regions and set up a transfer base for expeditionsto regions west of South Asia. All these tasks weresuccessfully completed after three voyages and Zheng Healso accumulated rich sailing experience. By that time,the reign of Emperor Yongle entered a golden age and thecountry became even stronger. Therefore, Emperor Yongleordered Zheng He to make a fourth expedition to reachthe unknown Muslim world west of South Asia.
The fourth voyage to the western oceans marked a newphase in Zheng He,s marine activities. He spent moretime conditioning and preparing than for the first three.
This time he was to visit countries and regions of the ArabWorld where people believed in Islam. To cope with thedaunting task of translation and interpreting, Zheng Hemade a special trip to Xi,an and invited Hasan, Imamof the Great Mosque of Yangshi, who knew Arabic, andinvited him to go along. Before setting out, Zheng Heasked for Emperor Yongle,s approval to build a TianfeiPalace in Changle, Fujian, for the worship of GoddessTianfei, or Mazu, who protected seafarers and fishermen.
In January, 1513, Zheng He started his fourth voyage,commanding a massive fleet. Following the old route,he arrived in Sumatra after passing Champa, Java,Palembang, Malacca, Pahang and Kelantan. Located in thenorthwest of Sumatra Island, with seas in the north andmountains in the south, the country of Sumatra served as
a maritime transport channel linking the South China Seaand the Indian Ocean. There Zheng He,s fleet had a “stateplant” (cargo transfer station) which stored goods tradedbetween the fleet and the foreign countries, as well as allkinds of necessities for the fleet. This station was to play avery important role in Zheng He,s future foreign visits.
When Zheng He,s fleet arrived in Sumatra, the countrywas torn by civil strife. Under orders from EmperorYongle, Zheng He,s fleet interfered in the strife and putan end to it. The story goes like this. The former king ofSumatra was attacked by the king of Nakur, a country tothe west. The Sumatran king was killed by a poisonedarrow in the fight, and half of Sumatra,s land was takenover by Nakur. As the prince of Sumatra was too young toseek revenge for his father,s death, the queen of Sumatravowed in public that she would marry whoever couldavenge her husband, recover the lost land and managethe country. A fisherman answered her call, saying thathe could avenge the king,s death. With the army underhis command, the fisherman fought bravely against theenemy. He recovered the lost land and killed the king ofNakur. The queen, living up to her promise, married thefisherman and made him king of Sumatra. In 1409, thefisherman king dispatched an envoy and paid tribute tothe Ming Dynasty. Three years later, however, the princeof Sumatra grew up. He conspired with officials who were
against the fisherman king and killed his stepfather for thethrone. The son of the fisherman was forced to retreat intothe mountains. There, he made himself king and launchedcontinuous attacks on the son of the former king. In 1413,the son of the former king sent an envoy to the MingDynasty and asked for help. Emperor Yongle granted hisrequest and ordered Zheng He to give him a hand duringthe fourth voyage to the western oceans.
When Zheng He first arrived in Sumatra, he did notbother to interfere in the war. Instead, he presented hiscredentials to the king of Sumatra, bestowed gifts atcourt and conducted trade with the country as usual.The son of the fisherman king was annoyed by ZhengHe,s seemingly normal practices. Displeased that ZhengHe did not present him with any gifts, the fisherman,sson attacked Zheng He. Zheng He,s fleet fought backin self-defense and collaborated with the force of theSumatran king. After a fierce battle, the fisherman,s sonwas defeated and fled to Lambri. Zheng He,s army wasin hot pursuit and did not withdraw until the son and hiswife were captured alive. The two of them were sent backto China where Emperor Yongle ordered the Ministry ofJustice to put the son to death.
After the problem of Sumatra was brilliantly andcompletely settled, Zheng He divided his fleet into two,one part would head westward to explore routes along
the east coast of Africa and the majority would head forCalicut through Ceylon and Jiayile. After a short break inCalicut, the fleet crossed the Arabian Sea in the west andheaded towards Hormuz on the other side of the PersianGulf.