
第34章 Unit Ten Business Strategies (1)


1) His behavior was in with his ideals.

A.according B.confes sion

C.conformity D.abundance

2) The British with the French in building the new craf t.

A.cooperated B.oper ated

C.evaporated D.labored

3) This company does not between men and women -they employ and pay both equally.

A.differ B.differentiate

C.distinguish D.differentia

4) Physicians a re working for the of diseases.

A.extinction B.abortion

C.extinguish D.distinguish

5) His behavior is totally with the aims of the society.

A.incomplete B.incompetent

C.incompa rable D.incompatible

6) With no one to keep order ,the situation in the class room was.

A.chaotic B.chaos

C.cosmic D.costume

7) The re must have been a thousand people there ,at a estimate.

A.consolatory B.rese rved

C.conse rvative D.resident

8) During his visit to China ,the Korean for eign minister conferred with his Chinese a numbe r of times.

A.rival B.competitor

C.opponent D.counterpar t

9) I it a great honor to be invited to addres s you.

A.deed B.suppose

C.as sume D.deem

10) Relations between us have become through a series of misunderstandings.

A.prayed B.swayed

C.frayed D.brayed

11) The whole school was in its approval of the head master’s plan.

A.consensus B.agreeable

C.content D.unanimous

12) Ther e is a broad of opinion in the count ry on this is sue.

A.unanimous B.content

C.consensus D.animated

13) His philosophy is a good one ,but he s hould not t ry to use it as a.

A.fantastic B.penicillin

C.remedy D.panacea

14) The par tne rs in the busines s cannot agree about the of the profits.

A.att ribution B.substitution

C.superstition D.dist ribution

15) The between differ ent clas ses of society a re not so sha rply marked as they used to be.Which division of

the company do you work in?

A.divisions B.differentia

C.diffe rence D.diffusion


1) C 2) A 3) B 4 ) A 5 ) D 6 ) A 7) C 8 ) D

9) D 10) C 11 ) D 12) C 13 ) D 14) D 15) A

Part One In Class Reading

Business Lessons from the Rain Forest


agile [.... d..ail ] ad j.敏捷的,轻快的,灵活的

[ 同义] active,nimble ,quick ,spry

[ 反义] dull ,slow,torpid

[ 考点] as agile as a monkey 捷如猿猴

[ 例句] You need an agile mind to solve puzzles.

biodiversi ty [..bai..udai..v....siti] n.生物品种,生物多样化

competence6 [..k..mp..t..ns] n.能力,胜任,(法院) 权限,权能,资格(如年龄、国籍等合格可在法庭上发言的人)

[ 考点] competence for/ as/ in sth .,competence in doing sth ./ to do sth.做.的能力

competence in solving problems 解决问题的能力

one’s competence in handling/ to handle money 理财能力

[ 例句] No one doubts her competence as a teacher.

conformity * [ k..n..f....miti ] n.一致,符合,遵守,顺从,服从,遵奉(亦作:conformance)

[ 反义] inconformity

[ 考点] in conformity with 与.一致,符合

[ 例句] Conformity to fashion is essential to the happines s of some women.

conventional4 [ k..n..ven....nl ] ad j.惯例的,常规的,习俗的,传统的,常规的

[ 同义] customary ,t raditional ,usual

[ 考点] conventional weapon 常规武器

conventional remarks 老生常谈

conventional a r t 传统艺术

[ 辨析] conventional;t raditional

conventional 指符合大多数人所认为的什么样的观点、行为才是正确的、正常的、能被社会接受的,如Some people believe in acupuncture but I still believe in a more conventional approach to medicine . t raditional 指符合长期存在的观点、方法,对新观点、方法不感兴趣,如Many tr aditional teache rs still think of computers as useles s toys.

[ 例句] “Good morning”and“Good evening”ar e conventional greetings.

cooperate [ k..u....p..reit ] vi.合作,协作

[ 同义] collaborate

[ 考点] cooper ate with sb.in doing/ to do sth.与某人合


[ 例句] The weather ,the scenery ,and good company coopera ted to make our t rip a grea t succes s.

core4 [ k....] n.果核,中心,核心,电缆芯线束,芯线


[ 考点] to the core 透心,直到中心

an apple core 苹果核

[ 例句] The ear th has a cor e and a mantle a round it.

differentiate6 [..dif....ren..ieit ] v t ./ vi.使变异,区分,区别,分辨

[ 考点] differentia te between 区分,区别对待

[ 例句] What differ entiates the har e from the r abbit?

