
第14章 情感表达(2)

Give it another try.再尝试一下看看。

Don't be scared.不用怕。

Don't be afraid.不用怕。

Don't be nervous.别紧张。

Let's face it.面对现实吧。


I wish you success! 祝你成功!

Trust me! 相信我!

Believe me.相信我。

I mean it! 我说真的!


I really mean it! 我说真的!


Keep your chin up.振作起来!

Don't be so miserable! 别这么消沉!

Don't let it get you down.别让它把你打败了。

Take heart.振作起来!

Keep smiling! 要保持微笑!

Keep trying! 继续尝试吧!

Get a hold of yourself! 振作起来!

Be a man.拿出勇气来。

Wipe your tears.把眼泪擦擦。

Do your best! 加油!

Do a good job! 好好干!

Take a chance! 加油!

We'll cheer for you.我们会给你加油的。

→cheer 助威,喝彩

Try harder next time.下次继续努力。

Keep at it! 坚持下去!

Try harder! 再加把劲!

Keep it up! 别松劲!

Go to it.别松劲!

Every cloud has a silver lining.


Try to look on the bright side of things.凡事要多看好的一面。

Don't get worked up over nothing! 一点小事,别冲动!

→work up “激动”“激起,使激动”

You can do anything if you really want to.


You can do anything if you put your mind to it.


You can do anything if you are so minded.


You can accomplish anything if you believe in it.


There's a chance.这是一个机会。


There's a possibility.很有可能啊。

It's not impossible.又不是完全不可能的事。

Worrying about it won't solve anything.担心解决不了任何问题。

Worrying about it won't make it better.白白担心也于事无补。

Try and do it.试试看。

Have another try.再试一遍。

Don't be a chicken.别害怕。

Don't be a coward.别胆小。

Don't be a sissy.别胆小。


Don't give a pull.别灰心。

Let's face facts.面对现实吧。

Let's be realistic.别再不切实际了。

Success to you! 祝你成功!

May you succeed! 祝你成功!

I'll have my fingers crossed.祝你成功!

I'll keep my fingers crossed.我会祝你成功!

I'll cross my fingers.祝你成功!

I'll keep my hopes up.祝你成功!

Take my word for it.我可以保证。

Take it from me.我敢保证。

You'd better believe it! 你最好相信!




A.Stop blaming youself.It's not your fault.It was just an accident.


B.No.It's me.If I paid more attention,there would not have been…


A.Oh,come on! Nobody's perfect.Anyway,you have already tried

your best to make it up.So,just take it easy.



B.I want to,but I just can't.After all,it has caused us a great loss.


A.So what are you gonna do?


B.I'll go and help him to explain it to our client.





I'm depressed.我很沮丧。

I feel blue.我很难过。

I feel low.我感觉情绪低落。

I feel really down.我心情真的很不好。

It's depressing.真让人沮丧。

It's sad.真可悲。

It gets me down.真让人沮丧。

It makes me sad.真让人难过。


I"ve got the blues today.今天我很郁闷。

→blue 表示忧郁的,blues 表示郁闷,忧郁症。

I feel down in the dumps today.


It makes me feel depressed.真让人沮丧。

I don't feel like doing anything.我没心情做事。

I don't have any enthusiasm for life.我提不起精神做事。

He looks melancholy.他满脸忧愁。

He has a melancholy look.他满脸忧愁。

He looks gloomy today.今天他看上去很烦闷。

→ gloomy 常用来形容“(天气等)阴沉沉的”,在此表示“烦闷、忧郁的感觉”。



What a disappointment! 真让人失望!

This is disappointing.真叫人失望!

What a pity! 太遗憾了!

What a shame! 真丢人!

Too bad! 太糟糕了!

That's too bad! 真糟糕!

It was all in vain/a waste.全都白费了。

It was all for nothing.前功尽弃。

I blew it.我搞砸了。


I screwed up.我搞砸了。

I messed up.我真失策。


What a letdown! 真是太令人失望了。

I'm disappointed with it.我对此感到非常失望。

What a bummer! 真是游手好闲!

It was a waste of my effort.简直就是白费力气。

→waste 浪费,白搭,effort 表示努力,费尽力气。

My effort was wasted.浪费我的精力。

All my effort went down the drain.我所有的努力都白费了。

All that for nothing.付出那么多却什么都没得到。

→ 事情进展得不那么顺利时,表示“我费了那么大的劲儿,我做出了那么多的努力,可是……”。

You let me down.你太让我失望了。

You disappointed me.你太让我失望了。

It's my entire fault.都是我的错。

It can't be helped.没办法。

There's nothing you can do about it.你也没办法改变呀。

情境3 悲伤


I feel sad.我很难过。

I'm sad.我很难过。

I'm unhappy.我不开心。

Oh,dear! 哦,天哪!

Oh,my God! 哦,我的天哪!

How ruthless! 真无情!

How cruel! 真残酷!

No one can understand how I really feel.没人知道我的真实感受。

I am sorry about your misfortune.对于你的不幸我深表同情。

The bad news saddened me.噩耗传来,我感到悲痛万分。

The earthquake makes the whole country in pain.


He is sad despite his smiles.他在强颜欢笑。

You feel small and insignificant.


Everything seems just out of reach.每件事情似乎都够不着边。

You're not sure how much longer you can hang on.



I feel really sad.我感到很悲伤。

I'm really sad.我真的很难过。

I'm really unhappy.我真的很不开心。

Alas! 哎呀!




My heart broke.我的心都碎了。

I felt heart broken.我的心都碎了。

My heart has been filled with grief.我内心充满了悲伤。

→be filled with 表示充满,grief 表示“极度悲伤”“悲叹”。

The sad story depressed me.悲惨的故事会使我心情抑郁。

→depress 表示“使消沉,使沮丧”。

The sad story really brought me down.


→bring…down “使……灰心丧气”。

How uncaring! 真冷漠!

No one can relate to me.没人能知道我的真实感受。

Nobody understands my feelings.谁都不懂我的感受。

She was cut up by the news.她听到消息感到很难过。

Everyone is in deepest sorrow and affection.


I am sorry to learn that your dear mother has just passed on.


The death of her father left Mary disconsolate.


She was pained at her own bitterness.她为自己的苦难感到难过。

These are miserable days when you feel lousy,grumpy,lonely and utterly exhausted.


You can't rise to the occasion.你根本无法振作起来。

Just getting started seems impossible.根本没有力气重新开始。

On blue days you can become paranoid that everyone is out to get you.在忧郁的日子里,你可能变成偏执狂,觉得每个人都想要吃定你。

On blue days you feel like you're floating in an ocean of sadness.


You're about to burst into tears at any moment and you don't even know why.


Ultimately,you feel like you're wandering through life without purpose.


情境4 寂寞


I feel lonely.我感到很寂寞。

I'm lonely.我很孤独。

I hate being alone.我讨厌一个人待着。

I miss you.我想你了。

I want to see you.我想见你。

I feel lonely without you.没你我感觉很孤单。

My life is empty.我的生活很空虚。