
第15章 情感表达(3)

My life is meaningless.我的生活一点意义都没有。

I'm all alone in this world.这个世界上只剩下我一个人了。


I feel all alone.我很孤独。

I want to be with you.我想跟你在一起。

I feel helpless without you.没有你我觉得很无助。

I feel empty.我感觉空荡荡的。

I feel incomplete.我感觉很空虚。

→比 I feel empty.更强调空虚。

I don't feel satisfied with my life.我对我的生活不是很满意。

Alone at last.最终只剩下我一个人了。

I'm finally alone.最终又是只剩下我一个人了。

情境5 绝望


I give up/in.我放弃了。

I'm giving up.我放弃了。

I can't help it.我没办法了。

There's nothing I can do about it.对此我无能为力了。

Not a chance! 没戏!


No way.没门。


I don't have a clue.我也是一头雾水。

It's hopeless.没希望了。

It's impossible.不可能。

It was fate.这就是命啊!

It's all over.已经过去了。

It's in the past.已经过去了。

It's done.做完了。

It beats me.这可难倒我了。

I have no idea.这可难倒我了。

I don't know.不知道。

I have no other choice but to do so.除此之外我别无选择。

No wonder.果然不出我所料。

See,I told you! 瞧,我早跟你说过吧!

You deserve it.活该!

You asked for it.你自找的。

You never know.世事难料。

Anything could happen.世事难料。

No wonder.难怪。

That makes sense.有道理。

→make sense “合乎道理”“理所当然”。


I fold.我放弃了。

I'm throwing in the towel.我认输了。

→throw in the towel 原是拳击用语,日常会话时常用来表示“认输”。

No chance at all.没戏。

Fat chance.算了吧。

That's the way it goes.毫无办法。

I have no clue.我也是一头雾水。

→clue 表示“线索”“头绪”。

I don't have any idea.我也没办法。

I haven't a clue.我也是一头雾水。

It was meant to be.这就是命啊!

It's my destiny.这就是命啊!

It's history.都已经过去了。


I have no other choice.我没别的办法了。

It's my only choice.这是我唯一的办法了。

I have to.我只能这么做。

That figures.果不其然。

That makes sense.果不其然。

That explains it.果不其然。

That's why.这就说得通了。

See,didn't I tell you so? 瞧,我早跟你说过吧!

I told you,didn't I? 我早跟你说过,不是吗?

See,I'm right.瞧,我说对了吧!

You should have listened to me.叫你不听我的话,瞧我说对了吧!

Serves you right.报应!

→serve…right 短语,表示“当然的报应”。

Well,you got what you deserved.哼,你活该!

Well,that'll teach you a lesson.嗯,这次学乖了吧。

That serves you right.你活该!

You were asking for it.你自找的。

You got what was coming to you.报应!

You can't be too sure.世事难料。

It makes sense.那是理所当然的嘛。

Ah,I get it.不足为奇。

情境6 生气


Oh,no! 哦不!

Uh oh.糟了!


Do something! 想想办法!

Please do something about it.求你想想办法吧。

This is too much for me to handle.这项工作对我来说太重了。

That's it.就这样吧,我不干了。

I can't take it anymore.我再也忍不下去了。

His answer didn't satisfy me.我不满意他的回答。

Play fair! 公平点儿!

You're wasting your time and money! 你在浪费时间和金钱!

What's taking so long? 怎么这么久?

He doesn't respect me.他看不起我。

You're good for nothing.你什么忙也帮不上。

It drives me crazy.我快被逼疯了!

He doesn't treat me fairly.他对我不公平。


Oh,heck! 真见鬼!

→heck 表示有点灰心和失望。

Oh,darn! 该死的!

Shucks! 呸!


Sheesh! 天哪!

Please take care of it for me.你帮我想想办法。

This task is too much for me.这项工作对我来说太重了。

→task 表示“作为任务分派给人的工作”。

I can't complete this task alone.我一个人做不完。

This is the last straw.我再也忍不下去了。

→last straw 表示“再也无法承受的负担和困难上又新加的痛苦”。

I've had it up to here.我再也忍不下去了。

Your response is unacceptable.你的回答我接受不了。

→unacceptable 接受不了

I'm not satisfied with what you said.你的回答我不是很满意。

Your answer is unsatisfactory.你的回答我不是很满意。

I'm not satisfied with his answer.我不满意他的回答。

→be satisfied with.对……感到满意

I'm dissatisfied with his answer.我不满意他的回答。

Play fairly! 公平点儿!

