
第13章 商务会议口语

Having a Conference Chairman"s Attention引起会议主席的注意

(Mister/Madam) Chairman.

May I have a word?

If I may, I think...

Excuse me for interrupting.

May I come in here?

Expressing Opinions表达意见

I"m positive that...

I (really) feel that...

In my opinion...

The way I see things...

If you ask me,...I tend to think that...

Inquiring Opinions 询问意见

Are you positive that...

Do you (really) think that...

(name of participant) can we get your input?

How do you feel about...?

Making Remarks做出评论

That"s interesting.

I never thought about it that way before.

Good point!

I get your point.

I see what you mean.

Expressing Agreement表示同意

I totally agree with you.


That"s (exactly) the way I feel.

I have to agree with (name of participant).

Expressing Disagreement表示异议

Unfortunately, I see it differently.

Up to a point I agree with you, but...

(I"m afraid) I can"t agree.

Making Suggestions提出建议


We should...

Why don"t you...

How/What about...

I suggest/recommend that...

Making Clear澄清

Let me spell out...

Have I made that clear?

Do you see what I"m getting at?

Let me put this another way...

I"d just like to repeat that...

Asking for Information请求信息

Please, could you...

I"d like you to...

Would you mind...

I wonder if you could...

Asking for Repeat请求重复

I"m afraid I didn"t understand that. Could you repeat what you just said?

I didn"t catch that. Could you repeat that, please?

I missed that. Could you say it again, please?

Could you run that by me one more time?

Requesting for Clarification要求澄清

I don"t quite follow you. What exactly do you mean?

I"m afraid I don"t quite understand what your are getting at.

Could you explain to me how that is going to work?

I don"t see what you mean. Could we have some more details, please?

Asking for Confirmation 请求确认

You did say next week, didn"t you?

Do you mean that...?

Is it true that...?

Asking for Spelling 请求拼写

Could you spell that, please?

Would you mind spelling that for me, please?

Asking for Grant Introduction请求赐教

We haven"t heard from you yet, (name of participant).

What do you think about this proposal?

Would you like to add anything, (name of participant)?

Has anyone else got anything to contribute?

Are there any more comments?

Making Corrections更正

Sorry, I think you misunderstood what I said.

Sorry, that"s not quite right.

I"m afraid you don"t understand what I"m saying.

That"s not quite what I had in mind.

That"s not what I meant.

Returning to the Main Focus 转入正题

Were running short of time.

Well, that seems to be all the time we have today.

Please be brief.

I"m afraid we"ve run out of time.

I"m afraid that"s outside the scope of this meeting.

Let"s get back on track. Why don"t we?

That"s not really why were here today.

Why don"t we return to the main focus of today"s meeting.

We"ll have to leave that to another time.

Were beginning to lose sight of the main point.

Keep to the point, please.

I think we"d better leave that for another meeting.

Are we ready to make a decision?