
第39章 Music(4)

Upon discovering his loss, Lennon managed to get in touch with the police anxiously. The policewoman asked him for some information about his guitar and the taxi. She informed2 Lennon that he must file a missing items report whether at the police station or online. Lennon asked for the online address. Meanwhile, the lady also told him that finding the guitar might take a couple of years-finding guitars was not as important as finding murderers and marijuana3 smokers.

“This year has been so depressing4,” said Lennon. “I had to postpone5 the recording of two new CDs due to the lack of the guitar. Ive been using borrowed guitars. And I was losing hope of recovering my guitar.” You know, what they have fallen in love with is usually considered as important as their own lives.

To his great excitement, Lennon was reunited with his beloved guitar yesterday. Lennon had offered a $10,000 reward for its return to the finder. The police department prepared a news release about its success in tracking6 down the guitar.


1. informvt. 告诉,通知

3. marijuanan. 大麻

4. depressingadj. 令人忧愁的,使人沮丧的

5. postponevt. 延期;推迟

6. trackvt. 跟踪,追踪


1. What do the underlined words “he was dropped off” refer to?(No more than 8 words)

2. What did Laurence Lennon hear from the New York City police station?(No more than 10 words)

3. Why did Laurence Lennon have to postpone the recording of two new CDs? (No more than 10 words)

4. What had Lennon offered to the finder for his guitars return? (No more than 5 words)

5. What do you think of Laurences view on his guitars finding? Please give us Laurences reflection. (No more than 20 words)

Music is not air. Neither is it water. But for many Senior High students, music is an important and enjoyable part of life. This conclusion can be made following 21st Century Teens summer survey on readers attitudes to music.

Nearly 10,000 readers responded1 to the survey in our summer special issue.

Over half, 52 per cent, said that they listen to music whenever they are free. Just 0.5 per cent of students said they never listen to music. Most listen to both English and Chinese songs in equal amounts.

But, the survey showed that students have very different tastes and enjoy a wide variety of styles. “Our generation is diverse2, and thats reflected in our tastes,” said Liu Yujia, a Senior 3 from High School Attached to Xian Jiaotong University. Liu is a pop fan but also likes the R&B of Jay Chou(周杰伦)

, a big favourite amongst students in the survey.

Nearly 32 per cent of students listen to pop music. Behind pop came R&B (28 per cent), Country (over 14 per cent), Rock (9 per cent), Hiphop (8 per cent) and others.

Only about 10 per cent are diehard3 rock‘n’roll fans. An Qi, from Rizhao No.1 High School, Shandong Province is one. The Senior 1 girl said that the exciting rhythm has the power that takes her mind off school work and exams.

It is the melody rather than the words or fame of singers that students like. Over 60 per cent said they choose a song mainly because they like the music.

“Good music makes me believe that it was written just for me-even if it is the first time I listen to it. I think that is why music is so important to young people-more than movies, more than TV,” An Qi said.

TV and movies are the main ways that students hear new songs or music. Fortysix per cent of students said they are affected by music played on TV or in films. Friends (21 per cent) and radio (19 per cent) also play an important role in introducing music to teenagers.

Parents have the least effect on students taste and do not enjoy the same music. Just three per cent listen to music that their parents introduce them to. More than half the teens surveyed, 54 per cent, see nothing wrong with downloading4 music from the Internet.


1. respondvt.& vi. 回答; 响应

2. diverseadj. 不同的,多种多样的

3. diehardadj. 顽固的

4. downloadv. 下载


Teenagers attitude towards1

Per cent



Listen to music whenever they are 2

3 0.5%

Never listen to music

4 32%

Listen to 5 music


6 to R&B

over 14%

Listen to 7

8 60%

Listen to a song mainly because they like the music


Affected by music played on TV or in 9


Listen to music that their 10 introduce them to