

32:法国电影作曲家再获奥斯卡提名A French composer was renominated for Oscar prize


It's award season in the film world. Almost most of the attention is always on contenders for best actor or best film. There are many other awards to be won for sound, special effects and of course, music. The big stars in these fields are often rather overlooked, like the French composer Alexandre Desplat who's been nominated by the Oscar's academy six times in the past 80 years. Now you may not have heard of him, I bet you have heard of some of the films he's written music for, though, The Queen, The King's Speech, Argo. This year, he is nominated for creating Philomena, the real life story of an Irish woman's mission to track down her child stolen and adopted overseas. So is this his year?

'I became a film composer. And I heard music in films that were driving, emphasizing the emotions. And not only that, but these pieces of music, not only they've served the film, but when I go home, I could listen to it as a piece of music, as a pure piece of music and there is something there but that's really special. Good music works with good pictures.'

'Let's wonder about that, I mean, do you ever say to a director,'look, I understand exactly the emotion you are trying to evoke with these sequence of pictures, and I'm telling you the best thing to use for that is Mozart or Beethoven or some another, rather than something I've written'?'

'When I saw the King's Speech by Tom Hooper, Beethoven Second Movement of the Seventh Symphony, it was just perfect. And it was just nothing I could do to replace that piece. So I said to Tom,'Tom, this piece you will keep because it's just gorgeous and it makes the movie better.'So I'm not gonna compete with Ludwig van, you know.'

'And how often do you watch pic-tures and in desperation sit there on your own thinking, I mean, do you ever get writers'block?'

'No. The brain and the writing brain, I guess, the section where the writing comes from, if it's excited every day, it's like it's a muscle, that you just, you know, keep. And if you feed it regularly with readings and music you listen to, that just feeds your artistic sensitivity.'








单词解析Word analysis

1. overIook[??v?'l?k]v.忽视

例句:It is easy to overlook a small detail like that.


2. nominate['n?m?ne?t]n.提名,推荐

例句:I nominate John to represent us at the meeting.


3. track[tr?k]v.找寻,追踪

例句:The dogs tracked the wolf to its lair.


4. evoke[?'v??k]v.唤醒,引起

例句:His appearance is bound to evoke sym-pathy.


5. repIace[r?'ple?s]v.接替,取代

例句:I'm replacing Sue on the team.


6. bIock[bl?k]n.阻碍,障碍

例句:This incident is a major block to progress.


7. sensitivity[sens?'t?v?t?]n.敏感性

例句:It's a matter of great political sensitivity.


语法知识点Grammar points

1. Now you may not have heard of him, I bet you have heard of some of the filmshe's written music for, though, The Queen, The King's Speech, Argo.

“may not have+过去分词”,“可能还没有做某事”,属于情态动词现在完成时。

2. No. The brain and the writing brain, I guess, the section where the wri-ting comes from.

“where”引导一个定语从句,where属于关系副词,先行词是the section。

33:机器人发明者受到动物王国的启发Robot builders inspired by animal kingdom


US scientists have unveiled a new breed of tiny robots, which were inspired by miniature creature such as termites. They've been put on display at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Chicago. And researchers say robots of the future are likely to resemble small animals rather than the humanoid butlers seen in science fiction. From the conference our science correspondent Pallab Ghosh reports.

'In the 1970s, this is how we imagine robots to be in the future. 40 years on, and this is how they've turned out, tiny robot ants, not dusting or ****** tea, but trying to find their way home. But why build robots based on ants?Their creator Professor Buffler Webb at the Edinburgh University explains.

'If you've ever tried to build a robot yourself, you cannot help but be amazed when you now look at an animal, even a very ****** animal and how well it interacts with the world, how many competences it has, how compound it is.'

'Professor Webb spent several weeks studying a type of ant in Spain. She was amazed that it could process complex visual information in its tiny brain. And so back at the lab, she reproduced it in robot form.'

'Ants are fantastic navigators. They remember what they see in the way that we might recognize what we see when we learn our way around a new city. But they do all of it with a brain that's smaller than the head of a pin and with very poor vision. And so we really are interested to try and understand and replicate their capabilities.'

Meanwhile, in Chicago, Professor Malcom Makaiva became enamored with another little creature.

'The inspiration is a group of fish that live in the rivers of the Amazon. And those rivers are very murky. So as a result they've had to evolve a different way to sense what they do as they generate a weak electric field around their body and they are able to navigate and they also communicate and hunt using that field.'

'So he took some back to his lab at Northwestern University in Chicago and he showed me how their remarkable natural electric fields work.'