
第93章 菜名(37)

蟹黄排翅braised shark′s fin with crab yolk/roe/egg

蟹黄鱼翅braised shark′s fin with crab yolk

八宝鹌鹑eight treasure quail

杏仁炒猪肉丁fried pork dices with almond

杏仁鹑脯braised quail breast with almond

绣球蒸菜steamed vegetables in shape of silk ball

雪花鸡腿sauteed chicken legs with egg white

鸭丝炒鲍鱼fried abalone with duck slices

盐水毛蟹boiled hairy crab with salted water

樱桃肉braised pork with cherry juice

油爆大虾fried prawns

油爆脊丁fried fillet dices

香辣牛肉spiced and hot beef

苋菜黄鱼羹edible aturnipmaranth and croaker thick soup

虾子烧海参braised sea cucumber with shrimps

虾须牛肉braised beef strips

虾仁豆腐braised bean curd with shrimp meat

虾仁扒海参braised sea cucumber with shrimp meat

煨鸡块stewed chicken dices

豌豆炒虾仁fried shrimp meat with pea

氽兔肉圆rabbit meat balls

清炖狗肉stewed dog meat

清炒虾仁fried shrimp meat

青椒炒猪肉fried pork with green pepper

荠菜炒鸡片fried chicken slices with shepherd′s purse

苹果焖牛肉片braised beef slices with apple

苹果炒牛肉片fried beef slices with apple

平菇鲫鱼汤mushroom and crucian soup

枇杷狗肉loquat dog meat

烹鹌鹑fried quail

糯米全鸡stewed chicken stuffed with glutinous rice

清炖哈士蟆stewed forest frog and chicken

清汤鲤鱼丸clear soup with carp balls

牛肉清汤beef soup

牛肉泡菜汤beef and pickled vegetable soup

牛尾汤cattle tail soup

牛杂碎汤cattle sweetbread soup

牛肉丁豆腐braised bean curd with beef dices

清蒸甲鱼steamed turtle

清蒸鲻鱼steamed mullet

酿海盖stuffed crab

泥鳅穿豆腐loach entered into bean curd

南瓜酱汤pumpkin soup with chili sauce

全家福braised all delicious

肉沫海参braised sea cucumber with mashed meat

韭菜炒海螺fried whelk with leek

橘形虾仁braised shrimp meat like orange

菊花猪肉chrysanthemum shaped vermicelli and pork fillet

卷筒狗肉lard net canister stuffed with dog meat

咖喱鸡braised chicken with curry oil

烤牛排grilled beef steak;roast beef

烤牛肉饼beef pie

口蘑烩全狗braised dog soup with mushroom

蜡石烤牛肉grilled beef on little agalmatolite blank

辣炒干贝fried scallops with chili powder

辣炒猪肉丝braised pork shreds with dried chili

辣椒嫩鸡braised chicken with dry red chili

辣肉烧驼掌braised camel hoof and pork with chili sauce

酱焖加吉鱼stewed red porgy with sauce

酱汁鲻鱼braised mullet with soy sauce

浇汁螃蟹braised crab with hot sauce

酱鸡braised chicken with soy sauce

金达莱花菜azalea cauliflower

酱爆猪肉丁fried pork dices with sauce

金酿豆腐stuffed bean curd with mashed pork and shrimps

酱爆双脆fried pork tripe with chicken gizzard

家常豆腐home style bean curd

吉姆鸡丝汤dry laver and chicken slice soup

鸡丝海螺汤whelk and shredded chicken soup

鸽蛋银耳汤pigeon egg and white fungus soup

狗肉汤dog meat soup

狗肉粥鲜桃仁dog meat congee with peach kernel

鳜鱼丝油菜mandarin fish and ****

桂花狗肉braised dog meat with osmanthus

桂花兔肉braised rabbit meat with osmanthus

罐子狗肉dog meat in kettle

罐焖鸡stewed chicken in pot

锅烧全鸡braised whole chicken

锅烧肘子fried pork joint

锅塌番茄fried tomato slices

