

'If we dip the wires from a speaker into the tank, that electric field gets translated into sound.'

'The fish uses these fields rather like radar to sense their surroundings. Professor Macaiva has made some robot fish that mimic the real ones.'












单词解析Word analysis

1. inspire[?n'spa??]v.激励

例句:We need someone who can inspire the team.


2. dispIay[d?'sple?]n.展示,陈列

例句:His photographs were first put on display in New York.


3. resembIe[r?'zemb(?)l]v.像

例句:He grew up to resemble his father.


4. compIex['k?mpleks]adj.复杂的

例句:Photosynthesis is a highly complex process.


5. fantastic[f?n't?st?k]adj.极好的

例句:It's a fantastic place, really beautiful!


6. recognize['rek?ɡna?z]v.认出

例句:I don't recognize you in your uniform.


7. repIicate['repl?ke?t]v.重做

例句:There is a need for further research to replicate these findings.


8. evoIve[?'v?lv]v.进化

例句:Fish evolved from prehistoric sea creatures.鱼是由史前的海洋生物进化而来。

语法知识点Grammar points

1. US scientists have unveiled a new breed of tiny robots, which were inspired by minute creature suchas termites.

“which”引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是a new breed of tiny robots。

2. In the 1970s, this is how we imagine robots to be in the future.

“how we imagine……”是名词性从句做表语。

3. If we dip the wires from a speaker into the tank, that electric field gets translated into sound.


34:发展中国家禁烟成大难题Smoking ban in developing countries becomes a problem


Today, around 5. 5 trillion cigarettes are produced every year in spite of the fact that tobacco use kills about five and a half million people every year, an average of one person every 6 seconds. The BBC's Peter Tailor has been taking a new look at the global tobacco market.

Much of the industry's position has not changed on advertising. For example, it still maintains that advertising is not designed to get people to smoke;it's about getting smokers to switch brands. But you know, one has to give them credit for developing electronic cigarettes which are undoubtedly much safer than conventional cigarettes. So yes, there is a change on that front. I mean, they will say that that is the future and they are investing a lot of money in it and investing millions in developing e-cigarettes. It has huge potential as a market but it still has to be seen in a, you know, in a context of where the vast majority of their profits will come from over the next, you know, many decades.

So Peter, if we look at that bigger global picture, well, how much are you seeing the sense of pushing the smoking of combustible cigarettes at children?

Advertising is everywhere, the Phillip Morris, iconic Marlboro cowboy still riding the range. Everywhere you go, there are cigarettes on sale which of course are attractive to young children. There is no effective government legi-slation on it. I spoke to the Prime Minister who is the former guerrilla leader, who you know, fought for independence. And he is a chainsmoker. He said,'I know, but I'm addicted. I find it very difficult to stop.'I asked him about banning advertising. Banning advertising, you know, doesn't achieve anything. The way to go forward is education. There is no education. So it's really interesting microcosm of the way that the problem is evident in a developing country, pretty typical of many developing countries. That's where the next generation of smokers are. Peter Tailor.






单词解析Word analysis

1. maintain[me?n'te?n;


例句:Critics maintain that these reforms will lead to a decline in educational standards.


2. switch[sw?t?]v.转变,改变

例句:Duval could switch easily from French to English.


3. conventionaI[k?n'ven?(?)


例句:Internet connections through conventional phone lines are fairly slow.


4. saIe[se?l]n.销售,出售

例句:The use and sale of marijuana remains illegal.


5. effective[?'fekt?v]adj.有效的

例句:The cheaper drugs are just effective in treating arthritis.


6. independence[?nd?'pend(?)ns]n.独立

例句:The country has made great advances since independence.


7. achieve[?'t?i?v]v.实现,取得

例句:Frances achieved very good exam results.


语法知识点Grammar points

1. Today, around 5.5 trillion cigarettes are producedevery year in spite of the fact that tobacco use kills about 5 and a half million people every year, an average of one person every 6 seconds.