书城公版The Queen of Hearts


His unhappy wife still lives.When the farewell lines of her husband's writing reached her she was incapable of comprehending them.The mental prostration which had followed the parting scene was soon complicated by physical suffering--by fever on the brain.To the surprise of all who attended her, she lived through the shock, recovering with the complete loss of one faculty, which, in her situation, poor thing, was a mercy and a gain to her--the faculty of memory.From that time to this she has never had the slightest gleam of recollection of anything that happened before her illness.In her happy oblivion, the veriest trifles are as new and as interesting to her as if she was beginning her existence again.Under the tender care of the friends who now protect her, she lives contentedly the life of a child.When her last hour comes, may she die with nothing on her memory but the recollection of their kindness!


THE wind that I saw in the sky yesterday has come.It sweeps down our little valley in angry howling gusts, and drives the heavy showers before it in great sheets of spray.

There are some people who find a strangely exciting effect produced on their spirits by the noise, and rush, and tumult of the elements on a stormy day.It has never been so with me, and it is less so than ever now.I can hardly bear to think of my son at sea in such a tempest as this.While I can still get no news of his ship, morbid fancies beset me which I vainly try to shake off.I see the trees through my window bending before the wind.

Are the masts of the good ship bending like them at this moment?

I hear the wash of the driving rain.Is _he_ hearing the thunder of the raging waves? If he had only come back last night!--it is vain to dwell on it, but the thought will haunt me--if he had only come back last night!

I tried to speak cautiously about him again to Jessie, as Owen had advised me; but I am so old and feeble now that this ill-omened storm has upset me, and I could not feel sure enough of my own self-control to venture on matching myself to-day against a light-hearted, lively girl, with all her wits about her.It is so important that I should not betray George--it would be so inexcusable on my part if his interests suffered, even accidentally, in my hands.

This was a trying day for our guest.Her few trifling indoor resources had, as I could see, begun to lose their attractions for her at last.If we were not now getting to the end of the stories, and to the end, therefore, of the Ten Days also, our chance of keeping her much longer at the Glen Tower would be a very poor one.

It was, I think, a great relief for us all to be summoned together this evening for a definite purpose.The wind had fallen a little as it got on toward dusk.To hear it growing gradually fainter and fainter in the valley below added immeasurably to the comforting influence of the blazing fire and the cheerful lights when the shutters were closed for the night.

The number drawn happened to be the last of the series--Ten--and the last also of the stories which I had written.There were now but two numbers left in the bowl.Owen and Morgan had each one reading more to accomplish before our guest's stay came to an end, and the manuscripts in the Purple Volume were all exhausted.

"This new story of mine," I said, "is not, like the story I last read, a narrative of adventure happening to myself, but of adventures that happened to a lady of my acquaintance.I was brought into contact, in the first instance, with one of her male relatives, and, in the second instance, with the lady herself, by certain professional circumstances which I need not particularly describe.They involved a dry question of wills and title-deeds in no way connected with this story, but sufficiently important to interest me as a lawyer.The case came to trial at the Assizes on my circuit, and I won it in the face of some very strong points, very well put, on the other side.I was in poor health at the time, and my exertions so completely knocked me up that I was confined to bed in my lodgings for a week or more--""And the grateful lady came and nursed you, I suppose," said the Queen of Hearts, in her smart, off-h and way.

"The grateful lady did something much more natural in her position, and much more useful in mine," I answered--"she sent her servant to attend on me.He was an elderly man, who had been in her service since the time of her first marriage, and he was also one of the most sensible and well-informed persons whom Ihave ever met with in his station of life.From hints which he dropped while he was at my bedside, I discovered for the first time that his mistress had been unfortunate in her second marriage, and that the troubles of that period of her life had ended in one of the most singular events which had happened in that part of England for many a long day past.It is hardly necessary to say that, before I allowed the man to enter into any particulars, I stipulated that he should obtain his mistress's leave to communicate what he knew.Having gained this, and having further surprised me by mentioning that he had been himself connected with all the circumstances, he told me the whole story in the fullest detail.I have now tried to reproduce it as nearly as I could in his own language.Imagine, therefore, that I am just languidly recovering in bed, and that a respectable elderly man, in quiet black costume, is sitting at my pillow and speaking to me in these terms--"Thus ending my little preface, I opened the manuscript and began my last story.