
第9章 PartI(9)

Choose a suitable word from the given groups to complete the following sentences and try to figure out the difference in meaning.


supplement n.(~ + to) something which is added to something else in order to improve it or complete it ; something extra vt.(~ + sth.by/with sth.) to add something in order to improve it.

complement n.someone or something that emphasizes the good qualities of another person or thing.

vt.means something that completes or brings to perfection compliment n.(~ + on sth.) means an expression or act of courtesy or praise.

vt.( ~ sb.on sth.) to praise or express admiration for someone.

(1) The two languages really worked together and the two cultures clashed and each other.

(2) They gave us a on our beautifully set table.

(3) Mary found it necessary to her earnings by writing articles for magazines.

(4) I must you on your handling of a very difficult situation.

5) He sometimes eats fish as a to his vegetarian diet.

6) This wine would be a nice to grilled dishes.


contagious (1) a disease that is contagious can be passed from person to person by touch(2) if a feeling is contagious, other people are quickly affected by it.

infectious (1) an infectious illness can be passed from one person to another, especially through the air you breathe.

(2) infectious feelings spread quickly from one person to another.

(1) Chicken pox (水痘) is a highly disease.

(2) Sheila has a(n) smile.

(3) The infection is highly,so don t let anyone else use your towel.

(4) Flu is highly,so you d better open the windows and air the room.

(5) Hardy has a booming voice and a(n) enthusiasm.

III.Phrases Study.

Complete the following sentences with a phrase from the list.Change the forms where necessary.

1.We oppose the bill, it discriminates against women.

2.The idea of glasses being a fashion item has been slow to.

3.It was clear that there were going to be problems.

4.How can you a fake Gucci handbag the real thing?

5.we ve made thirty-two thousand pounds.

6.“GMT” Greenwich Mean Time.

7.A decision will not be made until everyone is each other.

8.Lord Rea revealed that his mother and her woman lover him.

9.She said she was frightened because the police her.

10., the twins look identical.

11.I will the good weather to paint the shed.

Post-class Activity

I.Synonyms and Antonyms.

Decide if the following pairs of words are synonyms or antonyms.If they are synonyms, circle S.If they are antonyms, circle A.

1.foreigner alien S A.

2.delegate representative S A.

3.conduct do S A.

4.frustrate defeat S A.

5.confusion order S A.

6.acquaintance stranger S A.

7.manual automatic S A.

8.include exclude S A.

9.acquire obtain S A.

10.contagious infectious S A.


In English there are some idiomatic phrases with the structure“as as...”.Study the following phrases and learn them by heart then try to fill in the blanks with the phrases given.

1.She s,always going to meetings and organizing parties.

2.I expected him to be all nervous before his interview but he was.

3.When we first got married,we were.

4.“Are the instructions easy to understand?”“Yes,.”

5.I don t think he s been watering these plants— the soil s.

6.It was the President s inauguration and hotel rooms in Washington were.

7.I m without my glasses.

8.Country and western music is.


Blending is a kind of word-formation that a new word is formed from parts of two other words.For example,“motel”is formed from the“motor”and“hotel”.Write down the meaning of the following words and the two words from which it is formed.

1.motel 汽车旅馆 motor + hotel.











A.Complete the chart below by filling in the missing forms of the words.

B.Complete the sentences with the words from the chart.

1.At Llewellyn s funeral service, she was remembered as a American who had served her country well.

2.The rich variety of animal life we found was very.

3.Police said it was an demonstration and there were no arrests.

4.Don t show him the other way of doing it— it ll only him.

5.She has suffered terrible as well as emotional abuse for over 12 years.

6.Doctors believe that vitamin are largely unnecessary.

7.Costa Rica is often mentioned as an example of what countries can accomplish under stable, governments.

8.An additional 28 persons were suspected of drunken or driving.

9.Hutchings, like many young lawyers, became interested in politics.

10.Their that their project under way was something entirely new proved to be untrue.

Text B


ind an equivalent word or expression for each of the following from the article.The number of the paragraph is given to help you.

1.independent people (Para.2)

2.take into consideration (Para.3)

3.imagine (Para.5) 4.different (Para.6)

5.be filled with (Para.8)

6.disadvantageous (Para.10)

7.show (Para.11)

8.similarly (Para.6)

9.have the right to (Para.21)

10.attractive (Para.23)

II.Word Choices.

There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best.

completes the sentence.

1.The ship s generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated instead of mechanically.

A.artificially,B.automatically ,C.manually, D.synthetically.

2.The design of this auditorium shows a great deal of.We have never seen such a building before.A.orientation ,B.illusion,C.originality,D.invention.

3.Anna has always shown intense devotion her children.


4.In this poor country, survival is still the leading industry; all else is.



5.It is the responsibility of each within the class to make sure they have the correct books.

A.individual,B.man,C.single ,D.students.

6.If you think that everyone is happy with the plan, you re yourself.

A.conceiving,B.receiving,C.believing D.deceiving.

7.She said she hadn t the slightest of accepting the invitation.

A.intending,B.intention ,C.extent D.intent.

8.He having to get up so early in the morning.

A.unlike,B.dislike,C.alike D.likely.

9.It is neither socially nor economically desirable that convicted employees.

A.should generally be dismissed ,B.were generally dismissed.

C.are to be generally dismissed,D.are generally dismissed.