
第56章 Office Automation(4)

微软 PowerPoint 2006

微软PowerPoint 2006是一个功能完整的图形演示程序,可以用它做成具有专业水准的演示文稿。PowerPoint提供很大的灵活性:用幻灯片制作非正式演示文稿;使用与个人计算机相连的投影仪进行电子演示;使用35mm幻灯机进行正规的演示或在Internet上运行虚拟演示程序。微软PowerPoint 的视图显示。

使用PowerPoint 2006,可以制作Normal视图用于同时查看提要窗格、幻灯窗格和注释窗格。使用PowerPoint可以很容易地制作动态演示文稿,文稿中包含声音、影片和图片等多媒体功能。PowerPoint中含有多种模板,帮助你设计出能进行幻灯片演示的演示文稿。PowerPoint也含有各种表的格式化功能。所以,你不必再使用Excel或Word去绘制表格了。Word中用于制作表格的工具Table Draw在PowerPoint中也有。

【Reading Material】

Office Automation

Office Automation (OA) is the application of computer and communications technology to improve tile productivity of clerical and managerial office workers. In the mid-1950s, the term was used as a synonym for almost any form of data processing, referring to the ways in which bookkeeping tasks were automated. After some years of disuse, the term was revived in the mid-1970s to describe the interactive use of word and text processing systems, which would later be combined with powerful computer tools, thereby leading to a so-called “integrated electronic office of the future”.

Office automation encompasses six major technologies:

Data processing--Information in numeric form usually calculated by a computer.

Word processing--Information in text foreword and numbers.

Graphics--information that may be in the form of numbers and words, then keyed into a computer and displayed on a screen in a graph, chart, table, or other visual form that makes it easier to understand.

Image--Information in tile form of pictures. Here an actual picture or photograph is taken, entered into the computer, and shown on a screen.t

Voice--The processing of information in the form of spoken words.

Networking--The linking together electronically of computer and otheroffice equipment for processing data, words, graphics, image, and voice.e

Word Processors

Not so long ago, much of our writing, editing, and printing was handled (quite slowly) by our good friend the typewriter. Those days, however, have been relegated to history as word processors have become more widespread and more advanced, doing the job both better and faster.

Standalone spell-checkers, addressers, and outliners have been absorbed into word processors and become standard features. Web browsers may be the next to go. As Internet access becomes folded into operating systems, storing the information via your word processor being to make sense.

Most standard word processing features are supported, including footnotes and mail-merge but no tables or columns. The interface uses customizable toolbars, and the editing screen is a zoom draft mode that optionally displays headers, footnotes, and footers. An unedited print preview displays a full-page or facing-page view. Fonts, keyboard layouts, and input direction change when you select a new language and keyboard layouts can be customized.


Videotext is a form of electronic publishing that consists of a database connected to terminals or personal computers. It stores and displays information in blocks of information called frames or pages. Videotext offers a ****** user interface by displaying pages of information that contain text and graphics and providing an easy way for an untrained user to access one or more databases of information. Offices using videotext can electronically publish standard operating procedure manuals, sales literature, in-house newsletters, company wide phone lists, and other information that is subject to periodic change. Some videotext systems permit users to conduct electronic transactions. For example, an office worker might view an inventory database of office supplies, and then electronically place an order for various supplies.

Desktop Publishing

One important application that exemplifies the relationship of personal computing to office automation is desktop publishing. In all organizations, there is tile fundamental need to produce written communications that not only deliver the company’s message clearly but have a professional look as well. Desktop publishing can satisfy that need. In its ******st form, desktop publishing entails the use of personal computers to prepare and print a wide variety of typeset-or near-typeset-quality documents. The process involves composing the text, manipulating graphics, ****** up or composing the document, and publishing the finished product on a laser printer or typesetter.

Video Conferencing

Video conferencing involves the linking of remote sites by one-way or two-way television. If meeting rooms or conference rooms in offices can be equipped with the necessary audiovisual facilities, travel time and money can be saved by holding a teleconference instead of a face-to-face conference. Many businesses are experimenting with sales and board meetings through video conferencing. The cost is still high, especially if the video conference involves a direct two-way satellite channel connection.

【New Words】


牧师的,书记的 synonym


Bookkeeping 簿记

encompasses 包围,环绕







7.3 Office Solution

Now Lets look at some technology tools that are available for the automated office.

Personal Computers

There’s no recipe for specific computer requirements that will work for every office, but there are some minimum guidelines you can follow to maximize performance.

The microprocessor should be at a minimum speed of 500MHz. For heavier computer use, a 1GHz processor should be considered.

Random access memory (RAM) is the temporary workspace end users have available for loading operating systems, applications, and data. A minimum of 128 MB RAM should be sufficient for today’s office.