
第70章 菜名(14)

(4)其他禽类菜肴(Other Poultry Dishes)

西柠蜜糖乳鸽braised young pigeon with lemon and sweet

川贝炖鹧鸪stewed partridge with fritillary

碧绿野鸡卷stir fried chicken rolls with broccoli

炸野鸡卷deep fried pheasant roll

花胶乳鸽braised pigeon &; fish maw

菜片鹌鹑松minced quail meat with chinese cabbage

大地炒鸽松stir fried minced dove

菜胆鹌鹑脯fried quail chest with vegetable

淮杞炖鹌鹑stewed quail with chinese wolfberry

银耳陈皮炖乳鸽stewed squab with tremella and dried tangerine

铁扒乳鸽grilled young pigeon;grilled squab pigeor

兰花鸽脯braised pigeon breast and broccoli

鹌鹑松minced quail

红酒烧竹鸡braised snipe/bamboo patridge in port wine

花旗参海底椰炖竹丝鸡double boiled bamboo patridge with American ginseng and Coconut in clear broth

红烧石歧项鸽braised pigeon in soy sauce

卤炸乳鸽deep frie pigeon in spiced sauce

冬草花炖鹧鸪stewed partridge with aturnipweto

豆豉鹌鹑脯braised quail breast with black bean sauce

酥香鹌鹑crispy quail with sesame

椒麻鹌鹑腿stewed quail legs with pepper and chili

XO酱爆乳鸽脯sautéed pigeon breast in XO sauce

麻辣鹌鹑脯braised spicye quail breast

北菇云腿蒸乳鸽steamed pigeon with mushrooms and ham

菜片乳鸽松sautéed minced pigeon with sliced vegetables

脆皮乳鸽crispy young pigeon

吊烧乳鸽王roast fleshy and delicate pigeon

荷香蒸乳鸽steamed pigeon in lotus leaves

红酒烩鸽脯braised pigeon breast in red wine

金柠乳鸽脯sautéed pigeon breast with lemon sauce

上素仙鹤simmered pigeon with vegetables(mushrooms,white fungus,baby corn,bamboo shoots and water chesynuts)

上素炒鸽脯sautéed pigeon breast with vegetables

烧汁香煎鸽脯pan fried pigeon breast

生炒乳鸽松sautéed minced pigeon on lettuce leaf

时菜炒鸽脯sautéed sliced pigeon breast with seasonal vegetable

天麻炖乳鸽stewed pigeon with gastrodia tuber

云腿骨香炒鸽片sautéed sliced pigeon with ham

白菌鸽片sliced pigeon with mushroom

大地炒鸽松[粤]stir fried minced dove with bream

竹节鸽盅steamed pigeon in bamboo cup

生炒鸽松minced pigeon

芦笋蚌肉鸽片stir fried boneless pigeon,mussel and asparagus

炖冬菇鸽stewed pigeon with dried mushrooms

荷包燕窝白鸽steamed pigeon stuffed with bird′s nest

炒鸽松fried minced pigeon meat

炒鸽松菱白stir fried pigeon floss with water chestnuts

红酒炖竹鸡braised snipe/bamboo patrigde with port wine

川椒乳鸽Sichuan fried sliced pepper and pigeon

生炒鸽片fried sliced pigeon

川式脆皮乳鸽crisp pigeon in sichuan style

生菜鸽松minced pigeon with lettuce

炒白鸽松fried pigeon;sauteed minced pigeon lettuce

油炸乳鸽fried spring pigeon

油淋乳鸽crispy spiced pigeon

炸乳鸽fried spring pigeon

烧石岐乳鸽braised shiqi young pigeon;roosted sheikh young pigeon

草菇(火屈)乳鸽braised young pigeon with dried mushroom

豉油皇乳鸽braised young pegion with fermerited soybean sauce

(5)蛋类菜肴(Egg Dishes)

椰香咸蛋卷salted egg roll with coconut

溜松花preserved eggs in sauce

蛋黄卷yolk roll

溜黄菜slided egg yolk

沙拉蛋salad egg

玫瑰花鱼翅炒蛋fried eggs with rose and fin

芝士蛋饼egg cake with cheese powder

番茄鸡蛋片fried egg with tomato

鲜虾蘑菇蛋fried egg with shrimp and mushroom

松花肉丁烘蛋fried eggs with pork and preserved eggs

菜花芙蓉cauliflower with egg white

鸡片芙蓉chicken slices with egg white;omelet chicken slices;sliced chicken in egg white sauce

