By this time, Zheng He was already 60 years old.Though his hair was grey, he still held great ambitionsand gladly accepted to undertake another voyage to thewestern oceans. In early 1431, he set off from dragon bayin Nanjing (now Xiaguan) with his fleet and moored inLiujiagang Port in Taicang for a short time. Soon, a greatfleet of 60 ships sailed south.
This time, the fleet reached more countries and regions
than at any other time. It visited Southeast Asia, banksalong the northern Indian ocean, the Arabian peninsulaand countries in eastern Africa. The farthest place theyreached was southern Africa, near the MozambiqueChannel. The fleet was divided into several teams inSumatra and different delegations visited differentcountries in Asia and Africa. Eunuch Hong Bao lead onedelegation to visit Banggela (now Bangladesh). Banggelahad sent multiple envoys loaded with presents to visitChina. Among the many presents they sent to China wasan auspicious beast kylin (a giraffe). Zheng He,s peer, thegreat scholar Shen Du even painted one picture of thekylin offered by Banggela in 1414, which is still populartoday. During Zheng He,s voyage to the western oceans,ministers from the Ming Dynasty were especially excitedwhen they saw the giraffe sent by Banggela. Many ofthem wrote poetry about it and sixteen poetry anthologieswere published. When Zheng He,s fleet visited Calicut inNovember 1432, Calicut sent people to Tianfang (whichheld present-day Mecca) in a pilgrimage. Upon learningof this plan, Zheng He also dispatched seven people,including translator Ma Huan, to accompany them.Tianfang was a cradle of Islam. Every year the countrywould receive lots of pilgrims. A magnificent mosquethat looked like multi-floored pagoda was built usingmulti-colored stones. The girder and roof were built with
eaglewood. Spice was lighted in the palace and piousprayers crowded in. The streets in Tianfang were spaciousand tidy. Many people from different countries came hereto do businesses.
Tianfang is in a semitropical area and is warmthroughout all four seasons. People there were veryhospitable. Ma Huan and other people of the delegationwere well treated. They bought kylins, lions, ostriches andother treasures. They also painted a picture of a paradise,which they brought back. When the delegation left,Tianfang sent envoys with Ma Huan to visit China.
Zheng He,s biggest hope was to make a pilgrimage toTianfang, but unfortunately he was not quite himself atthe time and had to give up the idea. It was a great regretfor such a man not to be able to realize this dream.
Zheng He,s fleet visited Calicut again on the wayback home. By then, Zheng He was 62 years old andfell gravely ill due to overwork. At the beginning of thefourth lunar month in 1433, this great navigator who haddevoted almost 30 years to his craft, passed away on hisgorgeous boat on the sea near Calicut on the west bankof South India. Zheng He, a favorite of the sea, strived atsea, achieved success on the sea and finally passed awayon the sea, and found his final resting place at the bottomof the ocean. Because of the death of chief ambassadorZheng He, the fleet cut short the time spent overseas
and returned home under the command of another chiefambassador Wang Jinghong, who was a court eunuch. Onthe way back, some boats of the fleet stopped in Taiwan.Since then, many tales to the eunuch named Sanbaoemerged in Taiwan, like Sanbao ginger in FengshanCounty of Taiwan. It is said that the Sanbao ginger wasbrought there by the eunuch name Sanbao and can curemany illnesses. Zheng He,s fleet returned to Nanjingduring the seventh lunar month of 1433, putting an end tothe seventh voyage to the western oceans which lasted forone and a half years.
Zheng He,s seven voyages profoundly influencedpeople in countries along the western oceans. Inparticular, many people in southeast countries consideredthe eunuch named Sanbao as a deity.
A huge number of temples were built in SoutheastAsian countries to commemorate Zheng He. Many folkfairs were held in each year to honor Zheng He and manymyths and legends have raised Zheng He,s reputationand spread among people. All of these illustrate thesignificance of Zheng He,s fleet, which visited westernoceans and made active and profound influences to Asiancountries for a long time.