In memory of Zheng He,s fourth voyage to the westernoceans, Emperor Yongle issued an order to build a steleat the Tianfei Palace outside Fengyi Gate of the city ofNanjing. He composed the inscription on the stele on thesixth day of April of 1416, according to the Chinese lunarcalendar.
The fourth voyage was a link between the previoustrips and the expeditions to come. The fleet,s trip toHormuz marked a great shift from the first three voyages
to the western oceans and was a starting point for the nextthree expeditions further into the world.
The fifth voyage to the western oceans(1417-1419)
After Zheng He,s four trips to the western oceans, theMing Dynasty,s influence in Southeast Asia, South Asia,West Asia and even Eastern Africa was on the rise. Manycountries sent their envoys to China. In early 1417, envoysfrom 18 countries, including Calicut, Java, Champa,Ceylon, Brava, Aden, Sumatra, Malindi, Ra,s, Hormuz,Cochin, Indonesia, Singosari, and Pahang, along withenvoys from the Palembang Pacification Commission,bid their goodbyes to Emperor Yongle. Emperor Yongledispatched Zheng He to escort the envoys home andto present the kings of these countries with imperialedicts from the Ming Government and a variety of gifts.Therefore, Zheng He went on his fifth voyage to thewestern oceans in May of 1417, according to the Chineselunar calendar.
Before the fleet left the country, Zheng He paid a visit tothe tombs of Islamic sages in Lingshan Mountain outsidethe Renfeng Gate (East Gate) of Quanzhou, Fujian. On theone hand, he prayed for the blessings of Islamic sages;on the other hand, he wanted to pay tribute to the Arabsages who made contributions to the friendship between
Arabian and Chinese people.
The mission of this voyage was to escort the envoysfrom 18 countries back home. The fleet sailed to Champa,Java, Palembang, Malacca, Pahang, Sumatra, Indonesia,Ceylon, Cochin, Calicut, Hormuz, Aden, Mogadishu,Brava and Malindi.
Aden (now in the Yemen Arab Republic) was located atthe southwest corner of the Arabian Peninsula, near themouth of the Red Sea. It was an important internationaltrade port in ancient times. The country enjoyed a mildclimate, warm weather, fertile land and rich products.The people in Aden believed in Islam and had a strongcharacter. Their country was so powerful that allneighboring countries were afraid of it. When Zheng He,sfleet arrived in Aden, the king and his ministers waited atthe seaside to greet Zheng He and held a grand welcomeceremony for him at the royal palace. Zheng He read outthe imperial edict of Emperor Yongle, and presented theking with coins and gifts. In return, the Aden king offeredEmperor Yongle a golden crown decorated with all kindsof pearl and precious stones.
Then, Zheng He,s mission visited Ra,s. The countrywas located to the west of Aden and the east of the RedSea, close to the Lasa village of Mukalla of the ArabianPeninsula. People there lived in stone houses and therewere three remarkable Islamic temples with round domes.
Zheng He announced the imperial edict there. In 1416,the country had sent envoys to China to pay tribute.Later, envoys from Ra,s paid three visits to China, allaccompanied by envoys from Aden and Brava. AfterZheng He finished his visit to Ra,s, his fleet passed the Babel Mandeb Strait, and sailed southward to Mogaadicio,Brava and Malindi on the east coast of Africa.
Magaadicio (now Mogadishu in Somalia) was amountainous country with little rainfall. With yellowsoil and red stones, the fields there were barren withlittle harvest. Poor people went fishing in the sea, whilethose who were better-off went for business in farawaylands. The country was rich in frankincense, leopards andambergris. Since it did not produce timber, most of theresidents lived in stone houses.
Brava (now Brava on the southeast coast of Somalia)neighbored Magaadicio. Its lands were too salty forcultivation and people there had to rely on fishing forfood and income.
When Zheng He,s fleet arrived in the east coast ofAfrica and set foot on Magaadicio and Brava, they werewarmly received by kings of the two countries. As usual,Zheng He announced the imperial edicts of EmperorYongle to the two kings, and presented them with gifts.Before parting, the kings sent their envoys and gifts toChina along with Zheng He,s fleet. Among the gifts were
an auspicious beast kylin (giraffe) and a lion from the kingof Magaadicio to Emperor Yongle.