虾仁芙蓉shrimps with egg white

蟹肉芙蓉crab meat with egg white sauce

辣椒圈炒蛋stir fry egg with hot chili

凉瓜炒蛋fry eggs with bitter melon

三色蒸蛋steamed eggs

肉末蛋卷minced meat omelette

辣子脆皮蛋卷hot crisp egg roll

芙蓉蛋egg foo yung;fried egg white

虎皮鹑蛋[沪]wrapped quail eggs boiled and deep fried prown quaileggs

绍子烘蛋baked eeg in minced meat

鱼香荷包蛋fish flavored poached eggs

肉蛋饺egg omelet with minced pork;omelet with minced pork

干贝炒蛋eggs with scallops

炒滑蛋scrambled eggs,guangdong style

炒黄浦蛋fried eggs,shanghai style


炒木樨肉saute pork shreds with fungus and eggs;stir fried pork shreds and cabbage with fungus and scrambled eggs

叉烧炒蛋barbecued pork with egg

叉烧芙蓉barbecued pork with egg white

炒芙蓉蛋scrambled eggs

火腿蒸蛋steamed ham and eggs

肉饼蒸蛋custard with minced pork

肉末鸡蛋omelette/omelet with minced pork

炸象眼鸽蛋fried pigeon eggs with minced meat

红烩虎皮鸽蛋stewed boiled and fried pigeon eggs with brown sauce

燕窝鹌鹑蛋stewed quail eggs with bird′s nest

咸鸭蛋salted duck egg

卤蛋marinated egg

煮鸡蛋boiled egg

糟蛋egg preserved in rice wine

荷包蛋poached egg

煎蛋fried eggs;omelet

香椿煎蛋fried eggs with chopped chinese toon leaves

蟹肉芙蓉蛋crab meat with egg white

虾酱炒鸡蛋scrambled eggs with shrimp paste

韭菜炒鸡蛋scrambled eggs with chinese chives

葱花炒鸡蛋scrambled eggs with diced scallion

蛤蜊蒸蛋steamed egg with clams

鸡肝炒蛋scrambled eggs with chicken liver

白菌炒蛋scrambled eggs with mushroom

火腿炒蛋scrambled eggs with ham

燕窝鸽蛋bird′s nest with pigeon eggs

时菜鹑蛋quail egg with seasonal vegetable

鹑蛋炒碎肉stir fried minced pork and quail egg

菜甫肉碎煎蛋pan fried eggs with minced pork and vegetables

蛋羹steamed egg custard

虾仁跑蛋shrimp omelet

西红柿炒鸡蛋stir fried tomatoes with scrambled eggs

三不粘three non stickiness(not stick with spoon,dish and teeth);dweet egg golk pudding;fried egg yolk soup mixed with sfamch,white sugar and salt

菠菜炒鸡蛋scrambled eggs with spinach

波菜泥卧果spinach with poached egg

菜花炒鸡蛋cauliflower omelette

炒两式蛋scrambled eggs and preserved eggs

葱花炒蛋omelette with chopped scallions

鹑蛋奶露custard cream with quail eggs

葱花蒸蛋steamed chopped scallions &; eggs

白油烘蛋[川]baked egg in white oil;crispy egg in white oil;golden omelet

各式炒蛋assorted omelets

百花酥鹑蛋[粤]stuffed shrimps with quail eggs

合菜带帽assorted vegetables covered with egg;fried various vegetables with eggs

炸蛋卷[京]deep fried egg rolls

菜甫煎蛋vfry egg with vegetable


鲍鱼汁猴头菌hedgehog hydnum mushroom with abalone sauce

鲍鱼汁百灵菇braised mushroom with abalone sauce

日本特级关东辽参Japan superfine ginseng

煎镶香菇fried stuffed champignons

七彩香菇fried champignons with colorful vegetables

家常蒸香菇steamed champignons in home style

香菇艳影steamed champignons stuffed with mashed shrimp

和合香菇steamed champignons stuffed with mashed shrimp

小鸡炖蘑菇stewed chick with mushroom

鸭腰烧口蘑braised duck kidney with mushroom

脆皮参茸球crisp ginseng antler ball

玉片松茸蘑braised tender bamboo shoot slices with matsutake mushroom

松茸山鸡脯fried sliced pheasant breast with matsutake mushroom

白扒猴头蘑braised hericium mushroom with white sauce