
第35章 Unit Ten Business Strategies (2)

[ 例句] Your right hand is the counte rpar t of your left hand.

deem6 [di..m] v.认为,相信,想,判断,以为

[ 同义] as sume ,believe ,consider ,judge ,rega rd ,suppose,think

[ 例句] I deem it my duty to help my needy friends.

diligent6 [..dilid..nt ] ad j.勤勉的,用功的,细心而继续不断的

[ 同义] indust rious

[ 反义] idle ,lazy

[ 考点] diligent in sth ./ doing sth.做某事很用功

[ 例句] The boy is more diligent than anybody else.

economist * [ i..k..n..mist ] n.①经济学者,经济家② (古) 节俭的人,节约者

[ 例句] Some economists st rongly believe in pr ivate enterprise.

eligible6 [..elid....bl ] ad j.符合条件的,合格的

[ 同义] qualified ,suitable

[ 考点] eligible for sth ./ to do sth.有资格做.

[ 例句] His younger brother will become eligible to vote on his next birthday.

fashionable4 [..f ....n..bl ] ad j.时髦的,流行的,有钱人常去的

[ 反义] old fashioned ,unfashionable

[ 考点] a fashionable dr essmaker/ hotel/ summer resor t 有钱人光顾的裁缝/ 常去的旅馆/ 避暑胜地

[ 例句] Shor t skir ts ar e fashionable now.

formality* [f......m .. liti ] n.拘谨,礼节,仪式,正式手续,拘泥形式

[ 考点] a mer e formality = just a formality 仅仅是形式而已

[ 例句] The written pa r t of the examination is just a formality,very few eve r fail it.

fray [ frei] n.冲突,打架,争论,(织物等) 磨损处



[ 同义] bat tle ,clash ,conflict ,fight ,quarrel ,st ruggle

[ 例句] 1 ) Long wea r had frayed the collar and cuffs of his old ski rt.

2 ) Her nerves were frayed by the noisy children.

hospitable [..h..spit..bl ] adj.好客的,殷勤招待的

[ 反义] inhospitable

[ 考点] hospitable to/ towa rd sb.殷勤招待

[ 例句] The hospitable host had his spar e room emptied very quickly for the honor ed guest.

industrious [ in..d..stri..s ] ad j.勤勉的,刻苦的

[ 同义] diligent ,hard working

[ 反义] idle ,indolent ,lazy

[ 例句] Though he’s not clever he’s a indust rious worker and has of ten done well in the examinations.

insular [..insjul..] adj.海岛的,岛民的,岛特有的,孤立的,超然物外的,心胸狭窄的

[ 反义] continental

[ 考点] an insular climate 海岛气候

insular habits 偏狭之根性

insular pr ejudices 偏狭之见

lucidity [ lu....siditi] n.明朗,清晰,透明

mult inational * [..m..lti..n ......nl ] ad j.多国的,跨国公司的,多民族的


[ 例句] Some people believe that the multinationals have too much powe r.

paradoxically* [..p .. r....d..ksik..li ] adv.反常地,自相矛盾地

pigeonhole [..pid..inh..ul ] n.鸽巢,分类架,文件架

v t.分类,归档,分类记存,置于文件格中,贮存

[ 同义] classify ,categor ize

[ 例句] The desk must be pigeonholed for all my papers.

prospective6 [ pr....spektiv] adj.预期的,未来的,盼望中的

[ 同义] coming ,future

[ 反义] ret ros pective

[ 考点] prospective wealth/ benefits 预期的财富、利益

punctuality * [..p....ktju.... liti ] n.准时,守时

relegate [..reli..eit ] v.转移,归入,提交,降级

[ 考点] relegate sth ./ sb.to sth.委托,贬谪

[ 例句] I have been relegated to the role of a mer e as sistant.

reserved* [ ri..z....vd] adj.保留的,包租的,缄默的,话不多的,预定的,预约的

[ 反义] communicative

[ 考点] rese rved seats 保留席

[ 例句] He is too r ese rved to be popular.

shrewd6 [..ru..d] adj.精明的,明智的,有理的,可能正确的

[ 同义] clever ,smar t ,discriminating ,cunning

[ 反义] dull

[ 考点] a shr ewd busines s men/ financie r/ dealer/ politician 精明的商人/ 金融家/ 商人/ 政客

[ 例句] He is a shrewd busines s man.

speculate4 [..spekjuleit ] vi.①推测,思索②做投机买卖

[ 同义] conjecture ,contemplate ,gues s,risk ,venture

[ 考点] speculate about/ on/ upon sth.推测、思考speculate in sth.投机

[ 例句] The philosopher speculated about time and space.

