2. Formation: The fleet marched forward in anarrowhead-like formation. The core ships, consistingof the ships with “Shuai”-character flags and treasureships, were in the center of the fleet, a safe position fromwhere to issue orders and commands. Surrounded bybattle ships on every side, the fleet could rapidly changeits formation and defend against enemies effectively incase any part was attacked. The horse ships, grain shipsand sitting ships that were designed to carry sailors andgoods were arranged inside the four sides of the fleet andwere protected by battle ships.
The fleet had a convenient communications systemto ensure orderly formation and effective dispatching.Flags served as means of communication in the daytime.Every ship was equipped with one big “sitting-flag,” onesignal strip, 10 mast flags and 50 square-shaped flags.Messages were sent by hanging or waving flags andstrips of different colors. Lanterns were used at night, andsound signals would be adopted if bad weather causedpoor visibility. Each ship carried gongs and drums ofdifferent sizes, which could be used to boost morale inbattle and send messages as well. With these convenientcommunication methods, issuing of such orders such
as marching forward or backward, dining, resting,assembling, anchoring, sailing or turning-around weremade possible.
3. Navigating techniques: Zheng,s fleet inherited andcarried forward the traditional Chinese techniques ofnavigating using sails. Monsoons from Southeast Asia, theNorthern Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea regions werethe major forces that drove ships forward. As many as 12sails were used at one time in the large nine-mast shipsto maximize the force of the wind. Zheng,s fleet furtherdeveloped wind-driven nautical techniques and couldmake full use of the wind from all sides. It was thosemature techniques that ensured the safe voyage of thefleet in the vast ocean.
Painting and application of The Map of Zheng He,sNavigation. Navigation maps were one of the most basicand necessary tools for navigation, especially oceanexpeditions. The Map of Zheng He, Navigation was theearliest picture used for ocean navigation in Chinesehistory. It has been passed down to this today. It covereda wide area, long navigation courses and recordednumerous names of places. Based on traditional Chinesepainting methods, the map, with a scroll roll, stretchedout from right to left. It vividly shows dozens of routesthat started from the Nanjing Treasure Ship Workshop,through the estuary of the Yangtze River to Fujian and