锅塌里脊pan baked pork fillet

海带冷菜汤kelp soup with cold appetizers

海参鹌鹑蛋braised sea cucumber and quail eggs

海米炒蕨菜fried brake with shrimp meat

旱蒸南瓜steamed pumpkin

荷叶鸭子steamed duck in lotus leaf

核桃酪walnut puree

红炖狗肉stewed dog meat with brown sauce

红炖牛尾stewed cattle tail with brown sauce

干烧鲫鱼braised crucian

干烧鲤鱼braised carp

干烧鳜鱼braised mandarin fish

干煨肉条braised pork strips

干贝鱼肚dried scallops and fish maw

干贝黄肉翅dried scallops and fish′s fin

炒牛肉片fried beef slices

炒狗肝fried dog liver

炒蚶子fried clam meat

叉烧狗肉braised dog meat

菜心狮子狗肉头braised dog meat ball with cauliflower

菠菜豆芽汤spinach and bean sprout soup

冰糖狗腿braised dog legs with rock candy

爆炒虾仁quick fried shrimp meat

鲍鱼裙边abalone and edge of soft shelled turtle

鲍鱼鹌鹑abalone and quail

拌鲜贝mixed fresh scallop

拌牛舌mixed ox tongue

拌墨鱼mixed cuttlefish

拌毛蟹肉mixed hair crab meat

百花鹌鹑stewed quail with minced shelled shrimp and grain shaped ingredients stuffing

白扒燕菜stewed agar

扒莲蓉鹌鹑stewed quail and lotus nut paste

八宝全鸡eight treasure chicken

走油田鸡fried forest frog

走油狗肉fried and steamed/braised dog meat

走油鹑脯fried and steamed/braised quail breast

紫菜蛋卷laver and egg roll

鲻鱼汤mullet soup

箸头春fried quails in sauce

竹笋肝糕汤bamboo shoot and pig liver soup

芝麻猪肉丁fried pork dices with sesame

蒸鸭卷鲜steamed duck meat and egg roll

炸指盖fried dog meat slices

炸蒸狗肉fried well done dog meat

炸琵琶虾fried prawns

炸烹肉段fried dog meat sections

炸牛肉串fried beef shashlik

炸牛排fried beef steak

炸海螺fried whelk

炸鳜鱼fried mandarin fish

炸大叶芹fried yamazeri

炸鲍蛋fried abalone and pigeon eggs

鸡丝鸟窝chicken shreds like bird′s nest

氽金银丝silver and gold shreds

玛瑙狗肉fried dog meat wrapped in bean milk skin

烤牛肉grilled beef

白雪鸡white snow chicken

酸辣兔肉hot and sour rabbit meat

煮兔腿boiled rabbit legs

鸡丝炒海螺fried whelk with shreded chicken

白果烧牛肉braised beef with gingko

一品鲜贝steamed fresh scallop mash

柚子花菜mixed pomelo with pear and sugar;pomelo and pear soup

三鲜鱼唇fish lip with three fresh delicacies

软炸狗脑soft fried well done dog brain

辣油鲍鱼braised preserved abalone with hot chili oil

辣烧鳜鱼braised mandarin fish with fresh red chili

辣炒鱿鱼丝sauted squid shreds with dry red chili

黄瓜炒猪肉片sauted pork slices with cucumber

红鳟鱼丸brown trout ball

红油鹌鹑braised quail with hot chili oil

人参全鸭汤whole duck soup with ginseng

海带芽冷汤cold kelp bud soup

炒年糕sauted rice cake with vegetable

萝卜丝泡菜pickled radish shreds

拌冬粉mixed green bean noodle

大骨汤chop soup

卤牛蒡spiced burdock

扒野兔肉braised hare

茄酱牛肉菠菜汤beef and spinach soup with tomato sauce

红烧干贝braised scallop with brown sauce

鸡丁鲜贝diced chicken and scallop

蒸牛肉卷steamed beef roll

杏仁豆腐aturniplmond bean curd

什锦豆腐aturnipssorted bean curd

青酱泡菜pickled vegetables with soybean sauce

蒜蓉泡菜pickled vegetables with garlic spread