
第2章 商务会话实例(2)

A: Well, to begin with, I"d like to ask you a few questions if I may?

B: Fine, whatever it takes to get this straightened out!





A Call for Thanks一个答谢电话

A: Good morning, Mr. Gray. May I help you?

B: No, thank you. I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your help the other day. I know gave you a bit of trouble.

A: Not at all, sir. I"m glad I could help. Is everything all right, now?

B: Yes. Everything"s worked out fine, thanks.





The List of Advices意见单

A: This is my list of complaints, Andrew. I would appreciate it if you would look over them.

B: Certainly, Ms. Parker. Thank you for coming directly to me. You can count on me to act on these.

A: Well. I"ve used your firm for several years and I"ve generally been pleased. It"s just the last few months that I"ve had problems.

B: Well, I will definitely do what I can to solve these problems, and improve our service.





The New Office Space Design办公环境设计

A: Richard? It"s Marie Sinclair over at the design studio. How are you?

B: Just fine, Ms. Sinclair. Is there anything I can do for you?

A: You"ve done it already! I"m so pleased with the plans you created for my new office space. Everybody in the office is excited.

B: I"m glad youre pleased! I thought they suited your office layout.





The Excellent Job出色的工作

A: Good morning, Phyllis Seymour speaking.

B: Hi, Ms. Seymour? It"s Allan Parker. I"ve been wanting to call you and thank you for all your help last week.

A: Thank you very much, Mr. Parker. But, this is my job.

B: Well, I want to let your boss know that she"s better hold on to you! Youre a hard worker!





Completing a Contract完成一项合同

A: Thanks again, Sue. It"s been good working with you.

B: My pleasure, as always, Mr. Dean. I hope you"ll keep in touch and let us know how things are proceeding.

A: Absolutely, Sue. I"ll give you a call next week and let you know when we"ll be breaking ground.

B: Fine, I look forward to hearing form you, Mr. Dean.

A: 再次感谢你,苏。跟你合作很愉快。

B: 别客气,随时乐意,迪恩先生。希望你能保持与我们的联系并告诉我们事情的进展情况。

A: 一定会的,苏。我下星期给你打电话告诉你我们什么时候开始。

B: 好,迪恩先生。我期待你的消息。

A Disappointed Client一位失望的客户

A: I"m really disappointed in the quality of your work, Ms. Patrick. I expected a better standard.

B: I am very sorry you feel that way, Mr. Garth. I realize that we"ve started off badly, but I think you"ll be pleased with the refinished work.

A: Well, it certainly couldn"t be worse than what you"ve been showing me!

B: I think you"ll be satisfied with the quality of these designs, Mr. Garth. Would you like to go over to my office and take a look?





Making Sure the Signature Date确定签字日期

A: This is the bottom line, Ms. Crofter. Is that going to be acceptable?

B: Yes. I don"t think my people will have any problem with that.

A: When do you think we can sign the contract?

B: Give me a couple of days after we arrive. It shouldn"t take more than three days max.

A: 这是最底线,克劳夫特女士。这你们能接受吗?

B: 可以。我想我们的人对此不会有问题的。

A: 你认为我们什么时候可以签合同了呢?

B: 我们到达后给我们一两天的时间。最多不会超过三天。

A Signed Contract已达成的交易

A: Karen, we did it! Take a look at this!

B: What is it?

A: Mr. Jeffry"s just signed a contract for three fullpage ads and two 30 second TV spots.

B: Great! How did you talk him into it?

A: 凯伦,我们成啦!看一眼这个!

B: 这是什么?

A: 杰弗利先生刚签了一份做三咯整页报刊广告和两个30秒钟电视广告的合同。

B: 太好了!你是怎样说服了他的?

The Revised Contract修改后的合同

A: Here"s the revised contract, Mr. Fillmore.

B: Thanks, Jane. What did Mr. Grayson"s office have to say?

A: Theyre satisfied with the contract now and ready to sign.

B: Great! I"ll take a look at it. If everything"s okay, we"ll arrange to meet with them when we arrive.

A: 这是修改过的合同,菲尔莫先生。

B: 谢谢,简。格雷森公司怎么说?

A: 他们对合同很满意,可以签字了。

B: 很好!我一会儿会看的。如果没问题,我们到达后就安排与他们会晤。

The Sample Problems样品问题

A: John? Can you come on here for a second?

B: Certainly, Mr. Emory. What can I do for you?

A: I need you to take a look at these samples. I think there are a few problems.

B: Sure. Let me look over them and I"ll bring them back this afternoon.





Passing off a Sale Promotion Talk终止一项推销会谈

A: Well, I"m glad I had a chance to see these samples, but I"m really not in a position to make a decision right now.

B: Would you like me to leave the samples with you?

A: Yeah, why don"t you do that, and then you can give me a call sometime next week.

B: Fine, Mr.Grant. Thanks for your time. T"ll talk to you next week.



