
第55章 Office Automation(3)

In addition, Microsoft Office 2006 integrates its applications with the power of the Internet so you can share information, collaborate on projects, and conduct online meetings.

Each of the Microsoft Office 2006 applications makes publishing documents on a Web server as ****** as saving a file on a hard disk. Once the file is placed on the Web server, users can view and edit the documents, and conduct Web discussions and live online meetings.

Microsoft Word 2006

Microsoft Word 2006 is a full-featured word processing program that allows you to create many types of personal and business communications, including announcements, letters, memos, business documents, and academic reports, as well as other forms of written documents.

The Microsoft Word AutoCorrect, Spelling, and Grammar features allow you to proofread documents for errors in spelling and grammar by identifying the errors and offering corrections as you type. As you create a specific document, such as a business letter or resume, Word provides wizards, which ask questions and then use your answers to format the document before you type the text of the document.

The Collect and Paste feature allows you to cut or copy as many as 12 objects (text, pictures, E -mail messages, and so on) and collect them on the Office Clipboard. Then you can paste them into the same document or different documents. Collect and Paste can be used within a single Office 2006 application or among multiple Office 2006 applications.

Microsoft Word makes it possible to access Web pages and search for information, design and publish Web pages on an intranet or the Internet, insert a hyperlink to a Web page in a word processing document, and retrieve pictures from other Web pages. Fig.7-1 illustrates the view of Microsoft Word.

Microsoft Excel 2006

Microsoft Excel 2006 is a spreadsheet program that allows you to organize data, complete calculations, make decisions, graph data, develop professional looking reports, publish organized data on the Web, and access real time data from Web sites. Fig.7-2 illustrates the Microsoft Excel window that contains the worksheet.

Using Microsoft Excel, you can create hyperlinks within a worksheet to access other Office 2006 documents on the network, an organization’s intranet, or the Internet. You also can save worksheets as static and dynamic Web pages that can be viewed using your browser. Static Web pages cannot be changed by the person viewing them. Dynamic Web pages give the person viewing them many Excel capabilities in their browser. In addition, you can create and run queries to retrieve information from a Web page directly into a worksheet.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2006

Microsoft PowerPoint 2006 is a complete presentation graphics program that allows you to produce professional-looking presentations. PowerPoint gives you the flexibility to make informal presentations using overhead transparencies, make electronic presentations using a projection device attached to a personal computer, make formal presentations using 35 mm slides, or run virtual presentation on the Internet. Fig. 7-3 illustrate the view of Microsoft PowerPoint.

In PowerPoint 2006, you create a presentation in Normal view allows you to view the outline pane, slide pane, and notes pane at the same time. Microsoft PowerPoint allows you to create dynamic presentations easily that include multimedia features such as sounds, movies, and pictures. PowerPoint comes with templates assist you in designing a presentation that can be used create a slide now. PowerPoint also contains formatting for tables, so that you don’t have to create the tables using Excel or Word. The Table Draw tool used in word to draw tables also is available in PowerPoint.



n. 额外费用,奖金,奖赏


n. 走廊,戏院,画廊


vt. 校正,校对


n. 介绍,陈述,赠送,表达


n. 活泼,有生气


n. 剪贴板,有纸夹的画板


n. 工具栏


vt. 合作,(与敌人)勾结,通敌


n. 超级链接


v. 自动更正


n. 男巫,术士,奇才


n. 宣告,发表,公告


n. 计算,考虑


n. 透明,透明度,幻灯片


n. 模板


n. 企业内部互联网



微软Office 2006

微软Office 2006由若干个较为流行的微软应用软件产品汇集而成。Office 2006有标准版、小型商业版、专业版、高级版和开发者版等多种版本。Office 2006高级版包括Word 2006、Excel 2006、Access 2006、PowerPoint 2006、Publisher 2006、FrontPage 2006、PhotoDraw 2006、Outlook 2006和IE浏览器。Office 2006可以使工作效率更高,通信质量更好,并改善文件的外观。

与Office 2006配套的一张CD-ROM上含有一个剪贴艺术画廊,可用于任何应用系统以改善文件的外观。该画廊含有16 000张剪贴的艺术图像、音乐、照片、动画、文章和背景图案。另外,从微软web站点的“微软剪贴艺术画廊实况播送”中还可以查到数千种其他图像,而且每个月都有几百张新图添加到这个画廊中。



另外,Office 2006把其应用软件和因特网功能结合在一起,这样就可以共享信息,开展项目合作,举行在线会议。

每个Office 2006 应用程序都能像在硬盘上保存文件那样简单地在Web 服务器上发布文件。一旦将文件放在Web服务器上,其他用户就能浏览和编辑,还可以举行网上讨论和实况在线会议。

微软Word 2006

Word 2006 是一个功能齐全的字处理程序,用它可以生成各种类型的个人或商业信函,包括通知、信件、备忘录、商业文件、学术报告以及其他形式的书面文件。

录入文件时,Word 2006的AutoCorrect、Spelling和Grammar程序可以帮助边输入边校对文件,检查拼写和语法错误。当你要产生一个文件。如一封商业信函或一份简历时,Word 2006 会提供向导。它先提出一些问题,然后在输入文字之前,根据你的回答规定该文件的格式。

Word 2006 的Collect 和Paste 程序可使用户剪切或复制多达12 种对象(文本、图片、电子邮件报文等),并把它们放在Office剪贴板上,然后可以把它们粘贴到同一文件或其他文件上。Collect和Paste功能可以在单个Office 2006应用程序之内使用,也可以在多个Office 2006应用程序之间使用。

Word 2006允许用户在内联网上或因特网上访问Web网页。搜索信息,设计并发布网页,在字处理文档中插入一个指向某网页的超链接,还可以从其他网页中检索图片。微软Word 的视图显示如图7-1 所示。

微软Excel 2006

微软Excel 2006是一个电子表格程序,用于组织数据,完成计算,做出决策,将数据图表化,生成专业水准的报告,在万维网(Web)上公布组织好的数据及在Web站点上存取实时数据。图7-2为含有工作表的Excel窗口。

使用Excel可以在工作表上做一个超链接,用来在网络(即本单位的内部网)上或因特网上访问其他Office 2006的文件。也可以把工作表存储为静态或动态网页。用浏览器浏览。静态网页在用户查看时不能修改;动态网页则在它们的浏览器中给浏览者提供许多Excel 功能。另外,可以生成并使用查询功能,从一个网页上检索信息并将它直接放在工作表中。