At that time, Manlajia held a cargo warehouse forZheng He,s fleet and was a base for long-distancenavigation for the fleet. After a short rest in Manlajia,the fleet sailed westward and passed Aru, Sumatra andNanwuli. Then, the fleet was divided into two. Onepart sailed to Jiayile (in today,s southeast tip of India),Ababadan and Ganbali. The other part, led by Zheng He,
sailed to Xiaogelan, Cochin, Xilanshan and Calicut. Theteam returned back after a visit to Guli.
In 1410, Zheng He visited Xilanshan again in his returnvoyage. When visiting Xilanshan in his first voyage,Zheng He tried to resolve issues in a peaceful manner.However, things went contrary to his wishes. The kingof Xilanshan didn,t listen to Zheng He,s arguments andplaned to do harm to Zheng He and the fleet, so ZhengHe left the country. In his second visit to Xilanshan, notenough time had passed and no issues had been solved.Zheng He knew about the king,s greed and cruelty andbelieved that if the issues could not be solved, it would bedifficult for him to open a sea route to the west. Therefore,he returned the case to Emperor Yongle after returningto China. With the support of Emperor Yongle, ZhengHe visited Xilanshan a third time. The king of Xilanshaninvited Zheng He to visit his palace but plotted to captureZheng He to ask for a ransom. The king also dispatched50,000 soldiers to the seaside to attack and rob the vesselsof Ming Dynasty. The king also cut trees and set them upas barriers to block Zheng He,s return route. But ZhengHe was aware of the potential for treachery and took aforce of 3,000 to follow him. After arriving at the palace,Zheng He announced the imperial decree of EmperorYongle and gave gifts to the king as usual and tried topersuade him to give up evil ways. The king refused
to accept Zheng He,s persuasion and ordered his sonto ask for treasures from Zheng He. Zheng He refusedhis request with stern words and left in anger. On theway back to the fleet, Zheng He found that his way wasblocked. In these dangerous circumstances, Zheng He wascalm and made immediate arrangements. He asked othersto return to the fleet from other roads to order officialsand soldiers of the fleet to fight bravely. He then led hisarmed escort of 3,000 to attack the city of Xilanshan frombyways and captured the king of Xilanshan and his familymembers. The armies of Xilanshan, sent to rob Zheng He,sfleet, returned to the city in a hurry after hearing the newsand surrounded the imperial city of Xilanshan. ZhengHe and his escort held the imperial city and fought withthe armies of Xilanshan for six nights. On one morning,Zheng He and his escort took the king of Xilanshan andother prisoners and, at dawn, and broke through the tightencirclement. With the help of officers and soldiers of thefleet, they fought till the evening, and eventually defeatedthe armies of Xilanshan and returned to the fleet.
When Zheng He returned after this third voyage,friendly envoys from 19 countries followed Zheng He,sfleet to visit China.
On June 16, 1411 of the traditional Chinese calendar,Zheng He,s fleet returned to Nanjing with friendly envoysfrom 19 countries and the captured king of Xilanshan. The
third voyage lasted for one year and eight months. Foreignenvoys were warmly receipted by the Government of theMing Dynasty. The king of Xilanshan waited for disposalby Emperor Yongle. In consideration of the friendlyties between China and Xilanshan and the blindnessof the king, Emperor Yongle determined to remit thepunishment but removed his post as king of Xilanshan.He ordered the king to live in China temporarily andsought to find a talented relative to set up as the newking. On July 13, 1412 of the Chinese traditional calendar,Emperor Yongle dispatched envoys to visit Xilanshanwith his imperial decrees and seal, and appointed a newking. In the meantime, the former king was sent back tothe country.
The solution of the Xilanshan issue laid the basis forpeace between eastern and western countries in the westoceans and removed the barriers for the “Maritime SilkRoad” and for trade between countries in Asia and Africa.
The fourth voyage to the western oceans(1413-1415)
Zheng He,s first three voyages to the western oceansall ended in Calicut, without reaching beyond South andSoutheast Asia. The main tasks of the voyages were toopen a route between China and the Indian Peninsula,establish the reputation of the Ming Dynasty in these