
第12章 旅行时光(2)

I have some perfume, just for myself.我带了些香水,是自己用的。

I’ve paid the duty.我已经付了关税。

These are all personal belongings.这些都是私人物品。

personal belonging私人物品


We’re off for sun, sand, and shells.我们要出门迎接阳光、沙滩和贝壳。

Can you get me a beach umbrella可以帮我弄一把海滩伞吗?

beach umbrella遮阳伞

Have you done windsurfing before你以前冲过浪吗?

I saw many foot prints in the sand.我在沙滩上看见了许多脚印。

foot print脚印

Is this swim ring for rent这个游泳圈出租吗?

Can I rent a board here这里可以租踏浪板吗?

The sand beaches in New Zealand are very clean.新西兰的沙滩非常干净。

Is this deck chair available这个躺椅可以用吗?

We lay on the beach, saturated in sunshine.我们躺在沙滩上,沐浴在阳光里.

I’d like to take a sun bath.我想要晒个日光浴。

Do you have sun mats here你们这里有晒日光浴用的垫子吗?


I love European parks.我喜欢欧洲的公园。

Mozart Memorial is near here, right莫扎特纪念馆离这儿不远,对吗?

I suggest you go to Louvre Museum first.我建议你先去卢浮宫。

Greenwich Park is lovely, and the observatory is really interesting.格林威治公园很可爱,天文台也真的很有趣。


We must be approaching the heart of the city now.我们现在一定是到了市中心。

Now we are just coming up to London Bridge.现在我们将去伦敦桥。

Venice is considered as one of the most beautiful cities in the world.威尼斯堪称世界上最美丽的城市之一。

London is one of the financial centers in the world.伦敦是世界金融中心之一。

financial center金融中心

What do you think has impressed on you most in London伦敦给你最深的印象是什么?

Venice is one of Europe’s leading tourist spots.威尼斯是欧洲一流的旅游胜地之一。

tourist spot旅游景点

It’s not far from here to the Thames.这儿离泰晤士运河不远。

What if we go to see Buckingham Palace first我们先去看看白金汉宫怎么样?

We are getting near to the Arch of Triumph.我们马上就要到凯旋门了。


What’s the nearest train station最近的火车站在哪?

train station火车站

Where is the post office邮局在哪?

post office邮局

Is there a drugstore nearby这附近有杂货店吗?

How do I get to the airport去机场怎么走?

Could you show me on the map你可以在地图上指给我看看吗?

Is this the road to Alaska这是通往阿拉斯加的路吗?

Is it far from here离这儿远吗?

It’s on your left.就在你的左边。

It’s two miles down the highway.沿着公路往前两英里就到了。

Turn right at the next corner.到了下一个拐角往右转。

Is there a hospital nearby 请问附近有没有医院?

Is there a public toilet nearby请问附近有没有公共厕所?

Is there a restaurant nearby请问附近有没有餐厅?

How do I get to the train station请问如何前往火车站?


Press the button.按快门。

It’s a good picture.这张照片照得不错。

I took a lot of pictures.我拍了很多照片。

Take a picture of that.给那个拍张照吧。

take a picture照相,拍照片

Where was this picture taken这张相片在哪里拍的?

Would you take a picture of us您能给我们照张相吗?

Are we allowed to take pictures here这里允许拍照吗?


I just got a new camera for the vacation.我为这次旅行刚买了个新相机。

I’ll take the picture of this landscape.我要照这里的风景。


The pictures came out very well.照片拍的非常好。


When can I get my pictures我什么时候来取照片?

Where did you take these photos你们这是在哪里拍的照片?

The scenery in the picture is very nice.照片上风景很美。

I don’t want to have these pictures printed.我不想打印这些照片。

Color prints are more beautiful.彩色照片会更好看。

I’d like to have my photos in the U-disk developed.我想把U盘里的照片洗出来。

I want these photos to be double prints.请帮我把这些照片洗双份。

double prints洗两份

How long will it take to develop these photos洗这些照片需要多长时间?

Please take your pictures tomorrow morning.明天上午来取照片。

Your photos are ready.你的照片洗好了。

You are very photogenic.你很上相。


I’d like to develop them into black-and-white photos.我想洗黑白照片。


Could you please tell me where I can buy some souvenirs你能不能告诉我在哪能买到纪念品?


I’d like to buy some souvenirs. Can you give me some suggestions我想买一些纪念品,你可以给我一些建议吗?

I’d like to buy some souvenirs for my friends.我想给我的朋友买些纪念品。

Are they specialties of China它们是中国的特产吗?


You can buy some souvenirs there.在那儿您可以买一些纪念品。

I bought a few trifles as souvenirs.我买了些零碎的纪念品。

There are many souvenir shops nearby. 这附近有很多纪念品商店。

We’d like to buy some souvenirs of our stay here. It’s such a pleasant journey.我们想买些纪念品来纪念这次愉快之旅。

I’m looking for a gift for my friends.我要买个礼物送给我朋友。

Please wrap this for me.请帮我把这个包起来。
