
第16章 美国主流报纸台海问题报道具体案例(4)








For the record,the President of Taiwan says his trip to an alumni reunion at Cornell University is strictly a private affair.

The White House,which granted President Lee Teng-hui a visa to attend the gathering,wishes the world would ignore it.

But the visit,the first to the United States by a Taiwan leader since the United States severed relations with Taiwan in 1979,is being hailed here as the “journey of the century” and a diplomatic triumph.

For Taiwan,the voyage is festooned with the trappings of a state visit. More than 300 newspaper,radio and television reporters have descended on the United States to chronicle every minute of Mr. Lee's trip,to broadcast every public word he utters,and glean meaning from every private conversation overheard.

This afternoon,all three Government-controlled television stations carried Mr. Lee's departure ceremony,complete with red carpets,a receiving line of the country's senior ministers,a military honor guard,and lingering pictures of Mr. Lee's chartered Boeing 747 roaring off the runway en route to Los Angeles,where it landed later today to another large press reception.

For 16 years,Taiwan's leaders had not been allowed to so much as step off an airplane in the Honolulu airport for fear that such a step would antagonize the Government of China and violate the official American policy that there is only one China.

On Friday,Mr. Lee is to address alumni at Cornell,where he received a doctorate in agricultural economics in 1968.

“We hope this is a watershed,” said Jason C. Hu,the Government's chief spokesman,who traveled with the president to Los Angeles today. “We hope from now on people we see us as what we are.”

“This is significant in the sense that we can be seen and heard and not isolated,” he said,in an interview before his departure. “We want Peking to understand that we have done nothing with the purpose of irritating anyone.”









随李登辉前往洛杉矶的台湾政府首席发言人Jason C. Hu表示:“我们期待这次访问成为一个分水岭。我们希望世人看到我们在做什么。”



He did not need to say much more to get his point across. For all the buildup surrounding the first Taiwan leader to visit the United States since diplomatic ties ended in 1979,Mr. Lee would have probably been content just to stand at the lectern and smile. It was his mere presence that meant a thousand words,a diplomatic breakthrough culminating years of lobbying and foreshadowing what Taiwan hopes will be a bigger international role.




Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui's visit to his university reunion here has turned into a six-way international balancing act. The governments of Taiwan,China,and the United States,as well as Lee's U.S. Republican supporters,his domestic opposition and assorted lobbying groups are all vying to build up or play down the trip's symbolic importance.

Lee's promoters are doing their utmost to inflate the “official” nature of the visit,the first to the United States by a president of Taiwan. China,which views Taiwan as a breakaway province,today lashed out at Washington again for permitting the trip. The U.S. government,fearful of offending China even more than it already has,is eager to emphasize Lee is here for personal reasons to attend his reunion at Cornell University.


