Guangdong along China,s southwestern coastline via theIndo-China peninsula. The routes extended westward tothe Indian Ocean through the Malacca Strait and furtherto the Arabian Sea and Arabian Peninsula via the IndianPeninsula, and finally ended in the 10-plus routes alongthe coast of East Africa. Geographically speaking, the mapcovered a total area that spans from 44 to 122 degrees eastlongitude and from 32 degrees north latitude to 8 degreessouth latitude. The water area included the West PacificOcean and the North Indian Ocean. And the land areaspread from Southeast Asia to East Africa and includesthe names of 540 places. The painting of the map wasthe result of the application of a combination of multiple
nautical techniques like compass navigation, celestialnavigation, object navigation, terrestrial navigation andstandard navigation speed.
Celestial navigation. Zheng,s fleet ingeniously shapeda full set of celestial navigation techniques by combiningthe traditional Chinese astronomical observation and the“Stellar Technique for Ocean Navigation.” When sailingin the ocean, the fleet could be guided by observingcoastal objects, the heavenly bodies and the compass.If no objects on land were visible, observation of thesun, the stars and the compass was the basic means fornavigation. The “Stellar Technique for Ocean Navigation”served as a method to locate where the ship was inlatitude by studying the elevation of the stars in the sky.When using this technique, Zheng,s fleet observed morestars that usually involved in both south-north and east-west direction for verification. Those Chinese navigationtechniques were far more advanced than those adoptedby other countries in the world.
Terrestrial navigation. In this technique, fixed objectson land were used for reference to determine the directionand distance of the trip. It was mainly adopted in offshorevoyages. Based on nautical experience, the navigatorsreminded by surrounding objects, could have a clearpicture of the location of potential obstacles, peaks,islands, shoals, reefs, narrow watercourses, as well as the
depth of water, the symbols ofports and the correct direction.Zheng,s fleet also employedother techniques in actualvoyages like measuring thedepth of water through plumbbobs.
The nautical techniques used by Zheng,s fleet werefirst-class. They helped create the brilliance of theexpedition. Regretfully, Zheng,s voyages to the WesternOcean haven,t been appropriately studied by historians.Most works on world history don,t mention Zheng He,sseven expeditions or their geographical discoveries. Thatis quite unfair. Despite the bigger influence of the greatgeographical discoveries on world history, the nauticaltechniques Zheng,s fleet employed went far beyond thoseadopted by European navigators, so did the nauticalaccomplishments it achieved.