Zheng He,s last stop in Eastern Africa was Malindi (nowMalindi in the east coast of Kenya). There he was warmlyreceived by the king. In 1415, Malindi sent envoys withan auspicious beast kylin to China and Emperor Yongleand his ministers held a grand reception ceremony forthem at the Fengtian Gate of the royal court. Zheng He,sfleet wanted to go even further to the south but they werealready close to the Pemba Island and the Pemba Straitwhere there was nothing there but dense forests. ZhengHe listened to the advice of local people and turnedeastward to the Indian Ocean from Malindi in the springof 1419. His fleet passed the Maldives, Ceylon, Sumatraand Malacca and returned to China in July. The voyagelasted for one year and nine months.
When Zheng He returned from his fifth voyage to thewestern oceans, he brought along envoys from 17 Asianand African countries, as well as many rare birds andanimals, including ostriches from Hormuz, giraffes fromAden, giraffes and lions from Magaadicio, camels fromBrava and Indian antelopes from Java.
The arrival of envoys from Asian and African countriesand the presentation of rare birds and animals were thefeature of Zheng He,s fifth voyage to the western ocean.
The sixth voyage to the western oceans(1422-1423)
In 1421, Zheng He reached 50. In his first five voyagesto the western oceans, he had become an experiencednavigator. In the winter of that year, to escort envoys of 16countries including Hormuz, Dhufar, Mogadishu, Ra,s,Brava, Calicut, Cochin, Jiayile, Ceylon, Lambri, Sumatra,Aru, Malacca and Ganbali home, he was assigned to starthis sixth voyage to the western oceans, bringing withhim the state credentials of Emperor Yongle and a largenumber of gifts.
In the spring of 1422, Zheng He set out to sea, passingthrough numerous countries that he had already visitedseveral times such as Champa, Siam, Malacca, Banggela,Ceylon, Cochin, Calicut, Ganbali, Suoli, Aden, Dhufar,Ra,s, Mogadishu, Brava and Malindi. This time he alsopassed through places like Manbasa (today,s Mombasain Kenya) and Juba (known as Giumbo in SouthernSomalia). Mombasa was located in the south of Malin,which indicates that Zheng He went even further in hissixth voyage, focusing mainly on visiting eastern Africancountries like Magadoxo, Malindi and Juba.
Zheng He reached countries along the east coast ofAfrica in his fifth and sixth voyages, which exerted agreat influence on them. The kings all sought to establishrelations with China, either by sending envoys to visit
郑和于1422年春出航,历经占城、暹罗、满剌加、锡兰山、古里、祖法儿、木骨都束、麻林等地,这都是他数经之地。这次出海,郑和还到了东非的慢八撒、竹步等地。慢八撒即今肯尼亚的着名海港蒙巴萨港,竹步即今索马里南部朱巴河口的准博 (Giumbo)。慢八撒位于麻林之南,换言之,第六次下西洋航程比第五次更远,以东非国家木骨都束、麻林、竹步为访问重点。
China or by leading the diplomatic missions to Chinathemselves. Even countries that Zheng He had never beento, Somalia, for instance, sent envoys and kindnesses toChina.
Ending his visit to the East Africa, Zheng He,s fleetcrossed the Indian Ocean, passed by islands like Sumatraand Ceylon and returned to China in early 1423, merelyten months later. He brought with him envoys from 16countries including Hormuz, a total of 1200 people.
Each of his first few voyages had taken around a yearor two, but this one lasted only ten months because hehad a mission to complete. He had to escort envoys of 16countries back home and pick up another 16 who soughtto visit China. It was unnecessary to linger in thosecountries for a long time.
The seventh voyage to the western oceans(1431-1433)
After the first lunar month of 1421, Emperor Yonglemoved the capital to Beijing and the former capital,Nanjing, was turned into a vice capital. Three years later,in 1424, Emperor Yongle died. Crown prince Zhu Gaochisucceeded to the throne and changed the name of the erato Hongxi. Knowing nothing about how to run a country,the new emperor lent a ready ear to the slander fromXia Yuanji, the minister of finance, and put an end to the
voyages to the western oceans. In 1425, he ordered ZhengHe and his men to guard Nanjing. He died a year later,however. Zhu Zhanji, his son and heir, came into powerand changed the name to Xuande. The year 1426 was thefirst year of the Xuande reign.
During the six years when Zheng He guarded Nanjing,he devoted most of his efforts to supervising the buildingof the Nanjing Grand Bao,en Temple and its Glazed
Pagoda. The majestic temple and the glazed pagoda wereregarded as one of the seven wonders of the middle ages.The halt of Zheng He,s voyages strained relations withwestern countries. Exchanges of envoys and mutual tradestopped. China,s political influence overseas was greatlyweakened. To improve the situation, in the sixth lunarmonth of 1430, Emperor Xuande ordered Zheng He toundertake his seventh voyage to the western oceans.