The Indian Ocean is one of the four great oceans of theworld. Located close to the equator, the Indian Ocean ishot and volatile. Sometimes the clear sky spreads over tenthousand miles and the sea is smooth as a mirror; othertimes, the whole sky is covered with black clouds andthe sea turns ferocious with waves reaching enormousheights. Zheng He,s fleet was hit by a hurricane on itsway to Hormuz. Surging waves rushed Zheng He,s fleetlike monsters. The sea water became pitch black. Roaringthunder and lightning hit the fleet in the face. Some of themasts broke and some of the ship plates rattled - the shipswere in danger of capsizing at any minute. Although thefleet had met a lot of fierce storms in previous voyages,none was as ferocious as this one. Zheng He did not panic;he was calm and collected. He knew the power of thegods could help clear the horror and restore confidencewhen people were terrified by unknown terror.
With this idea in mind, he ordered a red light be puton top of the ship. The red light shimmered in the storm,looking very attractive in the dark. Zheng He shouted,“Goddess Tianfei is here!” Everyone in the fleet fixed their
eyes on the mysterious red light at Zheng He,s shout andthey saw the light of hope shining. Many knelt down andprayed to the Goddess Tianfei. Some even said that theysaw not only the heavenly light but also a vague imageof the Goddess herself. The good news about the arrivalof Goddess Tianfei spread across the entire fleet as crewmembers shouted and acclaimed. Zheng He took theopportunity and said to everyone in a firm and confidentvoice, “Goddess Tianfei prefers sailors who are brave.Let,s work together to fight against the storm and repaythe blessings bestowed unto us by Goddess Tianfei!” Thesailors, confidence was restored, and they regained theirstrength. Everyone assumed his own position and threwhimself into the fight against the hurricane. The rainremained heavy, but the wind and the waves began to diedown. Zheng He,s fleet braved the storm and traveled25 days and nights without stopping. Eventually, theycrossed the Arabian Sea, entered the Persian Gulf, andreached their destination, Hormuz (Kishm, the biggestisland in the Strait of Hormuz; today,s Iran port).Hormuz was a big country near the Arabian Peninsula.It had become an important trade port since the secondhalf of the 13 th century. People traveling between the eastand the west, be they traveling by land or by sea, had topass through Hormuz. The Hormuz people, includingthe king, were all believers in Islam. Mosques were found
almost everywhere and the country had better culture,medicine and craftsmanship than any other country in thewestern ocean.
After Zheng He arrived in Hormuz, the king held agrand welcome ceremony for him at the royal palace. Thehost and the guest exchanged gifts and had a friendly talk.To see for himself the beautiful scenery of the country andto learn about the local customs and products, Zheng He,smission paid a visit to the downtown areas. There theysaw magnificent mosques, luxurious streets and a richvariety of products which attracted visitors from all partsof the world. All kinds of food - roasted lamb, roastedchicken, roasted beef, thin pancakes, fried twists - wereon the shelves, but not a single wine shop was found,because drinking wine was prohibited in the country. Thepeople were simple and honest. If one family suffereddisasters or poverty, everyone would lend a helping handby offering food, clothes and money.
When the people of Hormuz heard about the arrival ofZheng He,s fleet from China, they ran around spreadingthe news, and sought to trade for China,s silk, chinawareand tea with amber, coral, opal, pearl and medicine.
When Zheng He started his trip back home, the kingof Hormuz loaded the ships with a lot of rare animals,including kylins (giraffes), lions, ostriches, antelopes,zebras, as well as pearl and precious stones. He also sent
an envoy with a personal letter to pay a return visit toChina with Zheng He,s fleet. On their way back home,Zheng He,s fleet dropped by the Country of Liushan(today,s Maldives Islands). The country was abundantwith ambergris, frankincense and coconut, and peoplethere believed in Islam. Zheng He,s fleet bought a lot ofambergris and coconut and brought them back to China.
The fourth voyage to the western oceans lasted ayear and a half. Zheng He,s fleet returned to Nanjingon August 12, 1415 (July 8 of the traditional Chinesecalendar).
Zheng He reported his mission in detail to EmperorYongle, including the fight against the hurricane. EmperorYongle spoke highly of the courage exhibited by themembers of Zheng He,s fleet who put an end to the civilstrife in Sumatra and fought against the hurricane in theIndian Ocean.