
第9章 Unit Two Human Behavior (4)

cemetery6 [..semit..ri] n.墓地,公墓

collection4 [k....lek....n] n.①收集②收藏品,收集的东西

[考点] make a collection for 为募捐

take up a collection for 为募捐

a collection of snow 积雪

collection of taxes 收税

[例句] A church makes ( takes up ) a collection to help

pay its expenses.

conservation [..k..ns....vei....n ] n.保存,保持,守恒,保护,避免浪费

[考点] conservation of water and soil 水土保持

conservation of energy 能量守恒

conservation of elect ricity 节约用电

conservation of wildlife 野生动物保护

[例句] Most people have come to accept the need for conse

rvation of natural r esources.

disorganization* [dis..........nai..zei....n ] n.无组织,无秩序,混乱

[例句] The disorganization of the company is caused by

the s udden depar ture of the sec retary.

dispensable [dis..pens..bl ] adj.不是必要的,可有可无的,不必要的,不重要的,可省去的

[例句] The gove rnment elimina ted dispensable items from the budget.

disposal4 [dis..p..uz..l ] n.① 处理,处置,布置,安排,配

置,支配② ( 装在厨房洗涤槽排水管内的) 弃菜碾碎器

[考点] a t/ in sb .’s disposal 由某人做主,供某人使用

have entire disposal of 对.拥有完全支配权

waste disposal 废物处理

sewage disposal 污水处理

the disposal of t roops 兵力的部署

disposal of proper ty 财产的处置

[例句] He placed his house at my disposal during my holidays.

doting [..d..uti..] ad j.沉溺于爱的,溺爱的

[考点] doting pa rents 溺爱儿女的父母

a doting husband 宠爱妻子的丈夫

dump4 [d..mp] v.①丢弃,倾卸,倾倒②倾销,抛售

[考点] dump down 砰地放下

dump out 倾卸

dump goods into a cer tain count ry 向某国倾销货物

[例句] The truck dumped the coal on the ground.

duplicat ion* [..dju..pli..kei....n] n.副本,复制

[例句] He r answe r was the duplica tion of her siste r’s.

errand [..er..nd] n.( 短程的) 差事,差使(如送信、买东西等)

[考点] on a business err and/ go on an errand 出差

a fool’s errand 徒劳无目的的差事,无谓的奔走

run on e rrands 跑腿办事

[例句] He was sent n a political errand to the Middle East.

exclude4 [ik..sklu..d ] vt.拒绝接纳,把. 排除在外,排斥,不包括

[考点] exclude immigrants from a country 不许移民入境

exclude sb.from a position 撤销某人职务

exclude sb.from member ship in a society 拒绝某人入会

exclude the item from the agenda of the conference 把该事从会议议程中撤销

[例句] Women a re of ten excluded from the positions of authority.

exclusive4 [ik..sklu..siv] adj.① 不包括的,不算在内的② 独有的,独享的

[考点] be exclusive in manner 态度孤傲

exclusive of 除. ;不包括.在内

exclusive to the membe rs of the club 仅限于会员的

This is a feature that is exclusive with 这是.独有的特征

[例句] The hotel cha rges 6 pounds a day ,exclusive of the meals.

expediency [ik..spi..di..nsi] n.方便,私利,权宜,权宜之计

[例句] They found a numbe r of simple expediencies to dissolve the contr act.

facial* [..fei....l ] adj.面孔的,面部用的

[考点] facial expr ession 面部表情

a facial pack 美容润肤膏

Fifi [..fi..fi..] n.一种名贵的宠物狗

finance4 [fai..n .. ns ,fi- ] n.①财务管理,财政,金融②财源,资金

[考点] national/ public finance 国家财政

t roubled finance 混乱的财政状况

order finances 整顿财政

adjust finance 调整财政

skill in finance 理财本领

[例句] New taxes were needed to inc rease the nation ’s finance.

flush6 [fl....] n.冲刷/ 洗

fondness * [..f..ndnis ] n.爱好,喜爱,深情

[考点] an intense fondness for 对.的酷爱

He has a special fondnes s for 他特别喜欢.

t raditional fondness 传统的爱好

have a peculia r fondness for 对.有奇特的爱好

[例句] He posses ses some fondness for science .

foresight [..f....sait ] n.远见,深谋远虑,先见之明

[考点] lack for esight 缺乏远见

a man of foresight 有远见的人

statemanlike foresight 有政治家风度的远见

[例句] The failur e is the r esult of our lack of foresight.

gallon4 [...... l..n] n.加仑( 液量单位)

groom [..rum] n.马夫,新郎,男仆


haul6 [h....l ] v.① ( 用车等) 运送,拖运② (用力) 拖,拉

householder [..haush..uld..( r ) ] n.住户,户主,房主

insulation* [..insju..lei....n] n.绝缘,隔音,绝缘材料

[考点] sound insulation 隔声

thermal insula tion 热绝缘,保温层

[例句] Please examine the insulation of the electric wires in my house.

lavish [..l .. vi..] adj.非常大方的,浪费的


[考点] lavish money ( up)on 挥霍金钱买.

lavish ca re and at tention on an only child 过度溺爱独子(女)

lavish praise on sb.过分称赞某人,乱捧某人

[例句] It ’ s a mistake to lavish kindnes s on ungrateful people.

leftovers [..lef t....uv..( r) z ] n.剩饭菜

litter6 [..lit..( r) ] n.( 尤指乱扔在公共场所的) 杂物,垃圾