Don't cheat! 别作弊!

What a waste of time and money! 多费时费钱呀!

Why is it taking so long? 怎么花了这么长时间?

He looks down on me.他看不起我。

He despises me.他鄙视我。

It makes me crazy.我快被逼疯了!

It drives me up the wall.我快被逼疯了!

He's unfair to me.他对我不公平。

→unfair 不公平的;不合理的

He treats me unfairly.他对我不公平。

情境7 发怒


No more excuses! 别再狡辩了!

→excuse “辩解”

That's no excuse.别拿那个当挡箭牌。

Don't tell me what to do! 你少命令我!


I'm mad! 我要疯了!

I'm angry.我很生气。

That's disgusting.真烦人。

That's gross.太恶心了。

Don't make fun of me! 别取笑我!

→make fun of 惯用短语,“嘲笑,开玩笑”。

I can't.I've run out of patience.不行。我已经没耐心了。

What nerve! 你放肆!

I'm not stupid! 别把我当傻子!

You're ****** fun of me.少瞧不起人!

→ make fun of.表示“看不起人,把……作为取笑对象”。把它作为一个短语来记。

He has a bad temper.他脾气不好。

I'm not giving in.我不会让步的。

Do you know who you're talking to? 你知道你是在跟谁说话吗?

That's blackmail! 你这是勒索!

→blackmail 勒索;恐吓

Don't insult my intelligence.你别侮辱我的智商。

You'll regret it.你会后悔的。

Are you crazy/insane/nuts? 你疯了?

Are you out of your mind? 你疯了?

Don't look at me like that! 别用那种眼神看着我!

I'll pay him back.我会让他付出代价的。

Do whatever you want! 随便你想做什么吧!

Do as you please.你随便。


Don't make any excuses! 别再狡辩了!

Don't give me excuses.别给我找借口。

No ifs,ands or buts! 不要再给我找借口了!

→用在有人用 if 如果、and 还有、but 但等词作解释时。

I've heard enough of your excuses.我已经听够你的解释了。

I don't want to hear any excuses.我不想再听你解释了。

That's not a good excuse.你这借口也太拙劣了。

What's the big idea? 你到底在想些什么?


Don't give me any lip service! 别给我开空头支票!

→lip “嘴唇”,“lip service”表示“口惠”。

Don't give me any lip.别给我开空头支票!

I'm mad at you! 你要气死我了!

I'm upset.气死我了。

→upset 生气,心烦意乱

I'm ticked off.他老惹我生气。

→tick off 俚语,“使人生气”。

You're getting on my nerves.你快烦死我了!

→nerve 神经

get on my nerves.触动我的神经;让我心烦

You're bothering me.你别让我为难了行吗!

→bother 使人为难;纠缠不休;烦恼

You're really irritating me.你真的惹火我了。

→irritate 使人心烦;让人着急;使人生气

Don't tease me.别取笑我!

Don't talk down to me.别取笑我!

Don't belittle me.别取笑我!

I've run out of patience.我再也没耐心了。

→run out of 用光,耗尽;patience 忍耐,耐性。

I lost my temper.我生气了。

How impudent you are to say such a thing! 你真是厚颜无耻啊!

→impudent 厚颜的,不知羞耻的

How impolite! 真没礼貌!

That's a rude thing to say! 你太粗鲁了!

What he says offends me.他说话太气人了。

→offend 得罪人,使人生气,给人不愉快的感觉。

What he says bothers me.他说的话让人心烦。

We've got to get even.我们得反击。

→get even 回击,报复

We have to get him back.我们一定要反击回去

I wasn't born yesterday.我可不是昨天才生下来的。

I didn't just fall off the turnip truck! 我清楚得很!

→ turnip 蔬菜中的“芜菁”,直译“我又不是刚从货车上掉下来的芜菁”。


I'm not *****! 我又不是傻子!

Don't think you can make a fool out of me! 别以为你可以轻视我!

→make a fool out of.表示“轻视,看不起”。

Don't try to make me look foolish! 别把我当傻瓜。

You can't make me look stupid! 别把我当傻瓜。

You're teasing me.你敢戏弄我!

→tease 逗弄,戏弄;愚弄

Are you trying to make a fool out of me? 你在你拿我开涮呢?

That's asking too much.真是狮子大开口啊。

You're being too greedy.真是狮子大开口啊。

You're pushing your luck.真是狮子大开口啊。

He has a quick temper.他是急脾气。