
第6章 尖端品牌(5)

From the 1980s, tableware became a strong segment of the firm. And, overall, the collection of Hermès goods expanded in 1990 to over 30,000 pieces. New materials used in the collection included porcelain and crystal.

By the late 1990s, Hermes continued extensively to diminish the number of franchised stores, buying them up and opening more company-operated boutiques.

Today, Hermes has 17 product divisions encompassing leather, scarves, ties, mens wear, womens fashion, perfume, watches, stationery, footwear, accessories, harness supplies, household series, tableware and jewelry.

爱马仕(HERMèS)是世界着名的奢侈品品牌,1837年由蒂埃利·爱马仕(Thierry Hermes)创立于法国巴黎,早年以制造高级马具起家,如今专门从事皮革、生活配饰、香水、奢侈品、成衣生产。迄今已有170多年的悠久历史。

出生于德国克雷菲尔德,蒂埃利·爱马仕的父亲是法国人,母亲是德国人。1828年,举家搬往法国。1837年,蒂埃利·爱马仕在巴黎的Grands Boulevards创建了马具车间,他决定服务于欧洲贵族。他为上流社会创造精致的马具和缰绳。爱马仕先生赢得了大家的褒奖,包括1867年在巴黎举行的世界博览会中,赢得一级荣誉奖章。

在20世纪70年代,制表子公司La Montre Hermès在瑞士比尔市成立。后来,在整个80年代,爱马仕先生的女婿Dumes加强了对其供应商的管理,这使得爱马仕从着名的法国玻璃器皿、银器餐具制造商那里获得了大量的资助,比如Puiforcat, St. Louis以及Périgord。




5.(法国)纪梵希 Givenchy




创始人:休伯特·德·纪梵希(Hubert de Givenchy)





Givenchy is a luxury French brand of clothing, accessories, perfumes and cosmetics with Parfums Givenchy.

The house of Givenchy was founded in 1952 by designer Hubert de Givenchy. It is owned by luxury goods behemoth LVMH and in 1993 achieved a total sales of $176 million, making it the second largest apparel division of LVMH after Dior.

During his reign as the designer, Hubert de Givenchy was known for his modern, ladylike styles, which earned him many loyal clients. The most famous ambassador of the brand was Audrey Hepburn. His other famous patrons included Empress Farah Pahlavi and Marella Agnelli, as well as the Guinness, Grimaldi and Kennedy families, who famously wore Givenchy clothes to the funeral of John F. Kennedy. Hubert de Givenchy retired in 1995.

John Galliano succeeded Givenchy upon his retirement. In 2001, designer Julien Macdonald was appointed Artistic Director for the womens lines, which consist of haute couture and ready-to-wear.

Givenchy designs have been worn by a number of celebrities on red carpet occasions, including Rooney Mara at the 2012 Academy Award.

美国影星Rooney Mara身着纪梵希设计的高级定制礼服出席第84届奥斯卡颁奖典礼

funeral [‘fju:nrl] n. 葬礼

Academy Award奥斯卡金像奖



在担任设计师期间,休伯特·德·纪梵希因其摩登、淑女风格而闻名,这为他赢得了许多忠实的客户。最着名的品牌大使是奥黛丽·赫本。还包括Empress Farah Pahlavi和Marella Agnelli以及Guinness, Grimaldi 和 Kennedy家族,他们曾穿着纪梵希的服装参加了 John F. Kennedy的葬礼。纪梵希于1995年退休。

休伯特·德·纪梵希退休后,John Galliano 接管了纪梵希。2001年,设计师 Julien Macdonald被任命为艺术总监,专门为女性设计,包括高级时装和成衣。

许多名人都穿着纪梵希设计的服装走上了红地毯,包括参加2012年奥斯卡颁奖典礼的Rooney Mara。

6.(意大利)警察 Police









The Eighties is an important period that definitively marks the official passage of sunglasses from a simple accessory to a fashion accessory. Designers impose their symbols of signals, initials and signatures. In the end, they are soulless beauties that leave the consumer with a desire to stand out, to be simply themselves. These are the years of yuppies and women managers in tailored suits, of health consciousness and personal image. The Police brand name is born in this context.

The Police brand name is an expression of reconcilability, of uniqueness, of the celebration of self. The emotion and culture of its time embodies a style to be followed, that inevitably triggers a trend.

An outstanding identity with a positioning that has been consolidated over the years, Police now aims to create an all-around lifestyle through a series of brand extensions that range from perfumes to jeweler, and even to watches, all of which sport the Police designer signature. And so we have the first Police perfumes in 1997.

In 2003, with a unique design and the contemporary and innovative form of its watches, Police declares once again its fashion street vocation, the authentic glamorous nature of its creations. And it confirms its mission: the diffusion of a cosmopolitan lifestyle for trendy, non-conformist and off-beat individuals who decide to keep their own time with Police Time.

In 2007, Police extended its unique lifestyle to leather goods. The stuff rock star dreams are made off! Police leatherwear brings the brands grungy rock fashion style to life. The sound of urban rock bars roars through the authentic materials and designs, exaggeration and self confidence. The Police way of life is loud, fast and wild. It constantly belts out days no one can anticipate. The accessories do all they can to keep life under control and look good in the process.