Zheng He,s world-famous expeditions to theWestern Ocean was actually a great Sino-foreigncultural exchange on an unprecedented scalewhen viewed from a cultural perspective. At that time,most Asian and African countries were less developedboth economically and culturally when compared toChina in the Ming Dynasty. As a result, the relativelyadvanced Chinese culture was bound to flow into therelatively backward Asian and African countries, as isdescribed in the principle of Cultural Communication,which says one culture, based on its actual needs, willalways absorb something else from another culture that itdoesn,t own. The big cultural exchange initiated by ZhengHe was mainly reflected in three aspects: Material culturalexchange, spiritual cultural exchange and institutionalcultural exchange.
Material cultural exchange
Zheng,s fleet carried out material cultural exchangeswith Asian and African countries primarily throughlargess, trade and tributes. The goods they exportedto alien countries included porcelains, silk, tealeaves,lacquers, copper coins, iron farm tools and metalwork.
Porcelains, as one of the greatest inventions of theChinese people, were a significant contribution madein the history of human culture. The Chinese blue andwhite porcelains produced during the Ming Dynasty wereexported by Zheng,s fleet as presents and commoditiesto Asian and African countries via sea routes. BeforeZheng He,s expedition, the people in some Asian andAfrican countries had no food containers and had to usethe leaves or shells of certain tropical plants instead, butafter Zheng,s expedition, Chinese porcelains graduallyemerged among Asian and African people and furtherchanged their way of life and enriched their materialculture. It was for this reason that the maritime routeZheng,s fleet opened to connect China with other Asianand African countries became known as the “Road ofPorcelain.”
Zheng introduced lots of Chinese silk products to Asianand African countries and other areas through largess,trade and tribute. Silk products during the Ming Dynastymainly included silk scarves, laces, gauze, patterned
fine silk, embroidered fine silk, golden silk clothes withembroidered dragons, golden veiling and baldachins.Those exquisitely-made Chinese silk products weredeeply loved by both officials and civilians in Asia andAfrica. It was Zheng He,s voyage that made the Asianand African people in the middle ages enjoy advancedsilk civilization and affected by the Chinese silk culture insuch respects as silk weaving and garment making.
Huge foreign demand for Chinese silk products inreturn promoted the development of the domestic silkindustry. During the early Ming Dynasty, officially-fundedweaving bureaus with jurisdiction over the silk industryemerged and quickly sprung up like mushrooms all overthe country. Besides Nanjing, other cities like Hangzhou,Shaoxing, Jinhua, Ningbo, Suzhou, Zhenjiang, Chengduand Jinan all saw the establishment of silk-weavingbureaus that organized silk production and export.
The tea culture was another great invention of theChinese people and a brilliant pearl the Chinese nationcontributed to the human cultural treasury. When ZhengHe,s fleet visited Siam, they distributed tea seeds to localfarmers and this gave rise to a tea-drinking fashion thatswept over Siam and the rest of the Indo-China Peninsula.This is why the pronunciation of “tea” in Thai is the sameas that in Chinese.
Siamese used to eat the mineral salt exploited from
remote mountains. But the lack of iodine in the saltresulted in swelling thyroid glands. After his arrival,Zheng He helped them make sea salt and told themthat sea salt can also help dispel heat and remove toxicsubstances. This made local people quite pleased becausemany of them tended to catch skin lesions due to thehot weather. Besides, Zheng He also taught the Siamesehow to cut wood, make porcelain, dig wells and reclaimterraces, which greatly boosted local productivity.
Chinese fishing nets were introduced into Cochin, Indiathrough Zheng,s voyage. Unfortunately, Zheng He diedof disease when passing by Calicut during his seventhvoyage. After his death, some of his attendants were leftto keep vigil and later moved to Cochin, south of Calicut,because of flood. They brought Chinese fishing nets there.The fishing nets, based on the principle of leverage, havefour corners tied on four long wooden sticks, the tops ofwhich join together and are fixed to a strong long pole.The pole is further supported by a very high bracket.Taking a net out of the water surface required the jointefforts of five or six fishermen. Fishermen would takeout the nets while singing a work song, then the fishingnet would slowly rise out of the surface accompanied bythe creaks of the poles, leaving fish thrashing about atthe bottom of the net. At that time, one of the fishermenwould walk closer with a tuck net and catch fish from the