To fulfill the diplomatic mission entrusted byEmperor Yongle, combat the terrifying waves inthe ocean and deal with any possible militaryaction, Zheng He organized the largest fleet of ships theworld had ever seen. It featured a great number of sailors,a complete organization, huge size, diverse categories,strict formation and organized communications.
A great number of sailors and complete organization
Zheng,s fleet consisted of up to 30,000 sailors. Historicaldata shows that there were over 27,800 sailors in his firstexpedition, around 27,000 in the third, 27,670 in the fourthand 27,550 in the seventh. The numbers of sailors in therest of his seven expeditions was not clearly recordedbut estimated to be about 27,000, equaling the combinednumber of the naval armies of the five “Weis” (a Wei was
a type of military unit with 5,600 sailors) in the early MingDynasty.
The fleet included five sub-organizations based ondifferent tasks:
1. Decision-making by fleet heads: The decision-makingbody consisted of an envoy eunuch and vice-envoyeunuchs of lower positions, who were all ministers ofEmperor Yongle and heads of the fleet. Zheng He, as theimperial envoy, was the top leader and commander of thewhole fleet. His major assistants included Wang Jinghong,Hou Xian, Li Xing, Hong Bao and Yang Qing.
2. Navigation: The work was executed by such technicalpersonnel as “huozhang,” “duogong,” “bandingshou,”“tiemao,” “munian,” “dacai,” “shuishou,” “minshao,”“yinyangguan” and “yinyangsheng.” The “Huozhang”equaled present-day captains; “Duogong” took charge ofsteering based on the captain,s directions; “Bandingshou”were responsible for anchoring; “Tiemao,” “munian”and “dacai” were arranged for all sorts of iron and woodhandiwork on board; “Shuishou” and “minshao” werein charge of the sails, oars and other daily chores; and“yinyangguan” and “yinyangsheng” were those whostudied and forecast weather conditions.
Foreign trade: Business was handled by officialsfrom “Honglusi” (an organization in the Ming Dynastyestablished to organize receptions and rituals) as well
2.航海业务:由火长、舵工、班碇手、铁锚、木、 材、水手、民艄、阴阳官、阴阳生等航海技术人员组成。火长,相当于今日船长;舵工,按火长指令操舵,控制海船航向;班碇手负责起落船锚;铁锚、木 、 材负责打制与修理船上各种铁木活计;水手、民稍,负责升帆落篷、摇橹划桨撑篙与日常的清洁保养工作;阴阳官、阴阳生负责天文气象的观测与预报。
as compradors and interpreters. The officials from“Honglusi” were responsible for such diplomatic eventsas banquets; compradors purchased commodities andinterpreters were arranged for language interpretation.
4. Logistics: The work was done by personnel from theImperial Board of Finance like “langzhong,” “sheren,”“shusuanshou” and medical officials. “Langzhong” tookcharge of money and the supply of materials; “Sheren”drafted letters and files; “Shusuanshou” resembledpresent-day accountants and cashiers; and medicalofficials treated diseases.
5. Military convoys: The convoy team was composedof armed personnel at various levels including a generalcommander, commanders, “qianhu,” “baihu,” “qixiao,”“yongshi,” “lishi” and “junshi.” They were responsiblefor the safety of navigation, defense against enemies andpirates.
The complete organization of the fleet ensured thesuccessful accomplishment of every task of the voyageand, at the same time, demonstrated the rich experience ofancient Chinese in ocean navigation.
Huge vessels and diverse categories
Zheng He,s various expeditions involved over 200vessels of difference sizes, which indeed constituted a taskfleet of fine structure and complete categories.
The fleet included five types of ships: Treasure ships,horse ships, grain ships, sitting ships and battle ships.
1. Treasure ship: It was huge with nine masts and 12sails. The biggest treasure ship was 114m long and 46mwide, which truly was a masterpiece created by the shipmakers. China,s ship-making sector during the MingDynasty was a wonder in the history of wooden sailingships, reached a peak in ship making by the 19 th centuryand demonstrated the amazing wisdom and talent of theChinese people in ship making.
2. Horse ship: With eight masts, it was used for bothbattles and transport.
3. Grain ship: With seven masts, it was designed forgrain storage and material supply.
4. Sitting ship: It was also called “battle-sitting ship. ”With six masts, it was a place for sailors to rest and camp.
5. Battle ship: With five masts, it was the fast-speed shipfor convoys and battles.
In addition, there were also ships to carry a watersupply.
Strict formation and easy communications
1. Big ships and small ships: Based on different tasks,the fleet formation could be divided into a “big ship fleet”and a “small ship fleet.” The former was responsiblefor the whole fleet,s major tasks, and the latter was in
1.大 和小 :船队编列,按任务不同,分为大船队和分 船队。大 船队完成主要任务,分 船队负责部分临时任务。两种船队可分可合,机动灵活地完成不同的任务。
charge of some temporary jobs. The two fleets couldwork together or separately, accomplishing diverse tasksflexibly.