diversity * [ dai..v....siti] n.差异,多样性,不同,千变万化

[ 考点] a grea t diversity of methods 各种不同的方法

downsize* [..daunsaiz ] v t.缩减,削减,以较小尺寸设计(或制造) ,缩小(汽车等) 的外部尺寸

ecologically * [..i..k....l..d..ik..li ] adv.生态地,从生态学的观点看

ecology6 [ i..k..l..d..i ] n.生态学,(社会) 环境适应学,均衡系统

[ 例句] Chemicals in the factory ’s sewage system have changed the ecology of the whole area.

ecosystem* [..i..k..usist..m] n.生态系统

electronics4 [ i..lek..t r..niks ] n.①电子器件② (用作单数) 电子学,电子工业

[ 例句] He’s an expe rt in elect ronics.

extinction [ ik..sti..k....n] n.消失,消灭,废止,灭绝

[ 例句] The sudden extinction of the lights lef t the room in darkness.

incompatible* [..ink..m..p .. t..bl ] adj.性质相反的,矛盾的,不调和的

[ 反义] compatible

[ 考点] incompatible with 与.相反的

[ 例句] Exces sive drinking is incompatible with health.

objective4 [..b..d..ektiv ,..b-] n.目标,目的,(显微镜的) (接) 物镜,(语法) 宾格

ad j.客观的,(语法) 宾格的,客观上存在的,真实的,客观的,公正的,无偏见的

[ 反义] subjective

[ 考点] an objective law 客观规律

to take an objective view of a situation 对形势持客观的看法

[ 例句] 1 ) My objective this summer will be learning to swim.

2) A jury’s decision in a cour t case must be absolutely objective.

organism [..........niz..m] n.生物体,有机体,组织

[ 考点] the social organism 社会组织

[ 例句] The busines s is a la rge ,complica ted organism.

radically* [..r .. dik..li ] adv.根本上,本质上,以激进的方式

[ 考点] radically alter ed/ improved ,etc.根本性改变/ 改进

[ 例句] English is radically a Germanic language.

resource4 [ ri..s....s ,-..z....s ] n.(pl .) 资源,财力,办法,智谋


[ 考点] natural resources 自然资源

a man of great resource 足智多谋的人

[ 例句] Climbing a t ree is a cat’s resource when chased by a dog.

sidestep* [..saidstep] n.横跨的一步,(侧面的) 台阶



[ 同义] avoid ,evade

[ 考点] leave sb.to his own sidesteps 不去打扰

to sidestep a r esponsibility 逃避责任

[ 例句] He sidestepped the is sue by saying it was not pa rt of his responsibilities.

subsidiary6 [ s..b..sidi..ri ] n.附属机构,子公司adj.辅助的,补充的,次要的

[ 同义] subordinate

[ 考点] subsidiary coins 辅币

subsidiary busines s 副业

subsidiary company 子公司

subsidiary payments 补助金

[ 例句] The question of finance is subsidia ry to the question of whether the project will be approved.

in the long run 最终,终究,从长远看

[ 例句] In the long run prices are bound to rise.

Part Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ National Stereotypes and

Business Behavior


categorize* [..k .. ti....raiz] v.加以类别,分类

[ 同义] classify

[ 例句] Europeans ar e categorized as a“red faced”people.

chaotic* [ kei....tik] adj.混乱的,无秩序的

[ 同义] confused ,disorganized

[ 例句] John’s room was a chaotic mess of clothes ,books ,and toys.

commonsense* [ k..m..n..sens] adj.具有常识的,懂情理的

[ 例句] I like her commonsense approach to everyday problems.

comprehensive4 [..k..mpri..hensiv ] adj.全面的,广泛的,能充分理解的,包容的

[ 反义] incompr ehensive

[ 考点] compr ehensive school 综合中学(一种包含学术及技能教育的大型中学)

[ 例句] A compr ehensive description is one that is full and complete.

conservative4 [ k..n..s....v..tiv] a dj.保守的,守旧的,传统的n.保守派

[ 同义] cautious,protective

[ 反义] progres sive

[ 考点] a conservative estimate 保守估计

[ 例句] 1 ) The resea rche rs made a conservative gues s at the population of Tokyo.

2 ) She is conservative in the way s he dresses.counterpart6 [..kaunt..p....t ] n.副本,极相似的人或物,配对物