
第17章 乞力马扎罗山的雪(节选)by Ernest Hemingway





When she goes,he thought.I’ll have all I want.Not all I want but all there is.Ayee,he was tired.Too tired.He was going to sleep a little while.He lay still and death was not there.It must have gone around another street.It went in pairs,on bicycles,and moved absolutely silently on the pavements[2]。

No,he had never written about Paris.Not the Paris that he cared about.But what about the rest that he had never written?

What about the ranch[3]and the silvered grey of the sage brush,the quick,clear water in the irrigation ditches,and the heavy green of the alfalfa[4]?The trail went up into the hills and the cattle in the summer were shy as deer.The bawling[5]and the steady noise and slow moving mass raising a dust as you brought them down in the fall.And behind the mountains,the clear sharpness of the peak in the evening light and,riding down along the train in the moonlight,bright across the valley.

Now ,he remembered coming down through the timber in the dark holding the horse’s tail when you could not see and all the stories that he meant to write.

About the half-wit[6]chore boy who was left at the ranch that time and told not to let anyone get any hay,and that old bastard from the Forks who had beaten the boy when he had worked for him stopping to get some feed.The boy refusing and the old man saying he would beat him again.The boy got the rifle from the kitchen and shot him when he tried to come into the barn and when they came back to the ranch he’d been dead a week,frozen in the corral[7],and the dogs had eaten part of him.But what was left you packed on a sled[8]wrapped in a blanket and roped on and you got the boy to help you haul it,and the two of you took it out over the road on skis,and sixty miles down to town to turn the boy over.He having no idea that he would be arrested.Thinking he had done his duty and that you were his friend and he would be rewarded.He’d helped to haul the old man in so everybody could know how bad the old man had been,and how he’d tried to steal some feed that didn’t belong to him,and when the sheriff[9]put the handcuffs on the boy he couldn’t believe it.Then he’d started to cry.That was one story he had saved to write.He knew at least twenty good stories from out there and he had never written one.Why?

‘You tell them why,’he said.

‘Why what,dear?’

‘Why nothing.’

She didn’t drink so much,now,since she had him.But if he lived he would never write about her,he knew that now.

Nor about any of them.The rich were dull and they drank too much,or they played too much backgammon[10].They were dull and they were repetitious[11].He remembered poor Julian and his romantic awe of them and how he had started a story once that began,‘The very rich are different from you and me.’And how someone had said to Julian.Yes,they have more money.But that was not humorous to Julian.

He thought, they were a special glamorous[12]race and when he found they weren’t it wrecked him just as much as any other thing that wrecked him.

He had been contemptuous[13]of those who wrecked.You did not have to like it because you understood it.He could beat anything,he thought,because nothing could hurt him if he did not care.

All right.Now he would not care for death.One thing he had always dreaded was the pain.He could stand pain as well as any man,until it went on too long,and wore him out[14],but here he had something that had hurt frightfully and just when he had felt it breaking him,the pain had stopped.

He remembered ,long ago when Williamson,the bombing officer,had been hit by a stick bomb someone in a German patrol had thrown as he was coming in through the wire that night and,screaming,had begged everyone to kill him.He was a fat man,very brave,and a good officer,although addicted to fantastic shows.But that night he was caught in the wire,with a flare lighting him up and his bowels spilled out into the wire,so when they brought him in,alive,they had to cut him loose.Shoot me,Harry.For Christ sake shoot me.They had had an argument one time about our Lord never sending you anything you could not bear and someone’s theory had been that meant that a certain time the pain passed you out automatically.But he had always remembered Williamson,that night.Nothing passed out Williamson until he gave him all his morphine[15]tablets that he had always saved to use himself and then they did not work right away.

Still this now,that he had,was very easy;and if it was no worse as it went on there was nothing to worry about.Except that he would rather be in better company.

He thought ,a little about the company that he would like to have.

No,he thought,when everything you do,you do too long,and do too late,you can’t expect to find the people still there.

The people are all gone.The party’s over and you are with your hostess now.

I’m getting as bored with dying as with everything else,he thought.

‘It’s a bore,’he said out loud.

‘What is,my dear?’

‘Anything you do too bloody long.’

He looked at ,her face between him and the fire.She was leaning back in the chair and the firelight shone on her pleasantly lined face and he could see that she was sleepy.

He heard the hyena[16]make a noise just outside the range of the fire.

‘I’ve been writing,’he said.‘But I got tired,’

‘Do you think you will be able to sleep?’

‘Pretty sure.Why don’t you turn in?’

‘I like to sit here with you.’

‘Do you feel anything strange?’he asked her.

‘No.Just a little sleepy.’

‘I do,’he said.

He had just felt ,death come by again.

‘You know the only thing I’ve never lost is curiosity,’he said to her.

‘You’ve never lost anything.You’re the most complete man I’ve ever known.’

‘Christ,’he said.‘How little a woman knows.What is that?Your intuition?’

Because,just then,death had come and rested its head on the foot of the cot and he could smell its breath.

‘Never believe any of that about a scythe and a skull,’he told her.‘It can be two bicycle policemen as easily or be a bird.Or it can have a wide snout like a hyena.’

It had moved up on him now,but it had no shape any more.It simply occupied space.

‘Tell it to go away.’

It did not go away ,but moved a little closer.

‘You’ve got a hell of a breath,’he told it.‘You stinking[17]bastard.’

