answer.On more than one occasion when interviewing in the inner city,Herb turned an encounter with a mammoth pothole into a lead-in to an interview by suggesting that the neighborhood had been neglected by the city government.

The early chat should convey an interest in and a supportative attitude toward the interviewee's life or work.You can mention experiences that you have had that made you interested in the topic or that show some commonality with the interviewee.

After a few minutes of chat,you can move into a more formal introduction.Interviewees want to know that you are on their side,they want credible information to the effect,or at the least,evidence that you are not a loose cannon,a person with an axe to grind and nothing to lose.You need to think of ways of getting that message into the introduction as you describe what it is you want to know.


Some interviewees are nervous and may be unsure they can answer your questions.Early in the interview you spend a little time tactfully reassuring the conversational partners that they are competent and that you are interested in what they say.You can mention that other people identified them to you as knowledgeable people or you can refer to their experience.….By asking questions about the interviewees'personal experiences early in the interview you signal that their personal experiences will frame the discussion.People gain confidence to talk when they realise much of what will be asked is about their own life.

Early questions should be core to the subject,but not threatening,and should deal with matters that the interviewee almost certainly knows about and,ideally,feels good about.





1)Through the interview you should work to encourage your conversational partner to be frank and open,as well as to provide answers in depth.To do so,you show that you understand the factual content of what is being said and empathize with the emotional undertones.This is most important early in the interview as it sets the tone for the entire discussion.

2)To show that you have understood the factual content of what interviewees have told you,ask a follow-up question that demonstrates that you have followed the discussion and pulled out the main themes.

3)To show emotional understanding,you can begin by letting interviewees know that you share their background or have had similar experiences.

4)You want your conversational partner to know that you are a willing and empathetic listener.You want interviewees to know you are paying attention to how they feel as much as to what they know.Sometimes you show such concern by the posturing of your body and expression on your face.

5)You can show emotional understanding by using a tone of voice to indicate that you recognise the difficulties of the work or the magnitude of the accomplishments.….However,if you are talking to someone who has really suffered,you might want to limit your verbal comments,and let your face and body register the shock and sympathy you feel.Anything you might say will sound inadequate.

6)When conversational partner seems to be trying to decide whether to describe their feelings and they pause in the conversation,don't jump right in and ask a question.Wait a while,keep still,and provide the silence that encourages people to continue.