[ 辨析] speculate;guess

speculate 思考、讨论某事,猜测可能的原因和结果,如I wouldn’t like to speculate about the out - come of the meeting.guess 形成关于某事的看法,但是由于没有了解全部事实而不能确定看法的正确性,如It ’s impossible to guess the outcome of these negotiations.

tenaciously [ ti..nei....sli ] adv.顽强地,紧紧地,执着地

[ 例句] Though seriously ill ,he still clings tenaciously to life.

trustworthy [..t r..stw......i ] adj.可信赖的,可靠的

[ 同义] reliable ,dependable

[ 反义] deceit ful

[ 例句] The class chose a t rustwor thy boy for t reasur er.

turnover6 [..t....n..uv..] n.翻覆,翻折,半圆卷饼,流通量,营业额,周转,翻过去,翻倒,销售量,人员调整,人员更新,卷饼,卷酥

ad j.有一部分翻转的,可翻转的

[ 例句] 1 ) The firm has an annual turnover of $75 million.

2 ) Why does your company has such a r apid turnover of staff?

unanimous6 [ ju....n .. nim..s ] adj.意见一致的,无异议的,一致通过的

[ 考点] unanimous in sth.对某事持相同意见

[ 例句] The count ry is unanimous in its suppor t of the government’s policy.

undisciplined* [..n..disiplind ] a dj.不遵守纪律的,无训练的,训练不足的,无修养的,任性的

[ 反义] disciplinary

[ 考点] an undisciplined mob 乌合之众

on one’s own ini tiative 主动地,自发地

[ 例句] In the absence of my commanding office r ,I acted on my own initiative.

on the dot 准时,在指定的时间

[ 例句] He’s very punctual-always arrives on the dot.

pay off 成功

[ 例句] Did your da ring plan pay off?

roll up (尤指姗姗来迟地或以某种不当的方式) 抵达,到达

[ 例句] Bill finally rolled up two hours late.

spell out 清楚地说明,详细地解释

[ 例句] Get a lawyer to s pell out the cont ract for you ,so that you under stand your r esponsibilities if you sign it.sweep the board (轻易地) 大获全胜

[ 例句] He swept the board in the election.

vice versa 反之亦然,反过来(也是这样)

[ 例句] We gossip about them and vice versa.

Passage Ⅱ The Japanese Approach

to Management


agreeable6 [......ri....bl ] ad j.① 使人愉快的,惬意的② 适合的,符合的

[ 反义] disagreeable

[ 考点] agr eeable weathe r 宜人的天气

[ 例句] We a re all agreeable to do what you suggest.

alongside4 [....l......said ] adv.在旁,沿着,傍着


[ 考点] to sit alongside of a pe rson 与某人并肩而坐

[ 例句] We brought our boat alongside.

coherent6 [ k..u..hi..r..nt ] adj.①粘在一起的,一致的② 连贯的,条理清楚的

[ 同义] consistant

[ 例句] 1 ) A sentence tha t is not coher ent is ha rd to understand .

2 ) The government lacks a cohe rent economic policy.

consensus6 [ k..n..sens..s] n.一致同意,多数人的意见,舆论

[ 例句] Wha t is the consensus of opinion at the af ternoon meeting?

coordinat ion* [ k..u......di..nei....n] n.同等,调和,配合,(动作) 协调

[ 考点] coordination with sb ./ sth.

[ 例句] These dance rs have poor coordination.

direct ive* [ di..r ektiv ,dai- ] n.指示,指令,调令

[ 例句] Which is bet ter ,the pe rmis sive or the dir ective method of teaching?

emphasis4 [..emf..sis] n.强调,重点

[ 同义] st ress

[ 考点] 复数为emphases

[ 例句] Some schools put/ lay/ place grea t emphasis on language study.

endorse [ in..d....s] v.①在(票据) 背面签名,签注(文件) ,签署,(在驾驶执照上) 注明违章记录②认可,赞同