It moved up closer to him still ,and now he could not speak to it,and when it saw he could not speak it came a little closer,and now he tried to send it away without speaking,but it moved in on him so its weight was all upon his chest,and while it crouched there and he could not move,or speak,he heard the woman say,‘Bwana is asleep now.Take the cot up very gently and carry it into the tent’。

He could not, speak to tell her to make it go away and it crouched now,heavier so he could not breathe.And then,while they lifted the cot,suddenly it was all right and the weight went from his chest.

It was, morning and had been morning for some time and he heard the plane.It showed very tiny and then made a wide circle and the boys ran out and lit the fires,using kerosene[18],and piled on grass so there were two big smudges[19]at each end of the level place and the morning breeze blew them toward the camp and the plane circled twice more,low this time,and then glided down and levelled off and landed smoothly and,coming walking toward him,was old Compton in slacks,a tweed jacket and a brown felt hat.

‘What’s the matter,old cock?’Compton said.

‘Bad leg,’he told him.‘Will you have some breakfast?’

‘Thanks.I’ll just have some tea.It’s the Puss Moth,you know.I won’t be able to take the Memsahib.There’s only room for one.Your lorry is on the way.’

Helen had ,taken Compton aside and was speaking to him.

Compton ,came back more cheery than ever.

‘We’ll get you right in,’he said.‘I’ll be back for the Mem.Now I’m afraid I’ll have to stop at Arusha to refuel.We’d better get going.’

‘What about the tea?’

‘I don’t really care about it,you know.’

The boys ,had picked up the cot and carried it around the green tents and down along the rock and out on to the plain and along past the smudges that were burning brightly now,the grass all consumed,and the wind fanning the fire,to the little plane.It was difficult getting him in,but once in he lay back in the leather seat,and the leg was stuck straight out to one side of the seat where Compton sat.Compton started the motor and got in.He waved to Helen and to the boys and,as the clatter moved into the old familiar roar,they swung around with Compie watching for wart-hog holes and roared,bumping,along the stretch between the fires and with the last bump rose and he saw them all standing below,waving,and the camp beside the hill,flattening now,and the plain spreading,clumps of trees,and the bush flattening,while the game trails ran now smoothly to the dry waterholes,and there was a new water that he had never known of.

The zebra,small rounded backs now,and the wildebeeste,big-headed dots seeming to climb as they moved in long fingers across the plain,now scattering as the shadow came toward them,they were tiny now,and the movement had no gallop,and the plain as far as you could see,grey-yellow now and ahead old Compie’s tweed back and the brown felt hat.Then they were over the first hills and the wildebeeste were trailing up them,and then they were over mountains with sudden depths of green-rising forest and the solid bamboo slopes,and then the heavy forest again,sculptured into peaks and hollows until they crossed,and hills sloped down and then another plain,hot now,and purple brown,bumpy with heat and Compie looking back to see how he was riding.Then there were other mountains dark ahead.

And t,hen instead of going on to Arusha they turned left,he evidently figured that they had the gas,and looking down he saw a pink sifting cloud,moving over the ground,and in the air,like the first snow in a blizzard[20],that comes from nowhere,and he knew the locusts[21]were coming up from the South.Then they began to climb and they were going to the East it seemed,and then it darkened and they were in a storm,the rain so thick it seemed like flying through a waterfall,and then they were out and Compie turned his head and grinned and pointed and there,ahead,all he could see,as wide as all the world,great,high,and unbelievably white in the sun,was the square top of Kilimanjaro.And then he knew that there was where he was going.

Just ,then the hyena stopped whimpering[22]in the night and started to make a strange,human,almost crying sound.The woman heard it and stirred uneasily.She did not wake.In her dream she was at the house on Long Island and it was the night before her daughter’s debut[23].Somehow her father was there and he had been very rude.Then the noise the hyena made was so loud she woke and for a moment she did not know where she was and she was very afraid.Then she took the flashlight[24]and shone it on the other cot that they had carried in after Harry had gone to sleep.She could see his bulk under the mosquito bar but somehow he had gotten his leg out and it hung down alongside the cot.The dressings had all come down and she could not look at it.

‘Molo,’she called.’Molo!Molo!’

Then she said,‘Harry,Harry!‘Then her voice rising,‘Harry!Please,Oh Harry!’

There was no answer and she could not hear him breathing.

Outside the tent the hyena made the same strange noise that had awakened her.But she did not hear him for the beating of her heart.



























































About the Author

Ernest Hemingway:厄纳斯特?海明威,美国小说家,1954年度的诺贝尔文学奖获得者。生于乡村医生家庭,从小喜欢钓鱼、打猎、音乐和绘画,曾作为红十字会车队司机参加第一次世界大战,以后长期担任驻欧记者,并曾以记者身份参加第二次世界大战和西班牙内战。晚年患多种疾病,精神十分抑郁,经多次医疗无效,终用猎枪自杀。他的早期长篇小说《太阳照样升起》(1927)、《永别了,武器》(1927)成为表现美国“迷惘的一代”的主要代表作。30、40年代他转而塑造摆脱迷惘、悲观,为人民利益而英勇战斗和无畏牺牲的反法西斯战士形象(剧本《第五纵队》1938),长篇小说《丧钟为谁而鸣》(1940)。50年代后,他继续发展20年代短篇小说《打不败的人》和《五万大洋》的宁折不弯主题,塑造了以桑提亚哥为代表的“可以把他消灭,但就是打不败他”的“硬汉性格”(代表作中篇小说《老人与海》1950)。在艺术上,他那简约有力的文体和多种现代派手法的出色运用,在美国文学中曾引起过一场“文学革命”,许多欧美作家都明显受到了他的影响。

















14.wear out:使人精疲力竭













