
第8章 PartI(8)

3.I can t find the file I need because they are all out of.

A.sequence B.hand, C.order D.reach.

4.She asked her students to think themselves rather than telling them what to think.

A.by,B.with, C.for,D.about.

5.The government wants to double the number of students in education by the year 2015.

A.good,B.higher, C.further,D.high.

6.The role of women in war has been a topic of debate in America since the Gulf conflict.

A.heat,B.warm, C.heated D.hot.

7.I hope what I have written will be beneficial someone else who may feel the same way.

A.from,B.of, C.for,D.in.

8.Obviously I d be disappointed if we don t make it,but it wouldn t be the end of the.

A.world,B.story, C.road,D.day.

9.Britain still most of Europe in its provisions for women who want time off to have babies.

A.stays behind,B.leaves behind.

C.is behind,D.lags behind.

10.I d run out of cigarettes and was reduced to the butts left in the ashtrays.

A.smoke,B.smoking, C.have smoked,D.be smoking.

III.Completing Sentences.

Match the left column with the right to make complete sentences.

1.Recently, new diet books appearat a rateA u.into the suitcase it wouldn t close.

2.His anger sprang B o.on the supply of teachers for the1990 s.

3.She crammed so many clothes C q.from his suffering at the loss ofthe most love he had ever knownin his life.

4.I ve learned that being a motherisn t as badD u.between infection with HIV anddeveloping AIDS.

5.Frescoes are so familiar a featureof Italian churchesE o.of nearly one a week.

6.The teacher tried not to give thestudents the answersF m.that it is easy to take them forgranted.

7.The education committee willtoday publish its reportG v.as I thought in the first place.

8.Sometimes patients are moredepressed six months laterH x.but to asked them to think forthemselves.

9.There is a time lag I o.alive on a life-support machine.

10.Doctors could do nothing butkeep himJ h.than when they first hear the badnews.

nit 5

Text A 1

Pre-class Activity

I.Word Definition.

Find in Column B descriptions that fit the words in Column A.

A ,B.

1.compile A.arousing laughter.

2.journalist B.someone you know, but who is not a close friend.

3.amusing C.representative.

4.confusing D.to talk about a religious subject in a public place.

5.acquaintance E.heedless or careless.

6.delegate F.to put many pieces of information or etc.together.

7.queue G.one who loves, supports, and defends one s country.

8.preach H.a line of waiting people or vehicles.

9.patriot I.unclear and difficult to understand.

10.reckless J.reporter.

II.Word Spelling.

Spell the following words with the help of their definitions and the first letters.

1.o beginning.

2.m a loan money you get from a bank.

3.p a side view of someone s head.

4.o a compulsive, often unreasonable idea or emotion.

5.a causing people to be unable to stop taking or using.

6.i entering another country in order to live there permanently.

7.r famous; well-known.

8.a something that you think is true although you have no definite proof.

9.t someone who is not loyal to their country, friends, or beliefs.

10.c someone that has committed or been legally convicted of a crime.

III.Word Finding.

Cross out the word in each group that does not belong.

1.overseas foreign alien domestic.

2.conduct transact do perform.

3.exclude contain involve include.

4.reckless careless heedless hopeless.

5.confused bewildered soothed puzzled.

Class Activity

I.Word Choices.

There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that bestm completes the sentence.

1.Considering your salary, you should be able to at least twenty dollars a week.(CET 4: 2005/(1)

A.put forward,B.put up, C.put out,D.put aside.

2.Though in a big city, Peter always prefers to paint the primitive.

scenes of country life.(CET 4: 2002/1(2)

A.grown B.cultivated, C.tended D.brought up.

3.of the play there is a lot of con fused violence.

A.At the outset,B.At first.

C.From the beginning,D.To start

4.The money he makes from selling the vegetables he grows in his garden is to his main income.


C.complemented D.complimented.

5.Americans aren t of course the only people in the world who take that their cultural standards are generally admired.

A.advantage,B.it as advantage.

C.granted,D.it for granted.

6.Picasso s with death and sickness greatly influenced his work.

A.objection,B.obsession, C.observation,D.ambition.

7.We are some facts and figures for a documentary on this subject.

A.making,B.stressing, C.compiling,D.creating.

8.Medical students are advised that the wearing of a white coat the acceptance of a professional code of conduct expected for the medical profession.(CET 6: 2005/(1)A.supplements,B.simulates, C.signifies,D.swears.

9.Everybody in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.

A.assembled,B.compiled, C.piled,D.accumulated.

10.The practice of taking a cold shower is unlikely to in Britain.

A.catch up,B.open up, C.catch on,D.put up.

11.Firemen tried to free the injured and the blaze.

A.step out,B.put out, C.bring out D.take out.

12.Early in 1939, Aung San was arrested for conspiring to the government.

A.overcome B.push over, C.ruin,D.overthrow.

13.He will agree to do what you require him.

A.of,B.to, C.from,D.for.

14.Humphrey claims that the tobacco industry hid evidence that cigarettes were.

A.additive,B.addible, C.addictive D.addicted.

15.the calculation is right,scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables and modeled them accurately.

A.If only,B.So long as, C.Even if,D.As far as.

16.In fact the whole wedding was a (n) affair—no dancing, just people standing around in groups chatting politely.

A.sincere,B.ambitious, C.sober,D.amusing.

17.My parents from Britain to New Zealand just before I was born.

A.emigrated,B.immigrated, C.immerse,D.migrate.

18.Every week the magazine presents the of a well-known sports personality.

A.outline,B.file, C.document,D.profile.

19.The author of the report is well with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years.(CET 4: 2002/6)A.informed,B.enlightened, C.acquainted,D.acknowledged.

20.He spent ages negotiating for a pay increase, resign from his job soon after he d received it.

A.but to,B.only to, C.beside to,D.just to.

II.Word Distinguishing.