
第11章 旅行时光(1)


What’s your plan你有什么打算?

How long is your vacation你有多长的假期?


When will you leave什么时候动身?

How long are you going for你打算去多长时间?

Where are you going on your trip你们打算去哪里旅行呀?

Did we prepare all the belongings行李都准备齐了吗?

What kind of tours do you have你们有哪些旅游路线呢?

What’s the fare of a one-day tour一天的旅游花费是多少?

I would like your advice about our traveling plan.我想请你对我们的旅游计划提些意见。

I’m supposed to go on a vacation with my family later this year.我打算今年年底和家人去旅游。


Do we start packing our bags我们开始打包吗?


Our plans for the trip are all set.我们旅行的准备工作都做好了。

May I put something in your bag我能把东西放在你的包里吗?

Little baggage can make sure your tour convenient.行李少能保证你的旅行方便。

Take the things that are really useful during the tour.带上旅行期间真正有用的东西。

We are getting things together in preparation for the journey.我们正在为旅行准备行李。

It doesn’t make sense taking too much things with you.随身带过多的行李没有意义。

There is not so much space left in my baggage case.我的行李箱里没有那么多空地方了。

Everything is in order.一切都准备好了。


Do you have any baggage to check你有没有行李要托运?

What are the check-in procedures怎么办理行李托运?

May I carry my little dog我可以带着我的小狗吗?

Would you please put on the baggage label请您把行李贴上标签,好吗?


Check it in to my final destination.行李托运到终点。

These are your baggage checks.这些是您的行李提单。

You’re permitted two carry-on items.你只能带两件行李。

I have a baggage to check in.我有件行李要办托运手续。

You’ll have to check that item of luggage.您的这件行李必须托运。

You have to pay excess baggage charges.您得付行李超重的费用。

excess baggage charge超重行李费

Here are the tags for your traveling bags.这是您的行李标签。


Do you have any suggestion for the coming vacation假期就要到了,你有什么好的建议吗?

How will you spend your vacation你打算怎样安排你的假期?

What about going on a first-class cruise ship to Australia this vacation这次放假,我们坐豪华游船去澳大利亚好吗?

cruise ship游轮,游艇

I’ll spend my vacation in the mountains.我会在山里度假。

I’m going to the United States for the vacation.我要去美国度假。

I want to go on a vacation abroad.我想去国外度假。

It’s kind of an odd time of year to go on a vacation.这个时节去度假可是件美妙的事。

You should not miss the Louvre Museum.卢浮宫是不能错过的。

It’s really a tourist attraction.这儿真是一个旅游胜地。

tourist attraction旅游胜地

I’m going on a journey to Hawaii.我打算去夏威夷旅游。

Have you ever been to Paris before你以前去过巴黎吗?

Why not go to Bali为何不去巴厘岛?

Have a nice trip!一路顺风!


Could you tell me the travelling rates你可以告诉我旅游费用吗?

Will you arrange a trip for us你可以为我安排一次旅行吗?

We can be away for just a month for this trip.我们只有一个月的时间旅行。

What does it include这个费用都包括什么?

I’ll call you back to make the reservation.我会打电话预定的。

How much does this tour cost旅行的费用是多少?

Could you make the plane, hotel and tour reservations你们可以安排机票,旅馆及旅行方面的事宜吗?

I have enough time for shopping and sightseeing.我有足够的时间购物和观光。


I’d like to reserve the package tours.我想预订全包旅游。


Have you applied for a visa before你以前申请过签证吗?

What type of visa are you applying for你想申请什么样的签证?

apply for申请

Do you mind if I ask you a few questions介意我问你几个问题吗?

I come to inquire how to apply for a traveling visa.我想咨询一下申请旅行签证的情况。

Here are my documents.这是我的签证材料。

When do you plan to leave你打算什么时候出发?

When can I get my passport我什么时候能拿到护照?

I’d like to apply for a travelling passport.我想申请旅游护照。

What must I offer for applying for the travelling passport如果申请旅行护照,我必须提供什么材料?

What are you going to Germany for你去德国的目的是什么?


Have you got anything to declare有什么要申报的吗?


May I give you an oral declaration我可以口头申报吗?

Do I have to open all of my packages我得打开所有的行李吗?

Are these things duty free这些东西免税吗?

duty free免费

Here is my passport.这是我的护照。

Passport, please.请出示护照。

May I have a look at your passport and visa看一下你的护照和签证,可以吗?

Fill in this form, please.请填好这张表格。

I don’t have anything to declare. 我没有什么东西要申报。

Would you mind opening this suitcase, please请打开这个衣箱。好吗?
